December 2024 Comic Book Sales Rankings

December 2024 Comic Book Sales Rankings

It is time to check out the December 2024 comic book sales rankings. Things are getting murkier in terms of actual unit numbers. So, we must settle with going to ICv2 for their Top 200 sales rankings. It is not as good as actual unit numbers, but we must work with what we get.

Remember that the Top 200 sales rankings are based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at over 125 local comic book shops selling American comics. These sales rankings represent sales to consumers by local comic shops.

We all know that these ICv2 sales charts based on the ComicHub system are not the best. However, as long as publishers hide their sales statistics this is the best we have to go by. You do see that these sales charts give a rough sketch of the market because titles that get canceled correspond with low sales rankings in these ComicHub charts. I wish we had better data to analyze, but we have to make do with whatever data we have these days.

The data for the December 2024 comic book sales rankings was collected based on a five-week month, from December 1, 2024, to January 4, 2025.

You can go over to ICv2 and check out the Top 50 for December 2024 for free or opt for a pro membership (It is well worth the money) and get the Top 200 for December 2024 and then come back here for a detailed analysis of the December 2024 comic book sales rankings!

Table of Contents

December 2024 Comic Book Sales Rankings

The Battle for the Top 10

Marvel Comics placed seven comics in the Top 10. Month-over-month sales were up from the five comics that Marvel Comics had in the Top 10 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had five comics in the Top 10 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as Marvel Comics had five comics in the Top 10 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago as Marvel Comics had eight comics in the Top 10 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics looks to be picking up steam and almost matching 2021 when they utterly dominated DC Comics in the Top 10. As always, Marvel Comics’ Top 10 success pulls from the Ultimate Universe, the X-Men franchise, and Amazing Spider-Man.

DC Comics placed three comics in the Top 10. Month-over-month sales were down from the four comics that DC Comics had in the Top 10 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as DC Comics had four comics in the Top 10 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as DC Comics had four comics in the Top 10 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as DC Comics had one comic in the Top 10 in December 2021.

News is not great for DC Comics as they are down in the Top 10 compared to last month, 2023, and 2022. Having said that, DC Comics is doing better in the Top 10 than in 2021 when they were actively trying to annihilate themselves with the awful idea of replacing characters like Superman and Wonder Woman with unpopular characters.

Image Comics placed zero comics in the Top 10. Month-over-month sales were down from Image Comics’ one comic in the Top 10 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Image Comics had one comic in the Top 10 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago, as Image Comics had zero comics in the Top 10 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as Image Comics had zero comics in the Top 10 in December 2021.

While things are up compared to 2022 and 2021, the Hasbro franchise is starting to show signs of cooling off. The Hasbro franchise is the sole reason why Image Comics has ever had any Top 10 success.

The Battle for the Top 25

Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, the titles in the numbers 11-25 range typically sell in the 65,000 to 50,000 unit range.

Marvel Comics placed thirteen comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month sales were up from the eleven comics that Marvel Comics had in the Top 25 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Marvel Comics had fifteen comics in the Top 25 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as Marvel Comics had sixteen comics in the Top 25 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago as Marvel Comics had seventeen comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

The news is not good for Marvel Comics in the Top 25 for December 2024 as they are down compared to 2023, 2022, and 2021.

DC Comics placed ten comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month sales were flat from the ten comics that DC Comics had in the Top 25 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had eight comics in the Top 25 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago, as DC Comics had seven comics in the Top 25 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as DC Comics had seven comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

Things are looking great for DC Comics in the Top 25 as they are up compared to 2023, 2022, and 2021. While DC Comics still cannot crack Marvel Comics’ death grip on the Top 10, they have made nice inroads into Marvel Comics’ lead in the Top 25.

DC Comics’ Top 25 success is powered by the Bruce Wayne Batman titles, Justice League, and the Absolute Universe titles.

Image Comics placed two comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month sales were flat from the two comics that Image Comics had in the Top 25 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were flat as Image Comics had two comics in the Top 25 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as Image Comics had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as Image Comics had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

IDW Publishing placed zero comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month sales were down from the one comics that IDW Publishing had in the Top 25 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were flat as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2023.

Numbers were flat from two years ago as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2022.

Numbers were flat from three years ago as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

BOOM! Studios placed zero comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month sales were down from the one comic that BOOM! Studios had in the Top 25 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were flat as BOOM! Studios had zero comics in the Top 25 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as BOOM! Studios had one comic in the Top 25 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago as BOOM! Studios had one comic in the Top 25 in December 2021.

The Battle for the Top 50

Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, the titles in the numbers 26-50 range typically sell in the 49,000 to 30,000 unit range.

Marvel Comics placed twenty-six comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month sales were flat compared to the twenty-six comics that Marvel Comics had in the Top 50 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Marvel Comics had twenty-eight comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago, as Marvel Comics had twenty-seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as Marvel Comics had twenty-eight comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics continues to cede some ground in the Top 50 as numbers are down across the board.

DC Comics placed twenty-one comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month sales were up from the seventeen comics that DC Comics had in the Top 50 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had eighteen comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as DC Comics had seventeen comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as DC Comics had sixteen comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

DC Comics has made nice gains in the Top 50 compared to 2023, 2022, and 2021. A large five-issue gain compared to 2021 is a good sign. It shows what DC Comics can do when they stop punching themselves in the face with bad ideas like 5G and Future State.

Image Comics placed two comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month sales were down from the four comics that Image Comics had in the Top 50 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Image Comics had three comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were flat from two years ago as Image Comics had two comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as Image Comics had four comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

The news is not good for Image Comics in the Top 50. We are definitely seeing signs of the Hasbro franchise beginning to cool off.

IDW Publishing placed one comic in the Top 50. Month-over-month sales were down from the two comics that IDW Publishing had in the Top 50 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 ticked up from the number 33 spot to the number 30 spot. This lucrative license continues to rescue IDW Publishing from irrelevancy.

BOOM! Studios placed zero comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month sales were down from the one comic that BOOM! Studios had in the Top 50 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were flat as BOOM! Studios had zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as BOOM! Studios had three comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as BOOM! Studios had two comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

The Battle for the Top 75

Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, the titles in the numbers 51-75 range typically sell in the 29,000 to 25,000 unit range.

Marvel Comics placed forty-one comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were up from the thirty-nine comics that Marvel Comics had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had forty comics in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago, as Marvel Comics had forty-two comics in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were way down from three years ago, as Marvel Comics had forty-six comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

Things were ugly for Marvel Comics in the Top 75. The House of the Mouse is way off the pace compared to where it was in 2021.

DC Comics placed twenty-nine comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were up from the twenty-six comics that DC Comics had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as DC Comics had twenty-six comics in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as DC Comics had twenty-three comics in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as DC Comics had twenty-two comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics’ pain is DC Comics gain. DC Comics is smelling like a rose in the Top 75 as numbers are up by a wide margin compared to 2022 and 2021. It is incredible what DC Comics can do when its editors aren’t actively trying to sabotage as many franchises as possible.

Image Comics placed four comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were up/down/flat from the five comics that Image Comics had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Image Comics had seven comics in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago, as Image Comics had five comics in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as Image Comics had five comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

Things are rough for Image Comics in the Battle for the Top 75. Image Comics is off the pace across the board. Image Comics desperately needs the Habro titles to heat back up and get some support from the Ghost Machine titles and the Spawn franchise.

Dynamite Entertainment placed zero comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were down from the two comics that Dynamite Entertainment had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were flat as Dynamite Entertainment had zero comics in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as Dynamite Entertainment had one comic in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were flat from three years ago, as Dynamite Entertainment had zero comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

IDW Publishing placed one comic in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were down from the two comics that IDW Publishing had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago, as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

BOOM! Studios placed zero comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month sales were down from the one comic that BOOM! Studios had in the Top 75 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as BOOM! Studios had one comic in the Top 75 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as BOOM! Studios had four comics in the Top 75 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as BOOM! Studios had two comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

The Battle for the Top 100

Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, the titles in the numbers 76-100 range typically sell in the 24,000 to 18,000 unit range.

Marvel Comics placed fifty-four comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales increased from the fifty comics Marvel Comics had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as Marvel Comics had forty-nine comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago, as Marvel Comics had fifty-six comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as Marvel Comics had fifty-six comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics ends the Battle for the Top 100 off the pace compared to 2022 and 2023.

DC Comics placed thirty-six comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were up from the thirty-three comics that DC Comics had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had thirty-five comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago, as DC Comics had twenty-seven comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as DC Comics had thirty-one comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

DC Comics made big gains in the Top 100 compared to 2022 and 2021. It will be interesting to see if DC Comics can continue to make gains as we progress through 2025.

Image Comics placed five comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were down from the eight comics that Image Comics had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as Image Comics had eleven comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as Image Comics had eleven comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as Image Comics had eleven comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

Things were rather ugly for Image Comics in the Top 100. Image Comics must get the Hasbro-licensed and the Universal-licensed comics heated back up again.

Dynamite Entertainment placed one comic in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were down from the four comics that Dynamite Entertainment had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as Dynamite Entertainment had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago, as Dynamite Entertainment had one comic in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were flat from three years ago, as Dynamite Entertainment had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

ThunderCats: Apex #1 debuted at the number 90 spot. Not even thirteen open-order covers and seventeen incentive covers could carry this debut issue to a higher debut in the sales rankings. This was a lower debut than the other ThunderCats titles. Evidently, the power of nostalgia does not extend to new characters.

IDW Publishing placed three comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were up from the two comics that IDW Publishing had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as IDW Publishing had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

BOOM! Studios placed zero comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were down from the one comic that BOOM! Studios had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers were down as BOOM! Studios had three comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as BOOM! Studios had five comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago, as BOOM! Studios had two comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

BOOM! Studios continues to become more and more irrelevant as the years pass.

