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Destro #3 Advance Review

Of all the GI JOE related comic books in the Energon Universe Destro was the one mini-series I had zero expectations for. The character is someone that I had zero familiarity with, that includes his design. Coming into this series with no preconceived notions or expectations was honestly for the best. It has led to a lot of cool surprises with the different things that have gone on. Now I got the chance to check out an early copy of Destro #3. Find out how it turned out with our advance review below.


Writer: Dan Watters

Artist: Andrea Milana

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“Stranded in the mountains without any weapons, Destro must survive the Chameleon’s wrath. But who is the Chameleon? And why do they want Laird Destro dead?” – Skybound & Image Comics


Dan Watters and Andrea Milana do not hide from Destro being a villain. That has worked to the strength of this series. It once again is highlighted in Destro #3 as Watters and Milana do not try to paint Destro in a positive light. Instead, Destro utilizes what makes him such a dastardly villain to amplify all the developments that go on in this latest issue.

The shift in storytelling from the previous issues is the most jarring part of Destro #3. This was a much more focused story as it is mostly focused on Destro vs Chameleon. It’s a decision that works to show how we are getting a variety of storytelling around Destro. He doesn’t just fit into one type of story that we will see him cycle in and out of each issue. In turn, it leads to suspense to want to find out where all of this will lead.

Destro #3 Preview
Preview of interior artwork for Destro #3 by artist Andrea Milana, colorist Adriano Lucas, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound and Image Comics

The suspense that is had exemplifies the success Watters and Milana have in making Chameleon a genuine threat. From the moment she appears on screen Chameleon comes across as a badass Destro will have a tough time defeating. The way Milana paces their fight never gave away who would ultimately win. That is a great way to keep both Destro and Chameleon strong.

What this fight results in creates a lot of questions as to how this series will go now in the second half of this mini-series. The characters that get involved on the conflict are certainly going to have major ramifications for the future of the GI JOE corner of the Energon Universe. It is especially creates a lot of questions around how the way Destro could end will lead into how the recently announced GI JOE series will begin.


Destro #3 is an action-packed comic book. Destro’s fight against the Chameleon is choreographed in a way that you are constantly guessing how it could end. All of the action has a sense of purpose that gets you even more invested in how this series developments will factor into the greater GI JOE plans in the Energon Universe. The cliffhanger creates a lot of intrigue to find out what will happen in the second half of this mini-series.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10

Click here to check out the full preview of Destro #3 ahead of its August 21st release.

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