Destro #5 Review

Destro #5 Advance Review

With G.I. JOE right around the corner there is one final mini-series to wrap up before it begins. That is the finale to Destro. The series from writer Dan Watters and artist Andrei Bressan has been building up the villain side of the G.I. JOE corner of the Energon Universe. Destro has proven himself to be a major threat that matches that of Cobra. Though recent developments in the series could throw off what Destro is building in relation to Cobra. We got the chance to check out an early look at the final issue. Find out how it turned out with our advance review of Destro #5.


Writer: Dan Watters

Artist: Andrei Bressan

Colorist: Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“MINISERIES FINALE! Destro. Cobra Commander. The Crimson Twins. The most dangerous powers in the Energon Universe are at war…but only one can win. The road to G.I. JOE #1 ends here!” – Skybound & Images Comics


Destro #5 ends how the series started with the battle against the Crimson Twins to show who has the stronger organization is the focus. It is a full circle way of concluding this mini-series that provides plenty of payoff and foundation building for the future of the Energon Universe.

Above all else, this issue further cements Destro as one of major villain forces in the Energon Universe. Everything in this issue is about getting him over to be on the level of other villains. That goes from the way he talks down to how he sits. Because of that Andrei Bressan artwork for how Destro is portrayed is so important. Especially in a room with Cobra Commander and Crimson Twins, it is Destro that comes across as the most brutal of the bunch.

Destro #5 Interior Preview
Preview of interior artwork for Destro #5 by artist Andrei Bressan, colorist Adriano Lucas, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

Establishing Destro in such a way is extremely important given Cobra Commander’s presence in this issue. We know that Cobra Commander is arguably the big bad of the Energon Universe right now. We saw in his own series that Cobra Commander is dangerous not just because of the organization he controls but also a one-man army on his own.

With that looming over this finale there are a lot of things done by Dan Watters and Bressan to establish Destro on Cobra Commander’s level. If he isn’t on Cobra Commander’s level, at the very least he is as close as there is. That character work goes a long way to firm up the foundation of the G.I. JOE side of the Energon Universe. The way the big conflict of this series is resolved drives home the overwhelming odds the G.I. JOE are up against from the very beginning.

The ending also does a lot of interesting things to further build out the mythos of the Energon Universe. Specifically, when it comes to how the G.I. JOE and Transformers franchises are being united. There are so many things, from decisions made to characters that are brought into the fold that build greater intrigue as to how the G.I. JOE and Transformers will continue to interact in each other’s books.


Destro #5 concludes this mini-series with a lot of world building storytelling to strengthen the foundation of the Energon Universe. Through all the world building Dan Watters and Andrei Bressan put over Destro as one of the characters to watch moving forward. It all comes together for a mini-series that builds a lot of excitement for the future of the Energon Universe.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Click here to check out a preview of Destro #5 ahead of its Wednesday, October 16th, release.

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