Comic Book Review: Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5

I have not been shy in my disappointment over Johns’ meager effort with handling the Legion in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds. So far, this story has been a good Teen Titans, Flash, Green Lantern and Superman story. But, considering that the word “Legion” is in the title, I expected this story to center on the Legion of Super Heroes. How foolish of me. Hopefully, Johns can find another purpose for the assorted Legionnaires other than being either cannon fodder or background props.

Before I start this review I just wanted to congratulate DC in getting Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 out in just a couple of weeks shy of an entire year. That is really impressive. Keep up the good work, DC. All right, let’s hit this review for Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5.

Creative Team
Writer: Geoff Johns
Pencils: George Perez
Inks: Scott Koblish

Story Rating: 3 Night Girls out of 10
Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10
Overall Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

Synopsis: We begin with Superboy Prime talking about how there are so many Legionnaires and how he likes that there are so many because it means there are plenty for him to kill. We see Rokk, Garth, Imra and Superman at the end of time battling Time Trapper/Superboy Prime. Prime rants how the battle between Superboy Prime and the three Legions is ancient history. Prime yells that he already knows the outcome and that Prime wins the battle against the three Legions.

We cut back to the three Legions playing a support role to Sodam Yat and Superboy as the two heroes get their shots in on Superboy Prime. Kid Flash and Conner then team up and yell “Titans Together!” and attack Prime. (Wait, I am reading a Legion of Super Heroes story, right? Let me check the cover again. No. No, it does not say Teen Titans on the cover.)

We slide back to the end of time where Rokk and Imra realize that this place is a nexus to time and space. Imra then contacts Brainiac 5 back in the Legion’s time period and tells him that the Time Trapper is really Prime. Imra tells Brainy that Prime claims that the three Legions lose their fight against him.

We slide back to the Teen Titans and those pesky Legionnaires battling Superboy Prime. Prime goes to attack and kill Dawnstar. The Pre-Crisis Wildfire jumps in the way and tells Prime to “Stay away from my girl.” Prime then rips open Wildfire’s containment suit.

We cut to Metropolis where the other Legionnaires are battling the Legion of Super Villains. White Witch realizes that Mordru has gained all the magic power from Universe 247. Mordru is using his magic abilities to drain the Legionnaires and use that energy to rejuvenate the Legion of Super Villains. White Witch realizes that a sacrifice must be made and that it can only be her to make that sacrifice.

We cut back to where the Teen Titans and the three Legions are battling Prime. Dawnstar quickly flies to the side of the Pre-Crisis Wildfire. The Wildfire from the Post Zero Hour Legion then quickly seals the Pre-Crisis’ containment suit. Dawnstar then exclaims that Wildfire was right. Dawnstar says that she does not want to walk the path alone. That she wants to walk it with Wildfire. (This “dramatic” moment was awkwardly shoved into this scene.) Wildfire responds for Downy not to cry. Wildfire says that it was just a little tear. Wildfire then says “But for the record…I love you.”

Superboy then takes center stage and starts battling with Prime. Meanwhile, in the end of time, Superman is battling Time Trapper/Prime. Conner says that Prime does not deserve to wear the “S” symbol on his chest. Conner uses his heat vision to burn a slash mark over the “S” on Prime’s chest. Suddenly, in the end of time, the same slash mark suddenly appears on the older Prime’s chest.

Imra informs Brainiac 5 of what just happened. Brainiac responds that the Time Trapper/Prime must be seeing multiple versions of the future. And that in one of them the Legion may have lost. But, in the other ones the Legion may have won. Brainy says that Prime probably cannot tell which one is the proper future.

Brainy tells Imra for them to weaken Time Trapper/Prime as much as possible. Cosmic Boy then says that the end of time is a nexus that should allow them to access the Legions from the entire Multiverse. Therefore, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad combine their powers to send out a distress signal to the other Legions across the Multiverse. Rokk and Garth crank it up and suddenly, we see Legionnaires from all across the Multiverse appearing on the scene. (And this double page splash shot is why I love George Perez.)