Titan Comics had one comic in the Top 100. Month-over-month sales were up from the zero comics that Titan Comics had in the Top 100 in November 2024.

Year-over-year numbers increased as Titan Comics had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2023.

Numbers were also up from two years ago as Titan Comics had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago, as Titan Comics had zero comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

Conan the Barbarian #17 ticked up from the number 102 spot to the number 97 spot. This title continues to be a gem.

The Joshua Williamson Award For The Writer With The Most Titles In The Top 50

Three writers had two issues from the same title in the Top 50 in December 2024.

Kelly Thompson had two issues from the same title with Absolute Wonder Woman #3 at the number 5 spot and Absolute Wonder Woman #2 at the number 17 spot.

Gail Simone had two issues from the same title with Uncanny X-Men #7 at the number 8 spot and Uncanny X-Men #6 at the number 34 spot.

Chip Zdarsky had two issues from the same title with Batman #155 at the number 12 spot and Batman #156 at the number 42 spot.

Three writers had two issues from different titles in the Top 50 in December 2024.

Benjamin Percy had two issues from different titles: Deadpool/Wolverine #1 at the number 20 spot and Hellverine #1 at the number 31 spot.

Dan Watters had two issues from different titles: Batman Dark Patterns #1 at the number 32 spot and Nightwing #121 at the number 49 spot.

Ryan North had two issues from different titles with Fantastic Four #27 at the number 37 spot and TVA #1 at the number 45 spot.

Two writers had three issues from the same title in December 2024.

Justina Ireland had three issues from the same title: Amazing Spider-Man #63 at the number 9 spot, Amazing Spider-Man #64 at the number 22 spot, and Amazing Spider-Man #62 at the number 33 spot.

Scott Snyder had three issues from the same title with Absolute Batman #3 at the number 1 spot, Absolute Batman #1 at the number 11 spot, and Absolute Batman #2 at the number 18 spot.

Two writers had three issues from different titles in the Top 50 in December 2024.

Deniz Camp had three comics from different titles with Ultimate Universe One Year In #1 at the number 3 spot, Ultimates #7 at the number 10 spot, and Ultimates #8 at the number 25 spot.

Jed MacKay had three comics from different titles with X-Men #8 at the number 7 spot, X-Men #9 at the number 19 spot, and Avengers #21 at the number 29 spot.

Jason Aaron had four comics from different titles with Absolute Superman #2 at the number 2 spot, Absolute Superman #3 at the number 15 spot, Absolute Superman #1 at the number 24 spot, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 at the number 30 spot.

Mark Waid had four comics from different titles with Justice League Unlimited #2 at the number 21 spot, Justice League Unlimited #1 at the number 26 spot, Batman and Robin Year One #3 at the number 38 spot, and Action Comics #1078 at the number 44 spot.

So, we have a tie on our hands! Let’s go to tiebreakers. Mark Waid averaged the number 32 spot. Jason Aaron averaged the number 18 spot.

Therefore, the winner of the Joshua Williamson Award for December 2024 is…Jason Aaron!

Battle of the Franchises

The X-Men franchise took first place with two comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and thirteen comics in the Top 50.

The Batman franchise took second place with one comic in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and ten comics in the Top 50.

The Absolute Universe took third place with three comics in the Top 10, eight comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50.

The Justice League franchise took fourth place with one comic in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and six comics in the Top 50.

The Ultimate Universe took fifth place with three comics in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and five comics in the Top 50.

Debut Issues

3 Ultimate Universe One Year In #1 (Marvel Comics)

6 All-New Venom #1 (Marvel Comics)

16 Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

20 Deadpool/Wolverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

27 New Gods #1 (Of 12) (DC Comics)

31 Hellverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

32 Batman Dark Patterns #1 (Of 12) (DC Comics)

43 Timeslide #1 (Marvel Comics)

45 TVA #1 (Marvel Comics)

54 Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 (Marvel Comics)

56 Hellhunters #1 (Marvel Comics)

67 Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger Spawn #1 (Image Comics)

70 Challengers of the Unknown #1 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

73 What If…? Galactus – Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 (Marvel Comics)

74 Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 (Marvel Comics)

78 Superwoman Special #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

79 Two-Face #1 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

81 Deadpool/Wolverine: Weapon X-Traction #1 (Marvel Comics)

82 West Coast Avengers #1 (Marvel Comics) (Resolicitation)

84 Alien: Paradiso #1 (Marvel Comics)

90 ThunderCats Apex #1 (Dynamite Ent.)

94 Cable Love and Chrome #1 (Marvel Comics)

96 Green Lantern Green Arrow World’s Finest Special #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

104 Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1 (Marvel Comics)

105 Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1 (Marvel Comics)

112 Infinity Watch #1 (Marvel Comics)

119 EC Shiver Suspenstories #1 (Oni Press)

122 Marvel Holiday Tales to Astonish #1 (Marvel Comics)

129 DC’s Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

130 Petpool Pool Party #1 (Marvel Comics)

139 Metamorpho The Element Man #1 (DC Comics)

153 Creepshow 2024 Holiday Special (One-Shot) (Image Comics)

168 Justice League The Atom Project #1 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

192 Gotham City Sirens Uncovered #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

As usual, we will address these various debut issues in their respective franchise sections below.

Big Events

Raid on Graymalkin

7 X-Men #8 (Raid on Graymalkin)

8 Uncanny X-Men #7 (Raid on Graymalkin)

19 X-Men #9 (Raid on Graymalkin)

Raid on Graymaklin had two comics in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50.

Hasbro Franchise

14 Transformers #15

23 G.I. Joe #2

66 Void Rivals #15

99 GI Joe #1 (Resolicitation)

115 Void Rivals #14

160 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #312

191 Transformers #14 (Resolicitation)

Unranked: G.I. Joe Yearbook #1

Unranked: G.I. Joe: Special #1

Unranked: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #21

The Hasbro franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50. This was worse than November 2024 when the Hasbro franchise had one comic in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50.

Transformers #15 held steady at the number 14 spot which is the same place in the rankings Transformers #14 had in November 2024. This title continues to be rock solid.

Void Rivals #15 climbed from the number 87 to the number 66 spot. This is a positive sign, but this title is still selling far under what Void Rivals #13 scored in October 2024 when it took the number 37 spot.

G.I. Joe #2 fell from the number 3 spot to the number 23 spot. Yikes. That is a much steeper drop than I anticipated. Having said that, December 2024 was a five-week chart so competition is stiffer in the Top 25 during those months. I think there is a good chance G.I. Joe enjoys a rebound in January 2025.

G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #312 plummeted from the number 105 spot to the number 160 spot. This is the lowest sales ranking this title has had since Image Comics got the Hasbro license.

Spawn Franchise

67 Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger Spawn #1

117 Gunslinger Spawn #38

166 Spawn Scorched #36

173 King Spawn #40

180 Spawn #359 (Resolicitation)

197 Spawn #360

Unranked: Rat City #9

Unranked: Sam and Twitch: Case Files #9

Unranked: Violator: Origin #4

Unranked: Spawn Kills Every Spawn #5

The Spawn franchise had zero comics in the Top 50. This was the same as in November 2024, when the Spawn franchise had zero comics in the Top 50.

Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger Spawn #1 debuted at the number 67 spot. This is a solid debut number given the sales rankings that Gunslinger Spawn regularly gets in the Top 200 each month.

Gunslinger Spawn #38 fell from the number 96 spot to the number 117 spot. This ended a two-month streak in the Top 100.

Spawn Scorched #36 fell from the number 135 spot to the number 166 spot. This is almost the same spot in the rankings Spawn Scorched #33 had in September 2024.

King Spawn #40 fell from the number 106 spot to the number 173 spot. This is still better than in October 2024 when this title went unranked.

Spawn #360 fell from the number 169 spot to the number 197 spot. The main Spawn title continues to lag behind several other Spawn titles each month.

Spawn Rat City #9 fell from the number 181 spot slid out of the Top 200 and went unranked. Spawn Rat City continues to be a terrible-selling comic. Given her history of sales failures, I thought the idea of putting Erica Schultz on a superhero comic was bizarre. And I have been proven correct.

Sam and Twitch: Case Files #9 fell from the number 166 spot dropped out of the Top 200 and went unranked. This is another Spawn title that has struggled to have any sales success from the very start.

Violator: Origin #4 fell from the number 134 spot dropped out of the Top 200 and went unranked. This six-issue mini-series is going to struggle to conclude ranked in the Top 200.

Unranked: Spawn Kills Every Spawn #5 dropped from the number 185 spot and out of the Top 200 and went unranked. This is the second issue of this five-issue mini-series that went unranked. This title was a sales failure for Image Comics.

Ghost Machine Titles

126 Geiger #9

155 Redcoat #8

Unranked: The Rocketfellers #2

Ghost Machine had zero comics in the Top 50. This was the same as in November 2024, when Ghost Machine had zero comics in the Top 50.

Geiger #9 fell from the number 71 spot to the number 126 spot. This marks two consecutive months of declines in sales. More alarming is the fact that this is the first time that Geiger has sold outside of the Top 100.

Redcoat #8 fell from the number 113 spot to the number 155 spot.

The Rocketfellers #2 was unranked for the second straight month. I love the creative team of Peter Tomasi and Francis Manapul. Unfortunately, I seem alone in my excitement with this title. As usual, I am the odd man out when it comes to my taste in comics!

Star Wars Franchise

111 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #7 Republic Under Siege

143 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #8 Republic Under Siege

171 Star Wars: Ahsoka #6

177 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #9 Last Stand

200 Star Wars: Ewoks #3

Unranked: Star Wars: Ahsoka #7

Unranked: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Wedding Spectacular #1 (Dark Horse Comics)

UnrankedStar Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 (Dark Horse Comics)

Unranked: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone #3 (Dark Horse Comics)

The Star Wars franchise had zero comics in the Top 50. This was the same as in November 2024, when the Star Wars franchise had zero comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down as the Star Wars franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as the Star Wars franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down by a wide margin from three years ago as the Star Wars franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #7 Republic Under Siege took the number 111 spot. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #8 Republic Under Siege fell to the number 143 spot. Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #9 Last Stand fell to the number 177 spot. This title continues to remain relegated to the Dead Titles Walking category. The scary thing is that this is still the best-selling Star Wars title at the moment. Brutal.

