G.I. Joe #5 Review

G.I. JOE #5 Advance Review

Last week’s Transformers and Void Rivals escalated things in the Energon Universe to another level. Now this week it is G.I. JOE’s time to shine. Though things have not been looking good for the JOEs as they have been completely dominated by Cobra. Things have been so bad it has looked like the JOEs time as a team will be coming to a quick end. They need some hail mary in order to turn things around. We got the chance to check out an early copy of G.I. JOE #5. Find out how it turned out with our advance review.


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Tom Reilly

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“G.I. Joe versus Cobra! G.I. Joe has suffered massive losses at the hands of Cobra, and now their backs are against the wall. Is this their last stand? How far will the Joes go to finally stop Cobra’s plans?” – Skybound & Image Comics


From the moment you open G.I. JOE #5 there is a sense of dread that Joshua Williamson and Tom Reilly have created. You really don’t know how exactly the team could even get out of the situation they are in as Cobra has completely dominated them at every chance they’ve had. The entire team captured is the only result of this dominance Cobra has shown. The questioning of the fate of the JOEs made everything that is accomplished in this issue hit even harder.

The opening pages set the tone that G.I. JOE #5 takes straight through the final panel. Anyone else would have given up after everything Cobra has done. But these are the JOEs. They are not people to give up even when the odds are against them. And to say the odds are against them would be an understatement. This situation made the spotlight in the rebel nature of the JOEs, specifically Duke and Baroness, shine even brighter.

G.I. Joe #5 Preview
Preview of interior artwork for G.I. Joe #5 by artist Tom Reilly, colorist Jordie Bellaire, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

Having the JOEs show they won’t simply give up added to how the members of Cobra are positioned as villains you love to hate. Williamson and Reilly really get over how Destro, Chameleon, and other Cobra members love being villains. They have no remorse over torturing and showing their dominance over the JOEs. It leaves you as the reader really feeling how Cobra as an organization revel in their pure, unapologetic villainy.

All of that made how quickly Williamson remind us of sub-plots introduced in previous issues be a big reward. It shows how immersive the story is that when a sub-plot is paid off it immediately clicks with that first panel. You have that light bulb moment of this being where Williamson have been leading the story in this first story arc too. The adversity was needed to make it as rewarding as it turns out to be.

All the moments from both the JOEs and Cobra side would not hit as hard as they do without the excellent artwork by Reilly and colorist Jordie Bellaire. Both Reilly and Bellaire are at the top of their game as an art team. The artwork puts over the brutality shown by Cobra while also showing the never-say-die attitude the JOEs have. It is a distinction that remains consistent throughout this issue as things continuously escalate. That escalation leads to the final page being hit on the dynamic level it needed to as a hook ending.


G.I. JOE #5 is a thrilling roller coaster ride that pays off many of the things that have been in development since this series began. The intensity from both the JOEs and Cobra shines bright in their own distinct way. That all leads to rewarding moments that further elevate each side as the heroes and villains of this story. By the end you’re left excited with what is possible with the final page Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire end this chapter of the story on.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

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