We slide over to Metropolis and see White Witch locking it up with Mordru. White Witch then uses Mordru’s spell against him. White Witch then drains Mordru of his power and takes it for her own. There is a brilliant explosion and we see the White Witch emerge from it except now she is the Black Witch.

The Black Witch says that the White Witch may not have been powerful enough to stop the Legion of Super Villains, but the Black Witch is. The Black With then takes down half of the Legion of Super Villains. (Very convenient.) The Black With then says, “Long live the Legion. But, not Mordru.” Blok looks at the Black Witch with a stunned and horrified look on his face.

The Legionnaires continue to battle the other half of the Legion of Super Villains. Suddenly, Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel appear on the scene. We see that Duo Damsel has made tons of duplicates of herself. Duo Damsel says that her final duplicate died during Countdown. But, something weird happened after that and now she can make as many duplicates as she wants. So, now she is Duplicate Girl. (This makes no sense. Is Johns just randomly throwing as much shit against the wall with this final issue?)

Duplicate Girl and all of her dupes then take out the rest of the Legion of Super Villains. (Wait, Bouncing Boy and Duplicate Girl, who has no super powers at all other than making dupes, just took out the rest of the Legion of Super Villains? Ooookay.) The Legionnaires yell out “Long live the Legion!” (Okay, enough. We don’t need this rallying cry on just about every page. It loses its impact that way.)

We cut to the end of time where the multiple Legionnaires are beating the hell out of Prime. Prime collapses to the ground unconscious. Imra then contacts Brainy and tells him that they have knocked out Prime.

Brainy tells Gates (Why has this lame character not been eviscerated by Prime, yet?) to open a portal so that Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Superman can bring Time Trapper/Prime back to the Legion’s time period. Before our heroes leave the end of time they say goodbye to the young versions of themselves who have just decided to agree to RJ Brande’s offer to form the Legion of Super Heroes.

We shift to our heroes arriving in the Legion’s time period along with the older Prime. The older Prime wakes up and comes face-to-face with Superboy Prime. The older Prime tells his younger self to do what he says tend that together the two of them can with this fight. Superboy Prime rants and whines that he cannot believe that he would ever turn into such an older loser.

Superboy Prime tells the older Prime to not to order him around. The older Prime mumbles that he could have never been this stupid. Superboy Prime yells for the older Prime to not call him stupid. Superboy Prime goes to attack the older Prime. The older Prime yells “Stop!”

We see Superboy Prime punch the older Prime. Superboy Prime then begins to slowly get erased. He goes from being fully inked to just being a finished pencil drawing to then just being a rough sketch. There is a huge flash of light and the two Primes disappear. (Really? That is the big climactic showdown and resolution?)

Brainiac 5 comments that Superboy Prime has always been his own worst enemy. Conner and Kal-El then embrace each other. Kid Flash then tells X-S that she should come back with him to his time period.

The Legionnaires wonder if Prime is dead. Brainiac 5 comments that the future is never certain. That Prime saw a myriad of possible futures and never knew which one was the real one. Brainiac says that nothing is set in stone including Prime’s ultimate destiny. Brainy says that becoming Time Trapper was just one possibility.

Brainiac 5 continues that when Prime interfaced with his younger self that it was like hitting a giant cosmic re-set button. (Uggh. This is awful.) That the Time Trapper as they know him is no more and that the trauma must have left Prime’s body powerless for now. Brainiac 5 says for the Legionnaires to consider Prime under house arrest.

We then shift to Earth-Prime. Superboy Prime suddenly appears outside of the Kent Farm. Prime is surprised that he is back home. Prime runs inside the house and sees Ma and Pa Kent and girlfriend, Lori. Prime is so happy that his Earth is back and that his family is back. Lori yells for Prime to stay away from her and she runs out of the house.

Prime’s parents ask Prime to tell them that it is not true. Pa Kent lifts up an issue of Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 and asks his son to tell him that this is not him. Pa Kent says that they have read what Prime has been doing. We see a stack of comics going all the way back to Infinite Crisis. Pa Kent says that they know exactly what their son has done. Ma Kent tells Pa to keep his distance from Prime.