Star Wars: Ewoks #3 fell from the number 137 spot to the number 200 spot. Steve Orlando continues to demonstrate that he has no business writing a Star Wars comic.

Star Wars: Ahsoka #6 dropped from the number 137 spot to the number 171 spot. Star Wars: Ahsoka #7 fell out of the Top 200 and ended up unranked. This eight-issue mini-series has been an unmitigated sales disaster.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Wedding Spectacular #1 had an embarrassing debut failing to make the Top 200 and going unranked. Daniel José Older continues to have no sales success at all. I am unsure who thought this comic was going to be a big hit with Star Wars fans. But, it does continue to be rudderless and tone deaf direction of the Star Wars franchise under Disney.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 was unranked just like it has been every month. Another sales dud from Daniel Older.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone #3 was ranked. This means that for three straight months this title has been unranked. Older hits the trifecta of sales failures this month.

The state of the Star Wars franchise continues to be brutally miserable. Nobody appears to have any clue as to what to do with this franchise. All the while fan interest keeps declining each year.

Spider-Man Franchise

4 Ultimate Spider-Man #12

6 All-New Venom #1

9 Amazing Spider-Man #63

22 Amazing Spider-Man #64

33 Amazing Spider-Man #62 (Resolicitation)

54 Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

59 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27

69 Ultimate Spider-Man #11 (Resolicitation)

83 Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #8

98 Spectacular Spider-Men #10

105 Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1

106 Venom War #5 (Resolicitation)

132 Miles Morales Spider-Man #28

136 Amazing Spider-Man #61 (Resolicitation)

150 Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #9

152 Spider-Boy #14

156 Spectacular Spider-Men #1

189 Spider-Boy #13 (Resolicitation)

Unranked: Spidery & His Amazing Friends #2

The Spider-Man franchise had three comics in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and five comics in the Top 50. This was worse than November 2024 when the Spider-Man franchise had two comics in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down as the Spider-Man franchise had three comics in the Top 10, five comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as the Spider-Man franchise had three comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were downfrom three years ago as the Spider-Man franchise had three comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Amazing Spider-Man #63 took the number 9 spot and Amazing Spider-Man #64 took the number 22 spot. This was worse for the first issue but better for the second issue compared to last month when the two issues of Amazing Spider-Man took the number 5 and 26 spots.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 had a terrible debut at the number 54 spot. No surprise that a cringe-fueled cartoon would fail to entice readers to this title.

Spidey & His Amazing Friends #2 was unranked for a second month.

Spectacular Spider-Men #10 fell from the number 58 spot to the number 98 spot. This is the lowest this title has sold to date. Spectacular Spider-Men #11 then fell from the number 98 spot to the number 156 spot. I expect this title to rebound into the Top 100 since this was a five-week sales month.

Time to check out the knock-off Spider-Men.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27 climbed from the number 78 spot to the number 59 spot. Miles Morales Spider-Man #28 fell from the number 59 spot to the number 132 spot. Since this was a five-week sales month, I would expect this title to rebound back into the Top 100 next month.

Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1 had an awful debut coming in at the number 105 spot.

Spider-Boy #14 dropped from the number 92 spot to the number 152 spot. This title has been in a sales freefall for the past two months.

Let’s hop over to the Venomverse.

All-New Venom #1 had a fantastic debut at the number 6 spot.

Let’s wrap up with the Lady of the Spider-Man franchise.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #8 fell from the number 73 spot to the number 83 spot. Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #9 fell from the number 83 spot to the number 150 spot. This title has been falling in the sales rankings, but it still should have a shot of rebounding back into the Top 100 with the next issue.

X-Men Franchise

7 X-Men #8 (Raid on Graymalkin)

8 Uncanny X-Men #7 (Raid on Graymalkin)

13 Wolverine #4

16 Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1

19 X-Men #9 (Raid on Graymalkin)

20 Deadpool/Wolverine #1

28 Ultimate X-Men #10

34 Uncanny X-Men #6 (Resolicitation)

35 Psylocke #2

39 Storm #3

41 X-Force #6

43 Timeslide #1

46 NYX #6

57 X-Factor #5

64 Exceptional X-Men #4

68 Deadpool #9

72 Phoenix #6

81 Deadpool/Wolverine: Weapon X-Traction #1

87 X-Force #7

93 Dazzler #4

94 Cable Love and Chrome #1

102 X-Factor #6

104 Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1

105 Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1

130 Petpool Pool Party #1

135 Mystique #3

144 Sentinels #3

148 Deadpool Team-Up #4

184 Wolverine #3 (Resolicitation)

The X-Men franchise had two comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and thirteen comics in the Top 50. This was flat compared to November 2024, when the X-Men franchise had one comic in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and thirteen comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were up as the X-Men franchise had one comic in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as the X-Men franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as the X-Men franchise had one comic in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

X-Men #8 ticked up from the number 11 spot to the number 7 spot. X-Men #9 fell from the number 7 spot to the number 19 spot. That is impressive to ship two issues in a five-week sales month and place both in the Top 19. Obviously, this title will be back in the Top 10 with the next issue.

Uncanny X-Men #7 took the number 8 spot which is the same spot it took in November 2024. December 2024 marked a shift in the X-Men franchise as X-Men outsold Uncanny X-Men for the first time since this relaunch debuted.

Exceptional X-Men #4 plummeted from the number 29 spot to the number 64 spot. It did not take long for this title to drop out of the Top 50. We all knew that this Eve Ewing-penned title was easily the weakest of the three main X-Men franchise titles. I would expect this title to be outside of the Top 100 in a few more issues.

X-Force #6 dipped from the number 34 spot to the number 41 spot. X-Force #7 dropped from the number 41 spot to the number 87 spot. This title should have a good shot of rebounding back into the Top 50 with the next issue.

Timeslide #1 had a pedestrian debut coming in at the number 43 spot. This Cable and Bishop one-shot at least managed to sneak into the Top 50.

NYX #6 dropped from the number 42 spot to the number 46 spot. This title continues to hang in the Top 50 longer than I had expected.

X-Factor #5 fell from the number 43 spot to the number 57 spot. X-Factor #6 dropped from the number 57 spot to the number 102 spot. Obviously, there will be a sales rebound with the next issue. But, I do think that X-Factor will remain the lowest-ranked X-Men franchise team title. I am not surprised about this given that Mark Russell is the writer.

Sentinels #3 dropped from the number 109 spot to the number 144 spot. This title continues to fall like a dead duck. Keep in mind that Sentinels #1 debuted at the number 39 spot. This five-issue mini-series is doomed to remain a dead title walking.

Let’s check out the boys of the X-Men franchise.

Wolverine #4 ticked up from the number 18 spot to the number 13 spot. This is a positive sign for this title.

Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 debuted at the number 16 spot. X-23 has never sold well in the past. The fact that Erica Schultz is the writer for this title makes me doubtful about the future sales success of this title. Schultz has never managed any good sales numbers on her previous mainstream superhero titles.

Deadpool/Wolverine #1 debuted at the number 20 spot. That is an impressive number considering this title shipped in the final week of a five-week sales month. I am not betting against Benjamin Percy on this title.

Deadpool #9 dropped from the number 38 spot to the number 68 spot. This mantle-swap title is selling far too low for a Deadpool title given the massive push this character has had due to his popular movies.

Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1 had a bad debut coming in at the number 105 spot.

Petpool Pool Party #1 had a poor debut coming in at the number 130 spot.

Deadpool Team-Up #4 fell from the number 130 spot to the number 148 spot. This five-issue mini-series is a lock to conclude as a dead title walking.

Cable Love and Chrome #1 had a bad debut coming in at the number 94 spot. This five-issue mini-series from David Pepose seems like a lock for the Dead Titles Walking category.

Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1 had an awful debut coming in at the number 104 spot. This five-issue mini-series from Frank Tieri seems doomed from the start.

Psylocke #2 dropped from the number 12 spot to the number 35 spot. This title is already out of the Top 25 even though it had a strong debut number. I would expect this Alyssa Wong title to continue to fall in the sales rankings.

Storm #3 ticked down from the number 36 spot to the number 39 spot. This title continues to perform better than I expected. It would be a big success for Marvel Comics if Storm remained a reliable Top 50 seller each month.

Phoenix #6 plummeted from the number 48 spot to the number 72 spot. This title is already about to fall out of the Top 75. This is what I expected from Stephanie Phillips given her poor sales history.

Dazzler #4 rebounded from the number 140 spot to the number 93 spot. This is still an unimpressive sales number, but at least Dazzler is headed in the right direction! We shall see if this title can build on this momentum with the next issue.

Mystique #3 fell from the number 121 spot to the number 135 spot. This five-issue mini-series from Declan Shelvey is a lock to conclude as a dead title walking.

Avengers Franchise

10 Ultimates #7

25 Ultimates #8

29 Avengers #21

48 Incredible Hulk #20

60 Ultimate Black Panther #11

62 Scarlet Witch #7

63 Iron Man #3

71 Avengers #22

73 What If…? Galactus – Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1

74 Sam Wilson: Captain America #1

77 Immortal Thor #18

82 West Coast Avengers #1 (Resolicitation)

91 Captain America #16

95 West Coast Avengers #2

128 Avengers Assemble #4

138 Incredible Hulk #19 (Resolicitation)

154 Iron Man #2 (Resolicitation)

159 Ultimate Black Panther #10 (Resolicitation)

Unranked: Ultraman X Avengers #3

The Avengers franchise had one comic in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50. This was flat compared to November 2024 when the Avengers franchise had two comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were up as the Avengers franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and seven comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as the Avengers franchise had one comic in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago as the Avengers franchise had three comics in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and five comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Avengers #21 ticked up from the number 32 spot to the number 29 spot. This is the highest in the sales rankings that this title has scored in a long time. Avengers #22 fell from the number 29 spot to the number 71 spot. I would expect this title to rebound back into the 20s or 30s with the next issue.

