G.I. JOE #4 Review

G.I. JOE #4 Advance Review

Things have not been going well for the Energon Universe’s G.I. JOE. Even before the team officially formed they were already far behind what Cobra already had been planning. The mini-series before this series launched established that and it has continued into the early life of the G.I. JOE ongoing. With things not looking to get better anytime soon how will things go next? We got the chance to check out an early copy of G.I. JOE #4 from Skybound and Image Comics. Find out how it turned out with our advance review.


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Tom Reilly

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“THE RACE IS ON! Both Cobra and the Joes are in a deadly contest to retrieve Cybertronian tech first Meanwhile, a Joe learns Cobra Commander’s secrets…the hard way!” – Skybound & Image Comics


If there is a comic book that defines things going from bad to worse for the protagonist G.I. JOE #4 makes a strong case for being the best example of that. This is by no means a surprise as this has been the case for the JOEs throughout the life of this young series. But while it is not a surprise there are a lot of things within the result that build the investment in where we are left at in the final page.

The way that G.I. JOE #4 defines how things go throughout this entire issue. The Duke, Baroness, and Risk running away from the Crimson Twins and Cobra is really all the JOEs can do to defend themselves. They are outgunned and outnumbered. There isn’t some the JOEs can to pop out of the air to turn things around and save them.

Through this situation Joshua Williamson further drives home the distinct personalities of this version of the JOEs. Risk is constantly concerned with how the odds are against them. Baroness questions their actions. And Duke tries to maintain a confidence as he appears to have a plan in place. The characterization also extends to the roles Cover Girl and Stalker take in this issue.

G.I. JOE #4 Preview
Preview of interior artform for G.I. JOE #4 by artist Tom Reilly, colorist Jordie Bellaire, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

Having such defined characters makes the way Cobra constantly pushes the JOEs against the corner create even greater tension. Throughout G.I. JOE #4 your constantly wondering how they will get out of the corner they’ve been placed in. That is credit to how Williamson has been able to develop Cobra to come across as a great threat in the Energon Universe. Which adds to the credibility of Cobra Commander as the organization’s leader.

Developing things in this way puts a further emphasis on how Cobra Commander is focused on the developments in the Energon Universe. Williamson make sure to constantly integrate elements from the other Energon Universe titles in a natural way. That leads to the Cybertronian tech that was mentioned in G.I. JOE #4’s teaser raise eyebrows when they are shown.

All the developments in this issue are further elevated by Tom Reilly’s artwork, enhanced by Jordie Bellaire’s coloring. Everything that goes down hits another level because of how the all the action is choreographed. There is this feeling of watching a movie with the way momentum is created from panel to panel. The way things are drawn and colored also standout as choices are made to create even greater impact to certain actions taken.


G.I. JOE #4 further solidifies this series as one of the best comic books on the market right now. Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire really knock it out of the park with another tension filled comic book as the JOEs battle against Cobra grows more desperate. It cannot be said enough that this is a comic book that is must-read.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Check out the preview for G.I. JOE #4 by clicking here.

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