We hop back to the Legion’s time period where they are cleaning up Metropolis. We get narration about how the tension between the Legion and the United Planets still remains high, but that there is wide support for the Legion among the people of the universe. We see that the Legion has attempted to reach out to the new Karate Kid. Evidently, the new Karate Kid will only talk to Cosmic Boy.

We see Sodam Yat vowing to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps. We see Polar Boy welcoming Sun Boy back to the Legion. They both cry out “Long live the Legion!”

We see Block lamenting over the sacrifice that White Witch made to stop Mordru. We cut to Black Witch back on the Sorcerer’s World. The Black Witch says that this is her planet now. Black Witch says “Evil beware the Black Witch.”

We cut to Brainiac 5 stating that they are still searching for the missing Legionnaires from when Earth-Man came to power. Those missing Legionnaires include Matter Eater Lad, Chameleon Boy, Dream Girl, Sensor Girl, Quislet, Tellus and Tyroc. (Wow, I could care less if I ever see Sensor Girl, Quislet, Tellus or Tyroc ever again.)

Brainy then wonders why Star Boy has not come back now that his mission has been completed. We cut to Star Boy raving about how he is on a secret mission. That it is a dead man’s last wish. We see that Star Boy is carrying the Last Will and Testament of RJ Brande.

Superman then comes over to Brainy and says that he thought that Earth-Prime was destroyed in the original Crisis. Brainy responds that it was and unlike Earth-247, Earth-Prime was reborn during the second Crisis. That is why when the third Legion’s Element Lad created Kryptonite that it actually hurt Prime. Brainy then reveals that the Threeboot Legion is from Earth-Prime. (I thought Earth-Prime was the Earth that had no super heroes. That they just existed in comic books. Why would they have a Legion?) Brainy tells the Threeboot Legion to keep an eye on their Superboy in case he gets out of hand.

The Post Zero Hour Legion from Earth 247 says that they are going to go past the white void and into the Multiverse. Sharkari says that she senses other survivors from various multiple Earths that were not reborn in the second Crisis. Ferro Lad comments that everyone can call the Post Zero Hour Legion the new Wanderers.

Kid Flash then asks X-S to come with him back to his time period. X-S says that she is going to stay in the Legion’s time and get to know the Earth that she was born in and where their family is from. X-S says that they may still have relatives here.

Gates then says that he is going to stay behind with X-S. Gates says that this Legion needs input from more invertebrates in order to confront the xenophobic bi-peds of their universe. (Oh, God. I guess Johns is determined to get me to hate his new take on the Legion. The one Legionnaire that I kept rooting to get killed by Prime gets to stay behind with the main Legion. Sarcastic “yes!”)

Kid Flash and X-S then power up the time treadmills. Before the Legions go back to their multiple Earth they all yell “Long live the Legion!” (Yeah, we have not heard that about a billion times in this issue.)

We hop over to the present day with the Teen Titans and Titans meeting at Titans Tower. Suddenly, Superman appears on the scene along with Superboy and Kid Flash. The Teen Titans and Titans are thrilled to see Conner and Bart alive once again.

We zip over to Earth-Prime where Superboy Prime is sitting in the basement of his house. Prime yells “Where’s my grilled cheese? Mom!?!” (I guess Johns is riffing off of Will Ferrell’s character from Wedding Crashers.) We see Pa Kent ironing a black Superboy shirt like Conner’s. Prime yells that Ma Kent better hurry because she does not want what happened to Lori to happen to her. (Okay, I guess Prime killed Lori and stuffed her in a refrigerator somewhere.)

We see that Prime is reading Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5. Prime says that he has been waiting to see how this stupid story ends. Prime says “Hey don’t think I don’t know that you’re thinking the same thing. Because I know you are out there.” Ma and Pa Kent stand at the top of the basement stairs with terrified looks on their faces.