West Coast Avengers #2 crashed and burned falling from the number 27 spot to the number 95 spot. Wow. Readers clearly were not that excited by what Gerry Duggan had to offer in the debut issue.

Avengers Assemble #4 fell from the number 100 spot to the number 128 spot. This Steve Orlando-penned five-issue mini-series is a lock to conclude as a dead title walking.

Ultraman X Avengers #3 was unranked for the second consecutive month.

Let’s check in on the guys of the Avengers franchise.

Incredible Hulk #20 climbed from the number 77 spot to the number 48 spot. Things are returning to normal for this title after a one-month aberration in the rankings.

What If…? Galactus – Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 had an unimpressive debut coming in at the number 73 spot.

Iron Man #3 ticked up from the number 65 spot to the number 63 spot. The good news is that the dramatic drop in the rankings has been arrested. The bad news is that this new title seems doomed to sell outside of the Top 50.

Immortal Thor #18 fell from the number 53 spot to the number 77 spot. This title continues to struggle to stay in the Top 75 consistently.

Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 had an awful debut, barely making the Top 75 by taking the number 74 spot.

Captain America #16 dipped from the number 84 spot to the number 91 spot. With this issue, the failed JMS run on this title finally ends. This was another sales failure for Marvel Comics.

Scarlet Witch #7 ticked down from the number 61 spot to the number 62 spot. This snaps a two-month streak of this title rising up in the sales rankings.

Fantastic Four Franchise

37 Fantastic Four #27

Unranked: Namor #5

The Fantastic Four franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50. This was flat compared to November 2024, when the Fantastic Four franchise had one comic in the Top 50.

Fantastic Four #27 ticked down from the number 36 spot to the number 37 spot. This title continues to stick in the 30s.

Namor #5 fell from the number 178 spot slid out of the Top 200 and was unranked. This is the second time in just five issues that this title has been unranked. It has been an unmitigated sales disaster for Marvel Comics to decide to promote this title as Aaron giving Namor the same treatment as he did on his failed Punisher title. No fan is interested in that.

The Ultimate Universe

3 Ultimate Universe One Year In #1

4 Ultimate Spider-Man #12

10 Ultimates #7

25 Ultimates #8

28 Ultimate X-Men #10

60 Ultimate Black Panther #11

69 Ultimate Spider-Man #11 (Resolicitation)

159 Ultimate Black Panther #10 (Resolicitation)

The Ultimate Universe had three comics in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and five comics in the Top 50. This was better than November 2024 when the Ultimate Universe had two comics in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50.

Ultimate Universe One Year In #1 had an amazing debut scoring the number 3 spot. The Ultimate Universe just keeps on winning with any one-shot or new title.

Ultimate Spider-Man #12 took the number 4 spot which is the exact same ranking this title had in November 2024. Jonathan Hickman has made this title an unstoppable sales beast.

Ultimates #7 ticked down from the number 9 spot to the number 10 spot. Ultimates #8 fell from the number 9 spot to the number 25 spot. Shipping two issues in a five-week sales month is going to result in this type of drop. I feel confident that Ultimates will be back around the Top 10 with the next issue.

Ultimate X-Men #10 fell from the number 20 spot to the number 28 spot. This is roughly where we saw Ultimate X-Men #8 when it took the number 29 spot in October 2024. This is still a nice sales ranking. But, we are beginning to see some cracks in the armor with this title.

Ultimate Black Panther #11 ticked up from the number 63 spot to the number 60 spot. This is the second consecutive month that this title has climbed in the rankings. Having said that, Ultimate Black Panther is the weakest-selling Ultimate Universe title by a wide margin.

Batman Franchise

1 Absolute Batman #3

11 Absolute Batman #1 (Resolicitation)

12 Batman #155

18 Absolute Batman #2 (Resolicitation)

32 Batman Dark Patterns #1 (Of 12)

36 Batman the Long Halloween: The Last Halloween #4 (Of 10)

38 Batman and Robin Year One #3 (Of 12)

40 Batman Gargoyle of Gotham #3 (Of 4)

42 Batman #156

49 Nightwing #121

52 Batman Superman World’s Finest #34

53 Batgirl #2

58 Detective Comics #1092

75 Poison Ivy #28

79 Two-Face #1 (Of 6)

92 Batman the Long Halloween: The Last Halloween #3 (Of 10) (Resolicitation)

109 Batman and Robin #16

113 Detective Comics #1091 (Resolicitation)

114 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #2 (Of 5)

118 Catwoman #71

123 Birds of Prey #16

129 DC’s Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg #1 (One-Shot)

134 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #3 (Of 5)

137 Batman Full Moon #3 (Of 4)

142 Dark Knights of Steel Allwinter #6 (Of 6)

147 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #4 (Of 5)

151 Batman ’89 Echoes #5 (Of 6)

161 Nightwing #120 (Resolicitation)

162 Batgirl #3

175 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #5 (Of 5)

183 Harley Quinn #46

192 Gotham City Sirens Uncovered #1 (One-Shot)

194 Poison Ivy #29

199 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #1 (Of 5) (Resolicitation)

Unranked: Birds of Prey #17

Unranked: Two-Face #2

Unranked: Batman: The Brave and the Bold #20

Unranked: Little Batman: Month One #2

Unranked: Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham – Noir Edition #3

Unranked: The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #12

The Batman franchise had one comic in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and ten comics in the Top 50. This was bettet than November 2024 when the Batman franchise had one comic in the Top 10, five comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down as the Batman franchise had three comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and thirteen comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as the Batman franchise had three comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and eleven comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were down from three years ago as the Batman franchise had one comic in the Top 10, seven comics in the Top 25, and fourteen comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Let’s begin with the star of the show Bruce Wayne.

Batman #155 ticked up from the number 13 spot to the number 12 spot. This is the second straight month that Batman has failed to crack into the Top 10. This is practically unheard of. Normally, Batman is a lock to make the Top 10 in any month when it does not ship two issues. This is a surprising two-month trend. The Absolute Universe and Ultimate Universe titles are keeping Batman out of the Top 10.

Batman Dark Patterns #1 had an average debut taking the number 32 spot. This twelve-issue limited series from Dan Watters looks like it will be out of the Top 50 in a quick fashion.

Batman the Long Halloween: The Last Halloween #4 ticked up from the number 37 spot to the number 36 spot. This ten-issue limited series continues to be a steady Top 50 seller.

Batman #156 fell from the number 12 spot to the number 42 spot. This is much lower than anticipated. The last month that Batman shipped two issues in a five-week sales month was in September 2024. In that month, the second issue of Batman took the number 20 spot. This has to be a disturbing trend for DC Comics.

Detective Comics #1092 dipped from the number 52 spot to the number 58 spot. This marks two consecutive months of sales declines after the sales bump in October 2024 when Tom Taylor replaced Ram V as part of the All In initiative.

This has to be disappointing for DC Comics. Detective Comics is almost back to where it was just before the All In initiative when it took the number 65 spot in September 2024.

Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #2 fell from the number 83 spot to the number 114 spot. Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #3 fell from the number 114 spot to the number 134 spot. Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #4 fell from the number 134 spot to the number 147 spot. Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #5 fell from the number 147 spot to the number 175 spot. With that issue, this five-issue mini-series concludes.

I know those numbers are hardly impressive and this mini-series was in the Dead Titles Walking category for four issues. However, I am impressed with these numbers. First, random holiday special comics rarely sell well. Second, titles that ship four issues in one month rarely get good sales numbers. The fact that this holiday special mini-series managed to conclude in the Top 175 is impressive. I was expecting this to end up unranked by the fourth issue. The fact is that people like both Bruce Wayne and Santa. They are popular guys.

Batman Full Moon #3 crashed and burned falling from the number 29 spot to the number 137 spot. Well, I did not see that coming at all. It looks like Rodney Barnes will keep his streak of no sales success alive and well with this four-issue mini-series.

Dark Knights of Steel Allwinter #6 fell from the number 113 spot to the number 142 spot. With this issue, this six-issue mini-series concludes. This mini-series was a sales bust for DC Comics.

Batman ’89 Echoes #5 dropped from the number 119 spot to the number 151 spot. This six-issue mini-series will conclude as a dead title walking.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #20 was unranked for the second consecutive month.

Little Batman: Month One #2 fell from the number 184 spot and out of the Top 200 to end up unranked.

Batman Superman World’s Finest #34 ticked up from the number 54 spot to the number 52 spot. This is the second consecutive month that this title has been outside of the Top 50.

Let’s check out the Dynamic Duo titles.

Batman and Robin Year One #3 dipped from the number 31 spot to the number 38 spot. This twelve-issue limited series has slowed its descent in the rankings.

Batman and Robin #16 plummeted from the number 67 spot to the number 109 spot. Welp, the All In initiative has already failed on this title. Phillip Kennedy Johnson taking over this title as part of the All In initiative only led to a one-month sales increase. The last issue of Batman and Robin before the All In initiative was issue #13 which took the number 103 spot. So, now this title is doing worse.

DC’s Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg #1 had a bad debut taking the number 129 spot. Nobody expected this one-shot to be a sales monster.

It’s time to check out the sole bad-boy comic.

Nightwing #121 rebounded from the number 81 spot to the number 49 spot. This excellent rebound gives this new Dan Watters run a bit of hope as we advance.

Let’s wrap up with the ladies of the Batman franchise.

Batgirl #2 crashed and burned falling from the number 19 spot to the number 53 spot. Brutal. This is not a surprise. All the prior Batgirl titles have been sales failures and selecting an unknown writer like Tate Brombal did not fill me with confidence.

