Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1-1

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 Review

Things are about to heat up with Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1! I enjoyed Episode 0, a pure prologue designed to introduce new viewers to the Kinnikuman franchise. Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 0 did well in Japan where it took 8th place in the Top 10 for the week of Jul 1-7, 2024 with an average household rating of 2.0. We will keep an eye on the ratings. With that out of the way, I am eager to get the actual story going and get to some kick-ass Chojin action! Let’s do this full-spoiler review.

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 is where the story of the Justice Chojin squaring off against the Perfect Chojin begins. If you are a long-time reader/viewer of the Kinnikuman franchise then you can skip Episode 0 and start with Episode 1 and you will be good to go. I imagine that Episode 1 will be far more enjoyable for longtime readers/viewers than the prologue episode.

Still, in an effort to make sure new viewers understand what a Chojin is and their role in the universe, the first three minutes of Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 deliver a concise and clear synopsis of what a Chojin is and their role in the universe. This was effective and efficient. Chojins are superheroes who must use their superpowers for justice and to protect the universe from evil.

We see both Geronimo and Terryman engaging in standard-issue superhero activity. Geronimo uses his Apache Scream to stop a tornado from destroying a town. This was a quick but bad-ass scene. I love seeing Geronimo use his superpower in regular superhero action. The fact that Gernomino was able to destroy a tornado was an effective way to get over with the viewer how powerful the Apache Scream is. It also explains why, later in the episode, Strong the Budo is quick to nullify Geronimo’s Apache Scream.

We also see Terryman use his super strength to stop a train from killing a child on the railroad track. This scene gets over how Terryman is both brave and incredibly strong. I also liked Terryman’s stern but caring talking that he gives the boy after saving him. This was pure classic superhero stuff.

At any rate, showing the two Justice Chojin engaging in standard Superhero activity highlights that this is the Justice Chojins’ main purpose. That their wrestling matches with evil Chojins is how they settle disputes. It is much smarter than American superhero stories where the battle with supervillains takes place in public where civilians are constantly put in danger of injury and death and private property is always being destroyed. Limiting battles between good guys and bad guys to a wrestling ring restricts the collateral damage.

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Ep.1-2
Credit: Production I.G.

We then spent the next four minutes recapping the treaty that was signed by the Justice Chojin, Devil Chojin, and Perfect Chojin. This is fine and makes sure all the new viewers are properly up to speed and the stage is effectively set for this new story.

It is nine minutes into Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 when business starts to pick up with the arrival of our bad guys for this story: The Perfect Chojin. This faction of the Perfect Chojin is named the Perfect Large Numbers since they are the strongest of all the Perfect Chojin. Their arrival is appropriately badass and dramatic. This faction consists of the leader Strong the Budo, Max Radial, Dalmatiman, Turboman, Crushman, Peek-a-Boo, and Marlinman. There are also five hooded members in the background.

Let’s pause the story and discuss the designs of the Perfect Large Numbers. Fantastic! These evil Chojin are all appropriately cool and outlandish like all Kinnikuman characters should be. I was initially disappointed when I saw Strong the Budo since he mimics the style of Big the Budo. However, the color differences help Strong the Budo stand out a bit. In particular, the purple and white color scheme is more eye-catching than Big the Budo’s black and red color scheme in the original Kinnikuman anime.

Dalmatiman’s design is simple but sleek. This Perfect Chojin is part Dalmation and part man. I dig his giant spiked color so you know he is a mad dog! Spiked wristbands match the spike collar. I like that Dalmatiman always has his tongue hanging out like a dog excited and ready to go.

Crushman is another great-looking Chojin. I enjoy his mechanical/humanoid design with his six spike metal “arms” sprouting out of his back. His lilac color scheme is daring and unique. As always, Yudetemago loves interesting color schemes for their characters.

Peek-a-Boo looks amazing! This is the kind of outrageous and wacky character design that the Kinnikuman franchise is well known for! I dig that we get an oddball character with the Perfect Large Numbers faction. I love that he has hands covering his face to go along with the theme of the classic infant game of peek-a-boo. The addition of a rattler as a weapon? Pure brilliance! It is going to be awesome seeing Peek-A-Boo in action.

Max Radial looks phenomenal. I love how massive Max Radial is from his tall height, enormous torso, and outrageous monster truck-sized tires on his shoulders. His shock absorber calves are a nice touch. This is the definition of a monster heel!

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Ep.1-4
Credit: Production I.G.

Turboman has a cool design. Even though Turboman’s design has the look of a Robot Chojin like Warsman, he is not. Turboman is a humanoid Chojin. I dig Turboman’s mask complete with breathing hoses and red goggles. The black and yellow color scheme evokes Warsman’s color scheme. The massive gauntlets that house Turboman’s six spikes are so cool. These gauntlets look like revolver cylinders. Turboman’s six-spike attack is also reminiscent of Warsman’s Bear Claw attack. You can tell that Turboman is going to want to fight Warsman!

Despite my love for all of the designs for the Perfect Large Numbers members, I think Marlinman edges out the others to be my favorite design of the bunch. I mean just look at him! He is so incredibly bad-ass! I love the fin across his back and the smaller fins on his forearms, his long sword nose with spikes, and his clawed hands. This dude looks vicious! Marlinman’s color scheme is also spot-on and nicely aquatic. There is no doubt Marlinman will eff up his opponents!