Prime then turns to the reader and says “Stop staring at me. This isn’t right. You all know it. I was supposed to be the real Superboy. No, I’m not going away. You go away! Get out of here!” (Yeah, this was much cooler when Morrison did this back in Animal Man.)

Prime rants that they think he is powerless and that he cannot do anything from here. Suddenly, Prime’s eyes grow red. Prime hops onto the Internet and goes to the DC Universe message board. Prime starts typing on the keyboard and rants “They’re wrong. They’ll never get rid of me. I always survive.” (Wow, Johns be very careful about how much you give the middle finger to the people who enable you to pay your bills and take care of your family. You really don’t want to show your ass too much.) End of issue.

The Good: Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 was even more of a disappointing read than what I was expecting. However, there were a couple of positive aspects to this issue. To be sure, Johns crams a ton of action into this issue. There is plenty of brawling to keep your average fan happy.

I also enjoyed the Mysa’s transformation from the White Witch to the Black Witch. I have always found the White Witch to be a relatively boring character. Maybe this transformation will help to spice up her character a bit more.

Of course, the true strength of Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 is George Perez’s gorgeous artwork. It is obvious that Perez has had an absolute blast drawing all the different Legionnaires. Long time Legion readers will have a fun time playing spot the different incarnations of the various Legionnaires. I love that Perez even managed to fit the porn star version of Mike Grell’s Cosmic Boy.

Michael, over at the Legion Omnicom, is the guru of all things related to the Legion. Michael did an impressive job identifying each version of the different Legionnaires that we see in this issue. Check it out here.

Honestly, Perez’s beautifully detailed artwork is the only thing that made Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds tolerable. Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds is far more enjoyable if you just ignore the words and stare at all the pretty pictures. I hope DC gives us an oversized deluxe hardcover of this series so we can see Perez’ artwork on a larger page size.

The Bad: I cannot believe I had to wait a year just to get this complete train wreck of a final issue to this unimpressive story. Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 offered the reader an anti-climactic and disappointing ending that bordered on being completely stupid. To be quite honest, I am stunned that Johns penned this issue. This is so far below the quality of writing that I expect from Johns.

The Legion of Super Heroes is near and dear to my heart. And being a die-hard and life-long Legion fan, it is always hardest on me to deliver an objective critical review on a Legion comic book. So, let me slap on my critic’s hat first and breakdown Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5.

From a technical standpoint this was an awfully written issue. This issue should be given to fledgling writers in creative writing classes as what not to do in a story. The pacing and plotting was awful. Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 was a terribly hurried and rushed issue. Johns meandered around going nowhere fast and wasted so much panel space for the first four issues of this series. Therefore, Johns had to push the story in this issue at a breakneck pace as he frantically tried to cram as much information as possible into the issue in order to properly resolve the story.

It is obvious that Johns wasted so much time in the previous four issues and then hit the panic button with this final issue as he realized he did not have enough panel space to properly conclude the story in a normal and satisfactorily fashion. Johns has information flying at the reader at a rapid pace and from all directions. It is simply too much too fast.

This reckless approach gave Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 an extremely sloppy and cluttered feel to it. This issue read more like a rough draft then a polished final version. It got to the point in this issue where I would imagine that readers who are new to the Legion must have felt absolutely lost.

The framework of Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 was poorly constructed. The scene transitions were clunky. The flow of this issue was horrid. The story spasmodically jumps from scene to scene in an unpleasantly haphazard fashion. Johns comes across as a writer suffering from ADHD.

Johns offered up some rather poor dialogue. The dialogue vacillates between generic to ridiculously melodramatic to simply being cheesy. The character work was also off. This is of no surprise as Johns has continually displayed no feel at all for the personalities of the various Legionnaires. The result is that the vast majority of the Legionnaires all possess rather generic voices.

The few Legionnaires that demonstrate some kind of personality are more caricatures than characters. That is a result of Johns simply picking up on an exaggerated character point for a certain Legionnaire and then writing them in a one dimensional manner. Also, the chemistry was completely absent between the characters. The wonderful personal relationships that exist between the various Legionnaires are part of what always made their stories such entertaining reads. Johns has completely ignored that aspect of the Legion.