Batgirl #3 then crated falling from the number 53 spot to the number 162 spot. Now, this title did ship two issues in a five-week sales month, so I would not panic. This title should rebound back into the Top 100 with the next issue.

Poison Ivy #28 dropped from the number 60 spot to the number 75 spot. Poison Ivy #29 fell from the number 75 spot to the number 194 spot. Again, this title shipped two issues in a five-week month. I expect a nice rebound with the next issue.

Catwoman #71 ticked up from the number 124 spot to the number 118 spot. Torunn Grønbekk is having a disastrous start to her run. These are the sales rankings we were getting from Tini Howard’s failed run. Catwoman #71 came with a couple of phenomenal variant covers! The regular cover was fantastic. And this variant cover from Lee Bermejo was equally amazing. I would buy a comic book based on those covers alone!

Birds of Prey #16 plummetted from the number 98 spot to the number 123 spot. That ended this title’s one-month reprieve from the Dead Titles Walking category. Kelly Thompson delivers the type of sales numbers that we expect from her titles.

Unranked: Birds of Prey #17 fell from the number 123 spot and out of the Top 200 and ended up unranked. Having said that, since this title shipped two issues in a five-week sales month, we should see this title rebound with the next issue. However, I do not think this title will be able to escape the Dead Titles Walking category.

Harley Quinn #46 climbed up from being unranked to taking the number 183 spot. Hiring Hollywood writer and stand-up comedian Elliot Kalan has been disastrous for DC Comics.

Two-Face #1 had a poor debut taking the number 79 spot. Two-Face #2 fell from the number 79 spot and out of the Top 200 to end up unranked. Since this six-issue mini-series shipped two issues in a five-week sales month, I expect a rebound with the next issue. Two-Face should be back in the Top 200 but it will be the Dead Titles Walking category.

Superman Franchise

2 Absolute Superman #2

15 Absolute Superman #3

24 Absolute Superman #1 (Resolicitation)

44 Action Comics #1078

52 Batman Superman World’s Finest #34

55 Superman #21

78 Superwoman Special #1 (One-Shot)

85 Action Comics #1080

86 Action Comics #1079

88 Absolute Superman Noir Edition #1 (One-Shot)

101 Action Comics #1081

141 Superman #20 (Resolicitation)

Unranked: Power Girl #16

The Superman franchise had one comic in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50. This was better than November 2024 when the Superman franchise had one comic in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were up in the Top 10 and Top 25, but down in the Top 50 as the Superman franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as the Superman franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as the Superman franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Action Comics #1078 took the number 44 spot. Action Comics #1080 took the number 85 spot. Action Comics #1079 took the number 86 spot. Action Comics #1081 took the number 101 spot. These four issues averaged the number 79 spot.

This was worse than in November 2024 when the four issues of Action Comics averaged the number 67 spot.

Superman #21ticked up from the number 56 spot to the number 55 spot. This is the second consecutive month that Superman has sold outside of the Top 50.

Superwoman Special #1 had an unimpressive debut coming in at the number 78 spot.

Power Girl #16 fell from the number 179 spot and out of the rankings to end up unranked. We all knew that this Leah Williams’ title was doomed to end up unranked at some point.

Justice League Franchise

5 Absolute Wonder Woman #3

17 Absolute Wonder Woman #2 (Resolicitation)

21 Justice League Unlimited #2

26 Justice League Unlimited #1 (Resolicitation)

47 Wonder Woman #16

50 JSA #2

51 Absolute Wonder Woman #1 (Resolicitation)

65 Green Lantern #18

96 Green Lantern Green Arrow World’s Finest Special #1 (One-Shot)

121 Black Canary Best of the Best #2 (Of 6)

139 Metamorpho The Element Man #1

157 Plastic Man No More #4 (Of 4)

165 JSA #3

168 Justice League The Atom Project #1 (Of 6)

174 Black Canary Best of the Best #1 (Of 6) (Resolicitation)

176 Green Lantern Dark #2 (Of 7)

185 The Flash #16

187 Green Arrow #19

Unranked: Black Lightning #2

The Justice League franchise had one comic in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and six comics in the Top 50. This was worse in the To p10 and Top 25, but better in the Top 50 than November 2024, when the Justice League franchise had two comics in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and five comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were up as the Justice League franchise had one comic in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as the Justice League franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and zero comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as the Justice League franchise had zero comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Justice League Unlimited #2 fell from the number 7 spot to the number 21 spot. That is more of a drop than I anticipated. DC Comics desperately needs this title to remain a constant Top 25 seller.

Justice League The Atom Project #1 had an awful debut coming in at the number 168 spot. This six-issue mini-series from Ryan Parrot and John Ridley faces an uphill battle going forward.

JSA #2 fell from the number 24 spot to the number 50 spot. I predicted that the soft debut number meant this title would struggle to stay in the Top 50 for the next few months. JSA #3 then plummeted from the number 50 spot to the number 165 spot. Now, this title did ship two issues in a five-week month, so we will see a rebound with the next issue. However, I think this title is going to struggle to make it back into the Top 75. This roster is still a weak offering compared to what most fans are going to want in a JSA title.

Green Lantern #18 ticked up from the number 69 spot to the number 65 spot. This title cannot muscle its way back into the Top 50.

Green Lantern Green Arrow World’s Finest Special #1 had an unimpressive debut taking the number 96 spot. I hoped that this one-shot might to better as I have always loved the classic team-up of Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen.

Metamorpho The Element Man #1 had a horrible debut at the number 139 spot. Whenever a new ongoing title debuts in the Dead Titles Walking category you can immediately start the clock on it getting canceled. Personally, I have always liked Metamorpho’s character. However, it is clear that many readers were not curious about what Al Ewing was offering in this new title.

Plastic Man No More #4 fell from the number 101 spot to the number 157 spot. With this issue, this four-issue mini-series concludes. This title from Christopher Cantwell was a total sales disaster. This is too bad. Plastic Man is a wonderful classic character. All that was needed was a better writer on this title.

The Flash #16 fell from the number 172 spot to the number 187 spot. What an epic disaster The Flash has become for DC Comics. It is pure editorial malpractice for DC Comics to allow the Flash franchise to become a sales failure. This franchise should be a constant Top 50 seller. It is beyond time for DC Comics to bring back Barry Allen and get a new writer on this title ASAP. This current direction is not going to work. Again, the All-In initiative has failed on this title as it is selling far worse than it did just before the All-In initiative when issue #13 took the number 126 spot.

Green Arrow #19 fell from the number 145 spot to the number 187 spot. Again, the All-In initiative has failed as this title is selling far worse than it did just before the All-In initiative when issue #16 took the number 134 spot.

Black Lightning #2 dropped like a dead duck falling from the number 95 spot and out of the Top 200 to end up unranked. This is brutal. I knew this title would be a dead title walking given its awful debut number. However, to end up unranked with just the second issue? That is unacceptable. Black Lightning is a fantastic character. But, it is obvious that Brandon Thomas is completely over his skis in writing this title.

Let’s wrap up with the ladies of the Justice League franchise.

Wonder Woman #16 dropped from the number 41 spot to the number 47 spot. This is the second consecutive month that this title has sold outside of the Top 25. DC Comics cannot afford this title to drop out of the Top 50.

Black Canary Best of the Best #2 crashed and burned falling from the number 68 spot to the number 121 spot. Brutal. I am not surprised. I did not think many fans were clamoring for Tom King to retcon Dinah’s wonderful origin of her training under Wildcat to her training under the original Golden Age Black Canary. As usual, Tom King delivers a story nobody was asking for and gets crap sales rankings. We have seen this over and over before.

Green Lantern Dark #2 completely cratered as it plummeted from the number 56 spot to the number 176 spot. Horrendous. Not many readers returned for more of what Tate Brombal had to offer on this title. Given how Brombal has flamed out on Batgirl and Green Lantern Dark in just two months, I wonder if we have a new Tini Howard. This seven-issue mini-series is going to struggle to remain by the conclusion of this story.

The Absolute Universe

1 Absolute Batman #3

2 Absolute Superman #2

5 Absolute Wonder Woman #3

11 Absolute Batman #1 (Resolicitation)

15 Absolute Superman #3

17 Absolute Wonder Woman #2 (Resolicitation)

18 Absolute Batman #2 (Resolicitation)

24 Absolute Superman #1 (Resolicitation)

51 Absolute Wonder Woman #1 (Resolicitation)

88 Absolute Superman Noir Edition #1 (One-Shot)

The Absolute Universe had three comics in the Top 10, eight comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50. This was better than November 2024, when the Absolute Universe had three comics in the Top 10, six comics in the Top 25, and six comics in the Top 50.

Absolute Batman #3 ticked up from the number 2 spot to the number 1 spot. It is going to take something special to dethrone a Batman title written by Scott Snyder. What is insane is that Absolute Batman placed THREE issues in the Top 18!! That is phenomenal and something we rarely see.

Absolute Superman #2 ticked down from the number 1 spot to the number 2 spot. Sorry, no version of the Big Red S is going to be able to beat a Scott Snyder Batman title in consecutive months. Still, this title is a sales juggernaut and is going to slow down anytime soon. What is also impressive is that Absolute Superman placed three issues in the Top 24! Amazing!

Absolute Wonder Woman #3 ticked up from the number 6 spot to the number 5 spot. This title managed to place three issues in the Top 51. Absolute Wonder Woman is the “weakest” selling title of the bunch. What a restatement to the Absolute Universe franchise when its “weakest” selling title clocks in at the number 5 spot! So impressive.