I also love that we get five hooded members of the Perfect Large Numbers. This is a classic Kinnikuman gimmick where certain Chojin are hidden by cloaks and only revealed before their matches. This is a neat way to build suspense and create some excitement when we finally get to see what the hooded Chojin look like. The best part is how dramatically the Chojin change their shapes and sizes once they remove their hoods. That has always made me smile!

All right, back to the story in Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1. Since Strong the Budo is the leader of the Perfect Large Numbers that means he gets the mic time. Strong the Budo’s job is to cut a promo that gets the Perfect Large Numbers over as unstoppable heels while belittling the Justice Chojin as weak losers. Mission accomplished in this scene. Strong the Budo’s promo was perfect and succeeded in getting the audience to dislike the Perfect Large Numbers faction and want to see the Justice Chojin defeat them.

The peace treaty between the Perfect Chojin, Devil Chojin, and Justice Chojin is quickly undone. The logic for the treaty being nullified was based on the fact that Neptune Man was not the leader of the Perfect Chojin and did not have the authority to bind the Perfect Chojin to the peace treaty.

This is the part of Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 where we finally get some gruesome action. Our newly introduced big bad heels completely squash some babyfaces in several hapless Justice Chojin. This helps to generate more heat for villains with the viewer. Gernomino is savagely beaten by Strong, Dalmatiman, Turboman, and Crushman. This was a wonderfully bloody one-sided beatdown. By having our villains easily crush Geronimo gets over their power. Also, the fact that Gernomm is so likable makes the viewers angered by the villains’ brutal attack.

But, the brutal action in Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 wasn’t over! Max Radial got his chance to shine as he took on both Canadianman and Specialman. Max Radial viciously decimates the two Justice Chojins. Max Radial’s Drift Tackle is pretty sick as he rips the skin off both Justice Chojins. This fight gets Max Radial over as an unstoppable villain. This battle also gets over Max Radial’s finisher, the Drift Tackle, as an unbeatable move. The gross manner in which Max Radial shreds Candianman and Specialman makes the viewer view him as a monster.

The one-sided defeats of Geronimo, Candianman, and Specialman make the Perfect Large Numbers faction look like an unstoppable force. The viewer is genuinely worried for the Justice Chojin. Defeating the Perfect Large Numbers faction appears to be a seemingly impossible task. This will put our heroes on a path where they will have to struggle in this upcoming tournament. This struggle will make any victories by our heroes that much more exhilarating and more satisfying for the viewer.

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Ep.1-3
Curry Cook and Benkiman transformed into humans! Credit: Production I.G.

Now, everything that we had gotten in this episode up to this point was fantastic, but the real stunning moment of Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 was when Strong the Budo grabbed Tileman, stripped him of his Chojin powers, and turned him into a human! Then Strong the Budo grabbed Curry Cook and Benkiman and stripped both of them of their Chojin powers turning them into normal humans, too! What?!

My mind was totally blown at this point! This is something that we have never seen before. This also immediately elevates Strong the Budo as one of the most powerful Chojins. The concept that a Chojin can be stripped of their powers and transformed into a normal human is an interesting twist on the existing cannon concerning Chojin and their lore. I am curious to see if we get more information on how Strong the Budo can pull something like this off. To be sure, being able to strip Chojins of their superpowers immediately makes Strong the Budo an impossible-to-defeat Boss-level villain!

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 ends with getting Terryman over as the indomitable hero who does not back down from impossible odds as he flies into the ring, smashes Strong the Budo, and agrees to take on all seven members of the Perfect Large Numbers. Think about it! Terryman just saw Strong the Budo remove the superpowers from three Chojins! But, the Texas Bronco did not bat an eye in attacking Strong the Budo. That is the kind of heart of a hero that gets viewers pumped up!

This was a strong hook ending. The viewer is eager to see Terryman exact some much-needed revenge in the next episode. Both the villains and the heroes did their part in getting the viewer eager for the upcoming tournament. I have read the manga already, but I was still itching to see Episode 2 immediately after Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 ended!

The animation Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 was fantastic. All of the characters look great. The art for the action scenes was dynamic. I love that the action was properly bloody and violent. The character expressions are well done as everyone reacts in that proper pro wrestling style of emoting.

I have no real complaints about this episode at all. My only minor quibble would be the new localized translation for the Chairman Harabote Muscle. Harabote has always been referred to as the Chairman. For some weird reason, he is now referred to as the Chairperson. This makes no sense. Harabote is a male. He is the Chairman. And that is okay. This is a bizarre and unnecessary change that sounds like a musician hitting the wrong note every time a character says it.

Final Thoughts

Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 was well-paced and plotted. I love the concise and effective explanation of a Chojin and their primary objective and purpose. All of the chess pieces for this story are assembled entertainingly. The story progressed in a logical manner and with a clear purpose. Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 efficiently sets the stage for the upcoming tournament between the Justice Chojins and the Perfect Large Numbers.

As expected, I love that Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 follows the classic pro wrestling formula for setting up a massive feud. Episode 1 effectively gets the bad guys over with the viewers as an unstoppable threat. This episode also puts our heroes in immediate peril creating a seemingly impossible challenge for our heroes to tackle. All in all, Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc Episode 1 laid out a strong foundation for what should be an entertaining tournament.

Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10.