The exchange between Dawnstar and Wildfire during the fight with Prime was pure cheese. This was a fine example of the terrible melodramatic dialogue that Johns served up in this issue. This scene was also awkwardly and hurriedly shoved into the middle of a fight scene. This was another example of the odd framing and flow of this issue.

This scene also made little sense with regard to Dawnstar’s exaggerated concern over Wildfire’s suit being ripped. Dawnstar reacts as if Wildfire had been mortally wounded. The fact is that Wildfire does not die if his containment suit is damaged. During the Levitz Legion, Wildfire’s suit was destroyed numerous times. I was always under the impression that Wildfire was next to impossible to kill. Evidently, Johns has a drastically different view of Wildfire’s abilities than what I remember from the Pre-Crisis Legion.

The “climactic” ending to Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds was incredibly unsatisfying and disappointing. This awfully written ending was about as bad of an ending as you are going to get. Johns has the Legion of Super Villains defeated far too easily and mostly off panel. Johns also has Time Trapper and Superboy Prime defeated in an extremely unsatisfying and convenient manner.

I found the use of the Black Witch to be a lazy plot tool for Johns to employ in order to effortlessly wipe out half of the Legion of Super Villains in one panel. We then get the incredibly anticlimactic defeat of the remaining half of the Legion of Super Villains by Bouncing Boy and Duplicate Girl. Most of the victory over the remaining half of the Legion of Super Villains takes place off panel. To have this huge battle resolved in such a convenient manner and for almost all of it to take place off panel was incredibly unfulfilling for the reader.

But, the worst was yet to come. After building up this huge showdown between Prime and our assembled heroes over the past four issues, Johns takes an incredibly cheap and uncreative way out to resolve this conflict. Johns simply hits a “giant cosmic reset button” to get rid of both the Time Trapper and Superboy Prime. This was such a cheat of an ending and the product of a writer who had written himself into a corner with no plausible or proper resolution in mind.

I was absolutely stunned that Johns would resolve the big showdown with Prime in such a stunningly poor fashion. Even a college student in an introductory creative writing class could have probably could have come up with a better and more satisfying ending then a cosmic reset button copout. This was nothing more than amazingly cheap and lazy writing. This was a case of the writer simply throwing his hands up in the air in defeat over how to properly resolve this story in a satisfying and entertaining manner.

The scenes with Prime on Earth-Prime were terrible. They were so ham-fisted and over the top. First, the breaking of the fourth wall in this case just did not work for me. Sometimes, like in the case of Morrison’s Animal Man, it can be quite powerful. In this case, it just made the writing seem that much more melodramatic. The reason for that is because Johns has so grossly overplayed his hand with Prime by making Prime so outrageously over the top. It was just too much.

It would have been more interesting to see Prime finally gain a bit of redemption with this ending. Those of us who remember the heroic Superboy Prime from the original Crisis remember that this character was once a hero before Johns morphed him into an incredibly one-dimensional and exaggerated villain.

When Prime first took his villainous turn, I actually understood it and accepted it since the pain of losing his entire Earth along with his family and girlfriend was an immense loss that surely would have driven most people insane. It would have been a neat touch for Johns to have brought Prime full circle. It would have been interesting to see Prime finally regain his human side with the return of his family, girlfriend and Earth-Prime.

Unfortunately, Johns simply continued his path of making Prime as much of an uninteresting one note villain as possible. Even with the return of Earth-Prime and his family and loved ones, Johns continued to play it extremely ham handed with Prime. The result is a laughable over the top villain who kills his girlfriend and threatens his parents with the same kind of treatment.

At this point, I have absolutely zero interest in ever seeing Prime again. I find Prime to be a total joke and I simply cannot take him seriously at any point. Prime does nothing by take me out of the story since I find him to be such a ridiculous caricature.