Supernatural Comics

31 Hellverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

56 Hellhunters #1 (Marvel Comics)

80 Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #3 (Marvel Comics)

108 Werewolf by Night Red Band #5 (Marvel Comics)

120 DC Horror Presents #2 (Of 3) (DC Comics)

125 DC Vs Vampires World War V #5 (Of 12) (DC Comics)

131 Blade: Red Band #3 (Marvel Comics)

167 John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 (Of 11) (DC Comics)

182 Werewolf by Night Red Band #6 (Marvel Comics)

186 Spirits of Vengeance #4 (Marvel Comics)

190 Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #4 (Marvel Comics)

198 DC Horror Presents #3 (Of 3) (DC Comics)

Unranked: DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #3

Unranked: DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #4

Unranked: Blood Hunters #5 (Marvel Comics)

Marvel Comics beat DC Comics in the Top 50 by a score of 1-0. Marvel Comics beat DC Comics in the Top 100 by a score of 3-0.

Hellverine #1 had an okay debut at the number 31 spot. We shall see if this four-issue mini-series from Benjamin Percy can conclude in the Top 100.

Hellhunters #1 had an unimpressive debut at the number 50 spot. This five-issue limited series from Phillip Kennedy Johnson will have a rough time concluding in the Top 100. I thought the roster of characters was pretty cool. And I always buy any title with the real Nick Fury in it. But, I suspect I will be in the minority with this title.

Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #3 plummeted from the number 35 spot to the number 80 spot. Yikes. I did not see such a precipitous drop coming on this title. Jed MacKay managed to make Moon Knight a hot seller while controlling the franchise. But, it looks like Moon Knight might finally be cooling off.

Werewolf by Night Red Band #5 dropped from the number 79 spot to the number 108 spot. This title fell into the Dead Titles Walking category slightly slower than I anticipated. Jason Loo continues to struggle to achieve any sales success with his titles.

Werewolf by Night Red Band #6 fell from the number 108 spot to the number 182 spot. Since this title shipped two issues in a five-week month, I expect a sales rebound with the next issue. However, I do not expect this title to escape the Dead Titles Walking category.

DC Horror Presents #2 fell from the number 62 spot to the number 120 spot. DC Horror Presents #3 fell from the number 120 spot to the number 198 spot. With this issue, this three-issue mini-series concludes. DC Horror Presents was a sales bust for DC Comics.

DC Vs Vampires World War V #5 fell from the number 82 spot to the number 125 spot. This twelve-issue mini-series will have a tough time escaping the Dead Titles Walking category in the future.

Blade: Red Band #3 ticked down from the number 127 spot to the number 131 spot. This title is doomed to remain in the Dead Titles Walking category.

John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 dropped from the number 128 spot to the number 167 spot. With this issue, this eleven-issue mini-series concludes. This Simon Spurrier story was a sales dud for DC Comics.

Spirits of Vengeance #4 plummeted from the number 118 spot to the number 186 spot. What a breathtaking fall in just four issues. This title has a good chance of being unranked. Again, hiring a Hollywood writer in Sabir Pirzada blows up in Marvel Comics’ face for the zillionth time.

Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #4 dropped from the number 126 spot to the number 190 spot. With this issue, this four-issue mini-series concludes. This title ended up being a sales misfire for Marvel Comics.

DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #3 fell from the number 158 spot and out of the Top 200 to end up unranked. DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #4 was also unranked. Hiring a Hollywood actor in David Dastmalchian to write a mainstream superhero comic book predictably blew up in DC Comics’ face. Again. I am sure DC Comics’ editors reacted to this with the surprise of a newborn baby as they always seem unable to learn from the past.

Blood Hunters #5 fell from the number 162 spot and out of the Top 200 to end up unranked. With this issue, this four-issue mini-series concludes. I fully expected this title to conclude unranked. It is what Erica Schultz always does. Only a Marvel Comics editor would expect anything different.

Cosmic Comics

27 New Gods #1 (Of 12) (DC Comics)

45 TVA #1 (Marvel Comics)

70 Challengers of the Unknown #1 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

112 Infinity Watch #1 (Marvel Comics)

Marvel Comics and DC Comics fought to a draw in the Top 50 by a score of 1-1. DC Comics beat Marvel Comics in the Top 100 by a score of 2-1.

New Gods #1 had an okay debut taking the number 27 spot. I adore Jack Kirby’s Fourth World. But, I am unsure that Ram V is the correct writer for this franchise. We shall see how this twelve-issue limited series performs.

TVA #1 had an unimpressive debut taking the number 45 spot. I am not bullish on this title. Ryan North is one of the writers and he is excellent. However, the other writer is Katharyn Blair. I have never heard of Blair and Marvel Comics rarely has success when they hire a no-name random writer. On top of that, the roster of characters for this title is less than exciting. I think this five-issue mini-series has the potential to flame out fast.

Challengers of the Unknown #1 had a blah debut taking the number 70 spot. I was excited when I initially heard we would be getting a Challengers of the Unkown comic. This is a wonderful Jack Kirby creation. However, I then heard that Christopher Cantwell would be the writer and my enthusiasm quickly drained. This six-issue mini-series seems destined for the Dead Titles Walking category with the next issue.

Infinity Watch #1 had a horrendous debut with the number 112 spot. I am a huge fan of the old Infinity Watch! Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Moon Dragon, and Pip the Troll? Bring it on! Wait, the roster for this Infinity Watch is Collen Wing, Multitude, Overtime, Phil Coulson, Prince of Power, Quantum, and Star? Eeeeehhh. Talk about a bait-and-switch. There is nothing about this roster of characters from Derek Landy that got readers excited. This five-issue mini-series may not even be able to conclude ranked in the Top 200.

Legacy Character Comics

46 NYX #6 (Marvel Comics)

49 Nightwing #121 (DC Comics)

50 JSA #2 (DC Comics)

53 Batgirl #2 (DC Comics)

78 Superwoman Special #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

103 Titans #18 (DC Comics)

105 Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1 (Marvel Comics)

123 Birds of Prey #16 (DC Comics)

152 Spider-Boy #14 (Marvel Comics)

161 Nightwing #120 (DC Comics) (Resolicitation)

162 Batgirl #3 (DC Comics)

165 JSA #3 (DC Comics)

185 The Flash #16 (DC Comics)

189 Spider-Boy #13 (Marvel Comics) (Resolicitation)

There were zero legacy character comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50. This was better than November 2024, when there were zero legacy character comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down as there was one legacy character comic in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as there were zero legacy character comics in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Titans #18 dropped from the number 80 spot to the number 103 spot. The All-In Initiative chalks up another sales failure. It is a shame to see such a wonderful franchise like the Titans mishandled by DC Comics. This franchise should be selling so much better than it is.

Mantle Swap Comics

16 Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

59 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27 (Marvel Comics)

68 Deadpool #9 (Marvel Comics)

74 Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 (Marvel Comics)

116 Question All Along the Watchtower #2 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

132 Miles Morales Spider-Man #28 (Marvel Comics)

There were zero mantle swap comics in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50. This was better in the Top 25 but worse in the Top 50 than in November 2024, when there were zero mantle swap comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down as there were zero mantle swap comics in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down from two years ago as there were two mantle swap comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in August 2022.

Question All Along the Watchtower #2 crashed and burned falling from the number 49 spot to the number 116 spot. Alex Segura’s streak of no sales success remains unbroken. Renee Montoya’s streak of no sales success continues. Only a DC Comics editor would be surprised by how poorly this six-issue limited series is performing.

Female Lead Comics

5 Absolute Wonder Woman #3 (DC Comics)

16 Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 (Marvel Comics)

17 Absolute Wonder Woman #2 (DC Comics) (Resolicitation)

35 Psylocke #2 (Marvel Comics)

39 Storm #3 (Marvel Comics)

47 Wonder Woman #16 (DC Comics)

51 Absolute Wonder Woman #1 (DC Comics) (Resolicitation)

53 Batgirl #2 (DC Comics)

62 Scarlet Witch #7 (Marvel Comics)

68 Deadpool #9 (Marvel Comics)

72 Phoenix #6 (Marvel Comics)

75 Poison Ivy #28 (DC Comics)

78 Superwoman Special #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

83 Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #8 (Marvel Comics)

93 Dazzler #4 (Marvel Comics)

116 Question All Along the Watchtower #2 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

118 Catwoman #71 (DC Comics)

121 Black Canary Best of the Best #2 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

135 Mystique #3 (Marvel Comics)

150 Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #9 (Marvel Comics)

162 Batgirl #3 (DC Comics)

171 Star Wars: Ahsoka #6 (Marvel Comics)

174 Black Canary Best of the Best #1 (Of 6) (DC Comics) (Resolicitation)

176 Green Lantern Dark #2 (Of 7) (DC Comics)

183 Harley Quinn #46 (DC Comics)

192 Gotham City Sirens Uncovered #1 (One-Shot) (DC Comics)

193 Jenny Sparks #5 (Of 7) (DC Comics)

194 Poison Ivy #29 (DC Comics)

There was one female lead comic in the Top 10, three comics in the Top 25, and six comics in the Top 50. This was worse than in November 2024, when there was one female lead comic in the Top 10, four comics in the Top 25, and eight comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were up as there was one female lead comic in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as there were zero female lead comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and three comics in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as there were zero female lead comics in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Marvel placed one female lead comic in the Top 25. Month-over-month numbers were flat, as Marvel Comics had one female lead comic in the Top 25 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were flat, as Marvel Comics had one female lead comic in the Top 25 in December 2023. Numbers were flat in the Top 25 from two years ago, as there was one female lead comic in the Top 25 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 25 from three years ago, as there were zero female lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

DC Comics had two female lead comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month numbers were down, as DC Comics had three female lead comics in the Top 25 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had zero female lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 25 from two years ago, as there was one female lead comic in the Top 25 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 25 from three years ago, as there was one female lead comic in the Top 25 in December 2021.

