Destro #2 Review

Destro #2 Advance Review

Destro’s first mini-series in the Energon Universe started strong. Dan Watters and Andrei Bressan knew exactly how to present Destro as a villain that is different from Cobra Commander. He has his own morals and sense of operating in his own way. While his individuality was established Watters and Bressan made sure to not lose sight that they are writing a villain as the protagonist of the series. We got the chance to check out an early copy of Destro #2. Find out how it turned out with our advanced review.


Writer: Dan Watters

Artist: Andrei Bressan

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“The world is changing—and Destro means to come out on top! But with Cobra Commander breathing down his neck and mercenaries Xamot and Tomax seeking to dethrone him as the world’s premier weapons manufacturer, he’ll have to survive the future in order to build it.” – Skybound & Image Comics


Destro #2 is a literal war of attrition between Destro and the Crimson Twins, Xamot and Tomax. It is a credit to the pacing Dan Watters and Andrei Bressan create for this issue that the content felt like we got more than 20 pages. An entire story arc was told within this comic book, creating a greater investment for what the results turned out to be.

Watters and Bressan double down on the fact that, as the reader, we are not supposed to sympathize with the lead characters of this series. Destro is about seeing the protagonist who is 100% a villain and does not hesitate about that fact. He obtains all his achievements and power by not caring about the opposition he was facing.

This made Xamot and Tomax an even more compelling duo for Destro to face. Because, as we saw throughout this issue, there aren’t many differences between Destro’s end goals and that of Xamot and Tomax. The difference came down to how each side believed ultimate victory and power is to be achieved.

Destro #2 Preview
Preview of interior artwork for Destro #2 by artist Andrei Bressan, colorist Adriano Lucas, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

Having this mirror reflection of opposing sides was compelling because as the reader we aren’t supposed to be rooting for either side. With Destro, Xamot, and Tomax relishing their statuses all we can do is watch whose approach will ultimately win in the end. It is really a unique comic book reading experience. One that makes me glad is that Watters and Bressan are making sure to embrace the two opposing sides are ultimate both villains.

This all helps to establish the variety of firepower and manpower we will see come under Cobra Commander. Throughout this issue we see the strengths and weaknesses of Destro, Xamot, and Tomax planning. Their full belief that they only have strengths just further drives home what makes them compelling villains in the GI JOE franchise.

It all leads to an ending that as someone new to the GI JOE fan doesn’t necessarily hit as exciting because of whose there. What makes the ending exciting is simply because Watters and Bressan have built up trust that it will lead to something big in the next issue. That alone is what has me excited to learn about the implications of what is to come.


In the war we see play out of Destro vs Xamot and Tomax there are no sides to be on. And that is where the magic of Destro #2 is shown. This comic book unapologetically nails what would happen when two villain groups fight it out in all out war. The results create even greater interest in what is going on in the GI JOE side of the Energon Universe.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Check out the full preview of Destro #2 ahead of its Wednesday, July 17th, release by clicking here.

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