I would have been more impressed if Johns could have pulled off some type of character growth with Prime by the end of this issue. Sure, it would have taken considerable effort and talent, but it would have made the story stronger and Prime a much more interesting and textured character. Instead, Johns took the easy and predictable direction.

We have always known that Superboy-Prime was a creation for Johns to poke fun at the stereotypical fanboy. I don’t mind a little sarcasm like that as long as it is not too mean spirited and does not interfere with the quality of the story. However, with this ending, Johns simply indulges himself too much with Prime acting as the ultimate stereotypical fanboy.

Johns has Prime acting like Chazz Reinhold from Wedding Crashers screaming for his grilled cheese sandwich. Like all fanboys, Prime lacks any social graces and still lives in parents’ house. In the basement, of course. And like all fanboys, Prime works himself into a lather and then goes and vents on the DCU forums.

Really, Johns, it is almost bordering on unprofessional. Are stereotypical fanboys easy to make fun of? Sure. But, it becomes unseemly at a certain point for a professional like Johns to descend to such depths. Johns makes Prime such a parody of the stereotypical fanboy that it actually degrades the character and the story itself.

Of course, this approach with Prime is a wily move by Johns that works as a convenient and slick strategy to effectively neutralize any criticism of this poorly written story. This way, Johns can simply respond that anyone complaining about his writing is simply being a “Superboy Prime” and, thereby, proving Johns’ correct about his view of the typical comic book reader.

As a long-time Legion fan, I feel that Johns has continually displayed a poor feel for the Legion. In this final issue, the Legion plays primarily a support role in providing a large number of grunts to “grind” out a win. Superboy takes center stage in this issue as he battles Prime while the rest of the Legion sit around with their thumbs up their asses. This furthers the fact that Johns views the Legion as mere supporting characters in the Superman mythos. Johns finds the Legion’s primary role to sit around and hold either Superman or Superboy’s jock.

And for the love of all that is holy, if Johns had a character say “Long live the Legion” one more time in this issue I may have gone insane. Sorry, but simply going through the perfunctory act of having characters say “Long live the Legion” over and over to the point of silliness does not constitute a good feel or appreciation for the Legion. Instead, it felt like a shallow and superficial attempt to give some love to the Legion. It was exactly what you would expect from a writer who clearly has no attachment or real understanding of the Legion.

I could not be anymore uninterested in what DC has in store for the Legion. Johns’ xenophobia angle with the Pre-Crisis Legion is so incredibly boring, unoriginal and downright lame. One of the coolest aspects of the Legion was that the future was indeed bright. And that is a rarity in comics as the future is almost always some dystopian nightmare. However, with the Legion’s future, the world was a better place. And different species and planets had banded together in the U.P. and learned to live together in peace. And the Legion was the very embodiment of that progress.

I could care less about the plotline involving Starboy’s secret mission to carry out RJ Brande’s last wish. I have had my fill of “crazy” Starman and his shtick is getting old and repetitive. The insane Starman was a neat plot device at first and worked well with what Johns was doing over in Justice Society of America. However, with the conclusion of the Kingdom Come/Magog story arc, the insane Starman angle should be put to rest. It was a neat temporary plot device, but it is quickly wearing out its welcome with me. I would just like to see Thom sane and back with the Legion already.

I have practically no interest at all in the Pre-Crisis Legion’s search for the various missing Legionnaires. Lost Legionnaires? Wow, how fresh. How original. We have not seen this story about a million times before. I could also care less about the Post Zero Hour Legion’s search for survivors from the dead multiple Earths that were not reborn during Infinite Crisis. Of course, I have always had a limited interest in the Post Zero Hour Legion anyway.

I have zero interest in reading the new Adventure Comics. I am not a Superboy fan and I have little interest in reading the Legion’s back-up story that will be appearing in Adventure Comics. Johns views the Legion as merely a historical footnote in the Superman’s mythos and DC is following that view. DC has successfully regressed the Legion all the way back to its Silver Age roots as they are once again minor characters appearing in back-up stories in Adventure Comics.