Marvel placed three female lead comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month numbers were flat, as Marvel Comics had three female lead comics in the Top 50 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up, as Marvel Comics had one female lead comic in the Top 50 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from two years ago, as there was one female lead comic in the Top 50 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from three years ago, as there were zero female lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

DC Comics had three female lead comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month numbers were down as DC Comics had five female lead comics in the Top 50 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics also had two female lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from two years ago as there were two female lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from three years ago as there was one female lead comic in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Marvel placed six female lead comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month numbers were flat, as Marvel Comics had six female lead comics in the Top 75 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had two female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from two years ago, as there were four female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from three years ago, as there were three female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

DC Comics had six female lead comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month numbers were down, as DC Comics had seven female lead comics in the Top 75 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics also had two female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from two years ago, as there were three female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from three years ago, as there were three female lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

Marvel placed eight female lead comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month numbers were up as Marvel Comics had six female lead comics in the Top 100 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had four female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from two years ago as there were seven female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from three years ago as there were three female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

DC Comics had seven female lead comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month numbers were down, as DC Comics had eight female lead comics in the Top 100 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics also had three female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from two years ago, as there were five female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from three years ago, as there were five female lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics barely edged out DC Comics by a score of 8-7. This ends DC Comics’ one-month streak of beating Marvel Comics in this category.

Jenny Sparks #5 dropped from the number 151 spot to the number 193 spot. This Tom King-penned seven-issue mini-series has a good chance of being unranked with the next issue.

Minority Lead Comics

35 Psylocke #2 (Marvel Comics)

39 Storm #3 (Marvel Comics)

53 Batgirl #2 (DC Comics)

59 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27 (Marvel Comics)

60 Ultimate Black Panther #11 (Marvel Comics)

74 Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 (Marvel Comics)

116 Question All Along the Watchtower #2 (Of 6) (DC Comics)

131 Blade: Red Band #3 (Marvel Comics)

132 Miles Morales Spider-Man #28 (Marvel Comics)

159 Ultimate Black Panther #10 (Marvel Comics) (Resolicitation)

162 Batgirl #3 (DC Comics)

176 Green Lantern Dark #2 (Of 7) (DC Comics)

Unranked: Black Lightning #2 (DC Comics)

There were zero minority lead comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and two comics in the Top 50. This was worse than in November 2024, when there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 10, two comics in the Top 25, and four comics in the Top 50.

Year-over-year numbers were down in the Top 10 and Top 25, but up in the Top 50, as there was one minority lead comic in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50 in December 2023.

Numbers were down in the Top 10 and Top 25, but up in the Top 50 from two years ago as there was one minority lead comic in the Top 10, one comic in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50 in December 2022.

Numbers were flat in the Top 10 and Top 25, but up in the Top 50 from three years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 10, zero comics in the Top 25, and one comic in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Marvel placed zero minority lead comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month numbers were down as Marvel Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 25 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were down as Marvel Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2023. Numbers were down in the Top 25 from two years ago as there was one minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2022. Numbers were flat in the Top 25 from three years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

DC Comics had zero minority lead comics in the Top 25. Month-over-month numbers were down as DC Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 25 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were flat as DC Comics also had zero minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2023. Numbers were flat in the Top 25 from two years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2022. Numbers were flat in the Top 25 from three years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 25 in December 2021.

Marvel placed two minority lead comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month numbers were flat as Marvel Comics had two minority lead comics in the Top 50 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from two years ago as there was one minority lead comic in the Top 50 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 50 from three years ago as there was one minority lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

DC Comics had zero minority lead comics in the Top 50. Month-over-month numbers were down as DC Comics had two minority lead comics in the Top 50 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were down as DC Comics also had one minority lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2023. Numbers were flat in the Top 50 from two years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2022. Numbers were flat in the Top 50 from three years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 50 in December 2021.

Marvel placed five minority lead comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month numbers were flat as Marvel Comics had five minority lead comics in the Top 75 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had four minority lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from two years ago as there were two minority lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from three years ago as there were three minority lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2021.

DC Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 75. Month-over-month numbers were down as DC Comics had two minority lead comics in the Top 75 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics also had zero minority lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 75 from two years ago as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 75 in December 2022. Numbers were flat in the Top 75 from three years ago as there was one minority lead comic in the Top 75 in December 2021.

Marvel placed five minority lead comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month numbers were down as Marvel Comics had six minority lead comics in the Top 100 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were flat as Marvel Comics had five minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2023. Numbers were flat in the Top 100 from two years ago as there were five minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2022. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from three years ago as there were four minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

DC Comics had one minority lead comics in the Top 100. Month-over-month numbers were down as DC Comics had three minority lead comics in the Top 100 in November 2024. Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics also had zero minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2023. Numbers were up in the Top 100 from two years ago, as there were zero minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2022. Numbers were down in the Top 100 from three years ago, as there were two minority lead comics in the Top 100 in December 2021.

Marvel Comics crushed DC Comics by a score of 5-1. Marvel Comics is not anything amazing in this category. But, their competition in DC Comics continues to be utterly non-competitive in this category.

Dead Titles Walking

Based on historical numbers from the Comichron as well as projections through April 2022, titles outside of the Top 100 are usually selling under the 18,000 unit sales mark. These are the Marvel Comics and DC Comics titles that are dead titles walking.

Marvel Comics

100 Daredevil #17

102 X-Factor #6

104 Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1

105 Kidpool/Spider-Boy #1

108 Werewolf by Night Red Band #5

111 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #7 Republic Under Siege

112 Infinity Watch #1

122 Marvel Holiday Tales to Astonish #1

128 Avengers Assemble #4

130 Petpool Pool Party #1

131 Blade: Red Band #3

132 Miles Morales Spider-Man #28

135 Mystique #3

143 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #8 Republic Under Siege

144 Sentinels #3

148 Deadpool Team-Up #4

150 Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #9

152 Spider-Boy #14

156 Spectacular Spider-Men #11

169 Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #12 Facsimile Edition

171 Star Wars: Ahsoka #6

177 Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #9 Last Stand

179 Conquest 2099 #4

182 Werewolf by Night Red Band #6

186 Spirits of Vengeance #4

190 Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay #4

200 Star Wars: Ewoks #3

Unranked: Namor #5

Unranked: Blood Hunters #5

Unranked: Star Wars: Ahsoka #7

Unranked: Spidery & His Amazing Friends #2

Unranked: Conquest 2099 #5

Unranked: Ultraman X Avengers #3

Marvel Comics had thirty-three dead titles walking out of their eighty-three new titles in December 2024. This means that 40% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the twenty-one dead titles walking that Marvel Comics had in November 2024, which comprised 31% of Marvel Comics’ new titles.

Year-over-year numbers were up as Marvel Comics had nineteen dead titles walking in December 2023. This comprised 30% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as Marvel Comics had twenty-one dead titles walking in December 2022. This comprised 27% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as Marvel Comics had twenty-three dead titles walking in December 2021. This comprised 29% of Marvel Comics’ new titles in December 2021.

Marvel Comics took first place with seventy-seven new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

DC Comics

101 Action Comics #1081

103 Titans #18

109 Batman and Robin #16

114 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #2 (Of 5)

116 Question All Along the Watchtower #2 (Of 6)

118 Catwoman #71

120 DC Horror Presents #2 (Of 3)

121 Black Canary Best of the Best #2 (Of 6)

123 Birds of Prey #16

125 DC Vs Vampires World War V #5 (Of 12)

129 DC’s Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg #1 (One-Shot)

134 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #3 (Of 5)

137 Batman Full Moon #3 (Of 4)

139 Metamorpho The Element Man #1

141 Superman #20 (Resolicitation)

142 Dark Knights of Steel Allwinter #6 (Of 6)

147 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #4 (Of 5)

151 Batman ’89 Echoes #5 (Of 6)

157 Plastic Man No More #4 (Of 4)

161 Nightwing #120 (Resolicitation)

162 Batgirl #3

165 JSA #3

167 John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 (Of 11)

168 Justice League The Atom Project #1 (Of 6)

175 Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #5 (Of 5)

176 Green Lantern Dark #2 (Of 7)

183 Harley Quinn #46

185 The Flash #16

187 Green Arrow #19

192 Gotham City Sirens Uncovered #1 (One-Shot)

193 Jenny Sparks #5 (Of 7)

194 Poison Ivy #29

198 DC Horror Presents #3 (Of 3)

Unranked: Black Lightning #2

Unranked: Birds of Prey #17

Unranked: Power Girl #16

Unranked: Shazam! #18

Unranked: Shazam! #19

Unranked: Two-Face #2

Unranked: DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #3

Unranked: DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #4

Unranked: Milestone Universe: The Shadow Cabinet #2

Unranked: Batman: The Brave and the Bold #20

Unranked: Little Batman: Month One #2

Unranked: Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham – Noir Edition #3

Unranked: The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #12

Unranked: Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #131

DC Comics had forty-seven dead titles walking out of DC Comics’ seventy-six new titles in December 2024. This means that an eye-watering 62% of the new DC Comics titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the twenty-three dead titles walking that DC Comics had in November 2024, which comprised 43% of DC Comics’ new titles.

Year-over-year numbers were up as DC Comics had twenty-seven dead titles walking in December 2023. This comprised 44% of DC Comics’ new titles in December 2023.

Numbers were up from two years ago as DC Comics had twenty-six dead titles walking in December 2022. This comprised 49% of DC Comics’ new titles in December 2022.

Numbers were up from three years ago as DC Comics had thirty-seven dead titles walking in December 2021. This comprised 54% of DC Comics’ new titles in December 2021.