Also, the Legion has far too large of a roster for a shorter back-up story format. This means that the writer will be limited as to how many Legionnaires will be able to appear in each story. Therefore, more than likely, many Legionnaires will be shuffled off into the background and rarely seen.

The Pre-Crisis Legion was and still is my favorite comic book of all time. But, you cannot go home again and I am going to officially have to let go of the Legion. Maybe, one day DC will hire a writer who understands and loves the Legion and will once again give the Legion their own title. But, I am not holding my breath for that. Nor am I going to bother reading whatever DC gags up for the Legion in the near future.

Overall: Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 was a hurried, sloppy and unsatisfying read. Having said that, I would recommend this issue to fans of Superboy and Kid Flash. I think that those readers will enjoy seeing their characters in action together once again and would also enjoy the Teen Titans reunion scene at the end of this issue. I would also recommend this issue to readers who love lots of frantic action scenes.

Lastly, I would recommend this issue to fans of George Perez. I have always respected Perez’s artistic ability. And there is no doubt that the man still has it. No, he may no longer be able to keep up the same pace and schedule that he could when he was younger, but his art is just as detailed and downright gorgeous as ever.

7 thoughts on “Comic Book Review: Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5

  1. That was harsh. Largely true, but harsh. I think the future for the Legion is a little brighter, though, since it looks like Johns was setting up a number of future story lines for the Legion characters, as well as getting his 21st Century kids back in place. I don't believe they are all intended for the co-feature slot in Adventure.

    The art was pretty impressive all the way through, although the way Perez draws Conner Kent really bugs me. Everyone else looked great. That said, I wouldn't have minded if he did the splash pages himself, and had some help elsewhere, if it would have meant getting this book a few months earlier.

    As for Prime still being nasty, I'd say that after all of the killing he has done, it would be too much of a stretch for him to shrug that off and be a good guy again. The fan-boy joke went on too long and robbed the ending of its irony, but it still made sense in terms of how this guy has been acting for the last few years. That may be a dissapointment to his fans from his early days, but the damage had already been done even before this mini started.

    Anyway, it's finally over, and we can move on to Adventure, mainly for us Conner fans, and speculating on the next big Legion happening for the Legion fans. I really do think there is something coming down the pike for them, and in the meantime, I'll glad they'll have some part in Adventure.

  2. As a LSH fan since Adventure #348 (!) I have to say that this is becoming a habit. What is it with DC and the Legion? First we get a promising Shooter run which just petered out to nothing in the space of a single issue and now this apology for a story.

    Why is virtually every character in the DC universe given preferential treatment over a team that have been fan favourites for over 50 years?

    Frankly this doesn't bode well for the new run of Adventure and I'm beginning to think that DC should just put the LSH out of its misery once and for all – and it pains me greatly to write this.

  3. I have to agree with you on the summation, Rokk. I'm glad that this DiDio DiDisaster is FINALLY DiDone with. Turning Prime against Prime was a good way to resolve the matter, UNTIL they reduced him to being a comic book sketch. And then sending Prime back to his home, where his parents and now-ex-girlfriend are reading his exploits, and he's hate-blogging the DC website while breaking the fourth wall? I'll do you one up… it was far better when Lloyd Bochner did it in "To Serve Man". You can't do better than the Twilight Zone!

    I also agree with heffison about how Perez drew Conner. It looked like Conner suffered from some allergic reaction to mushiness.

    I AM glad, though, that Perez did include the long-lost and long-forgotten Laurel Kent! And hopefully when someone decides to re-re-re-re-reboot the Legion that she shows up in it.

  4. As a long-time LSH fan, I was also disappointed in this resolution. I agree that the issue was a test to see how many times can you use deus ex machina in one comic book.

    After it became clear that the threeboot legion was from Earth Prime, I figured that the Brainys would send a delegation from the threeboot legion to recruit Superboy Prime before the first crisis happened. It would revive all the characters he killed and undo all the post-crisis craziness. Early in the series, Johns suggested a redemption of Prime. But I guess they need their fan boy supervillain to call upon for the next crisis.

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