DC Comics took second place with sixty-two new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

Image Comics

14 Transformers #15

23 G.I. Joe #2

66 Void Rivals #15

67 Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger Spawn #1

99 GI Joe #1 (Resolicitation)

115 Void Rivals #14

117 Gunslinger Spawn #38

126 Geiger #9

146 The Moon is Following Us #4 (Of 10)

153 Creepshow 2024 Holiday Special (One-Shot)

155 Redcoat #8

158 Saga #71

160 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #312

166 Spawn Scorched #36

173 King Spawn #40

181 Power Fantasy #5

195 I Hate Fairyland #18 (2022)

197 Spawn #360

Unranked: G.I. Joe Yearbook #1

Unranked: G.I. Joe: Special #1

Unranked: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #21

Unranked: Rat City #9

Unranked: Sam and Twitch: Case Files #9

Unranked: Violator: Origin #4

Unranked: Spawn Kills Every Spawn #5

Unranked: Witchblade #6

Unranked: Savage Dragon #274

Unranked: Saga #71

Unranked: Dread the Halls #1

Unranked: Free Agents #6

Unranked: Juvenile #1

Unranked: Hack / Slash = Body Bags #2

Unranked: Shopgirl #16

Unranked: Top Cow Holiday Special: All Through the House… #1

Unranked: The Walking Dead Deluxe #102

Unranked: The Walking Dead Deluxe #103

Unranked: The Walking Dead Deluxe #104

Unranked: What’s the Furthest Place From Here? #20

Unranked: Creepshow Holiday Special 2024 #1

Unranked: Doll Parts: A Lovesick Tale #1

Unranked: Impact Winter: Evenfall #1

Unranked: Kaya #23

Unranked: Lady Mechanika: The Devil in the Lake #4

Unranked: Blood Squad Seven #5

Unranked: Freddie the Fix #1

Unranked: The Horizon Experiment: Motherf*ckin’ Monsters #1

Unranked: Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika: Open for Business #2

Unranked: Nullhunter #3

Unranked: Paklis #9

Unranked: The Rocketfellers #2

Unranked: The Sacrificers #13

Unranked: Standstill #5

Unranked: The Tin Can Society #4

Unranked: Creepshow #4

Unranked: Dust to Dust #1

Unranked: Hornsby & Halo #2

Unranked: Rogue Sun #24

Unranked: Knights vs Samurai #4

Image Comics had fifty-three dead titles walking out of Image Comics’ fifty-eight new titles in December 2024. This means that 91% of the new Image Comics titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the fifty-eight dead titles walking that Image Comics had in November 2024, which comprised 88% of Image Comics’ new titles.

Image Comics took third place with seventeen new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

IDW Publishing

30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

76 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4

89 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Naruto #1 (Resolicitation)

140 Sonic the Hedgehog #75

164 Godzilla’s Monsterpiece Theatre #2

196 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Nightwatcher #4

Unranked: Star Trek #27

Unranked: Star Trek: Lower Decks #2

Unranked: TMNT: Best of – Mondo Gecko #1

Unranked: The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #2

Unranked: Monster High Howliday Haunt #1

Unranked: Monster High: New Scaremester #4

Unranked: (The Rocketeer: Breaks Free #4

IDW Publishing had ten dead titles walking out of IDW Publishing’s thirteen new titles in December 2024. This means that 77% of the new IDW Publishing’s titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was down from the fourteen dead titles walking that IDW Publishing had in November 2024, which comprised 88% of IDW Publishing’s new titles.

IDW Publishing took fourth place with six new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

Dynamite Entertainment

90 ThunderCats Apex #1

107 Space Ghost #8

124 ThunderCats #11

127 Terminator #3

Unranked: Jonny Quest #5

Unranked: Gargoyles Winter Special #1

Unranked: Gargoyles: Quest #5

Unranked: DuckTales #2

Unranked: Lilo & Stitch #8

Unranked: The Powerpuff Girls: Winter Snowdown Showdown #1

Unranked: Red Sonja: Death and the Devil #4

Unranked: Vampirella Helliday 2024 Special #1

Unranked: Vampirella #673

Unranked: The Powerpuff Girls #6

Unranked: The Reanimator: World of Cthulhu – The Eternal Lie #2

Unranked: Sweetie Candy Vigilante #6

Unranked: The Herculoids: Ashcan Edition #1

Dynamite Entertainment had sixteen dead titles walking out of Dynamite Entertainment’s seventeen new titles in December 2024. This means that 94% of the new Dynamite Entertainment titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the ten dead titles walking that Dynamite Comics had in November 2024, which comprised 71% of Dynamite Comics’ new titles.

Dynamite Entertainment tied for fifth place with four new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

Titan Comics

97 Conan the Barbarian #17

149 Conan the Barbarian Battle of the Blackstone #4 (Of 4)

163 Savage Sword of Conan #6 (Of 6)

178 Heat Seeker Combustion Gun Honey Series #2

Unranked: Runescape: Untold Tales of the God Wars #2

Unranked: Star Wars Insider #229

Unranked: Minky Woodcock: The Girl Called Cthulhu #3

Titan Comics had six dead titles walking out of Titan Comics’ seven new titles in December 2024. This means that 86% of the new Titan Comics titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the eight dead titles walking that Titan Comics had in November 2024, which comprised 100% of Titan Comics’ new titles.

Titan Comics tied for fifth place with four new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

Oni Press

119 EC Shiver Suspenstories #1

145 EC Cruel Universe #5 (Of 5)

172 EC Epitaphs from the Abyss #6 (Of 12)

Unranked: Calavera P.I. #2

Unranked: Cult of the Lamb: The First Verse #1

Unranked: Cult of the Lamb: The First Verse #2

Unranked: Cult of the Lamb: The First Verse #3

Unranked: Cult of the Lamb: The First Verse #4

Unranked: Rick and Morty: Maximum Coda #1

Unranked: Skin Police #3

Unranked: The Autumn Kingdom #4

Unranked: Rick and Morty: New Year, New Rick Special #1

Oni Press had twelve dead titles walking out of Oni Press’ twelve new titles in December 2024. This means that 100% of the new Oni Press’ titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was flat from the nine dead titles that Oni Press had in November 2024, which comprised 100% of Oni Press’ new titles.

Oni Press ranked seventh with three new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

BOOM! Studios

133 Hello Darkness #5 (Of 12)

170 Minor Arcana #4

Unranked: Art of Something Is Killing The Children Companion #1

Unranked: Dune: House Corrino #8

Unranked: Flavor Girls: Return to the Mothership #1

Unranked: The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume II #8

Unranked: The Fade #2

Unranked: In Bloom #1

Unranked: House of Slaughter #28

Unranked: Power Rangers Prime #2

Unranked: S.I.R. #5

Unranked: Something Is Killing The Children Deluxe #1

Unranked: Something is Killing the Children Scriptbook #1

Unranked: Vicarious #3

Unranked: The Creeping Below #2

Unranked: Jim Henson’s Labyrinth #4

Unranked: Lawful #6

Unranked: Uncanny Valley #7

Unranked: Fence Challengers: Sweet Sixteen #1

Unranked: When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee #1

BOOM! Studios had twenty dead titles walking out of BOOM! Studios’ twenty new titles in December 2024. This means that 100% of the new BOOM! Studios titles in December 2024 were dead titles walking.

This was up from the fifteen dead titles walking that BOOM! Studios had in November 2024, which comprised 94% of BOOM! Studios’ new titles.

BOOM! Studios entered eighth place with two new comics in the Top 200 in December 2024.

The Tini Howard Award For The Writer With The Most Dead Titles Walking

Four writers had two issues in the Dead Titles Walking category from the same title.

Jason Loo had two issues from the same title with Werewolf by Night Red Band #5 at the number 108 spot and Werewolf by Night Red Band #6 at the number 182 spot.

David Dastmalchian had two issues from the same title with DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #3 went unranked and DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #4 also went unranked.

Kelly Thompson had two issues from the same title with Birds of Prey #16 at the number 123 spot and Birds of Prey #17 which went unranked

Josie Campbell had two issues with the same title as Shazam! #18 which was unranked and Shazam! #19 which was unranked.

One writer had four issues from the same title.

Jeff Parker had four issues from the same title with Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #2at the number 114 spot, Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #3 at the number 134 spot, Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #4 at the number 147 spot, and Batman Santa Claus Silent Knight Returns #5 at the number 175 spot.

Three writers had two issues from different titles in the Dead Titles Walking category.

Simon Spurrier had two issues from different titles with John Constantine, Hellblazer Dead in America #11 at the number 167 and The Flash #16 at the number 185 spot.

Tom King had two issues from different titles with Black Canary Best of the Best #2 at the number 121 spot and Jenny Sparks #5 at the number 193 spot.

Tate Brombal had two issues from different titles with Batgirl #3 at the number 162 spot and Green Lantern Dark #2 at the number 176 spot.

Rodney Barnes Batman Full Moon #3 at the number 137 spot, Star Wars: Ahsoka #6 at the number 171 spot, and Star Wars: Ahsoka #7 which was unranked.

One writer had three issues from different titles in the Dead Titles Walking category.

Daniel José Older had three issues from different titles with Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Wedding Spectacular #1 which was unranked, Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 which was unranked, and Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone #3 which was unranked. Wow. Three issues from three different titles all unranked in a single month. This might be a new record.

Two writers had four issues from different titles in the Dead Titles Walking category.

Alex Segura had four issues from different titles with Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #7 Republic Under Siege at the number 111 spot, Question All Along the Watchtower #2 at the number 116 spot, Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #8 Republic Under Siege at the number 143 spot, and Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku #9 Last Stand at the number 177 spot.

Steve Orlando also had four issues from different titles with Avengers Assemble #4 at the number 128 spot, Conquest 2099 #4 at the number 179 spot, Star Wars: Ewoks #3 at the number 200 spot, and Conquest 2099 #5 which was unranked.

It is time to go to a tie-breaker! Whichever writer has the lowest average ranking for their four issues wins.

Segura averaged the number 137 spot.

We have no idea how low Conquest 2099 #5 was since it was unranked. Let’s assume everything in a light most favorable to Orlando and say that Conquest 2099 #5 came in at the number 201 spot. That would give Orlando an average of the number 177 spot.

Therefore, the Tini Howard Award for December 2024 goes to…Steve Orlando! This was Orlando’s first Tini Howard Award since he won it back in July 2024!

All right, that is it for December 2024 Will Marvel Comics continue its domination of the Top 200 in January 2025? We will find out. Until then, everyone stay safe and be good!

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