Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations

Top Takeaways From Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations

Marvel Comics June 2025 comic book solicitations are here! Marvel is certainly going into their summer with plenty of big plans. Throughout Marvel Comics June 2025 solicitations we see that the company is expanding beyond relying on One World Under Doom to be the big selling point of their publishing plans. That includes a big new event by Jonathan Hickman. Let’s take a look at the biggest takeaways from Marvel Comics June 2025 solicitations.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Imperial #1
Credit: Marvel Comics

Leave it to Jonathan Hickman to aim to tackle yet another corner of the Marvel Universe to revamp with a new foundation for others to follow. That is certainly the feeling that is given by the solicitation for Imperial #1.

The four-issue mini-series gives a lot of vibes to what Hickman’s approach was in helping craft the foundation for the new Ultimate Universe with Ultimate Invasion. Hickman may not be committing to having full control of a specific corner of the Marvel Universe. Instead he will be using Imperial to create the new status quo for all those that exist in this corner. That includes long-time parts of the Marvel cosmic side like Nova and Star-Lord as well as insert other classic characters like She-Hulk and Black Panther as permanent members.

Whatever Hickman’s direction and future with the Marvel cosmic is will be exciting. There is no doubt he will create magic. He’s proven that over and over again with his work on Fantastic Four, Avengers, X-Men, and Ultimate Universe. He will do so yet again with Imperial being the kickoff to making the Marvel cosmic corner as exciting as it was after the original Annihilation event.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Godzilla vs The Avengers
Credit: Marvel Comics

The new Godzilla versus series Marvel is publishing is one that will no doubt be a home run. The approach they are taking with Godzilla’s clash against the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and X-Men looks to all tap into what fans will want from this story. Disappointingly the same can’t be said about the Godzilla vs Avengers in June.

The immediate thing that stood out was the choice of roster for the Godzilla vs Avengers one-shot. The roster choice was none other than the New Avengers roster. This is a roster that will include Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine. That is not exactly the Avengers roster that one would hope to see, especially since Spider-Man and Wolverine have clashes with Godzilla in earlier one-shots.

At the same time, the New Avengers choice isn’t all that surprising. Afterall, the writer for the Godzilla vs Avengers one-shot is David F. Walker. Walker was a long-time collaborator with Brian Bendis, having worked on Naomi and Young Justice with him. Having worked with Bendis for so long likely made Walker choose the New Avengers rather than a more classic version of the roster. Maybe the comfort with writing the Bendis team will work for Walker but does feel like this is a missed opportunity to have the likes of Thor, Giant Man, Wasp, Ant-Man, Hulk, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, or Black Panther to name a few part of this unique crossover.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Marvel Knights: The World To Come #1
Credit: Marvel Comics

The Marvel Knights is a period in Marvel Comics history that I wasn’t reading comic books consistently on a monthly basis. The only familiarity I have with that publishing line is the Marvel Knights’ Spider-Man series. But understanding the publishing line’s place in Marvel’s history the return of Marvel Knights in any form is a big deal.

Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest returning to work on the new Marvel Knights: The World To Come mini-series is a big deal. It being set to be six-issues will work for them to tell a complete story rather than building a big long-term story. This will also allow Marvel to gauge the interest in the Marvel Knights line once again. If The World To Come is successful we will no doubt see another Marvel Knights series published.

The hope is that Quesada and Priest story is a standalone without worrying about continuity. Especially for creators like Quesada and Priest who are tied more to previous era of Marvel that it is for the best to do something on their own rather than tying into current Black Panther stories.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: New Thunderbolts #1
Credit: Marvel Comics

Unsurprisingly Marvel is waiting one month after the release of the Thunderbolts* movie to publish an ongoing series for the team. Marvel has a history of doing this after the release of a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. It once again creates the question if the New Thunderbolts series starting in June will be able to use the momentum from the movie to have a strong launch.

Launch plans aside I do have to admit that the New Thunderbolts roster is a great line-up. Like with the movie, the New Thunderbolts does have a vibe of a darker version of the current Avengers line-up. Especially with Winter Soldier and Black Widow leading a team of Wolverine, Carnage, Hulk, Clea, and Namor. Those names give the New Thunderbolts a status of a heavy hitting team with a nice mix of strong fighters and magic to cover all the basis for a superhero team.

Adding to the interest is that the New Thunderbolts will be starting out by taking on a new villainous version of the Illuminati. What this first story means for the direction the series takes while One World Under Doom is still going on will be interesting to see. At least with this announced set-up the New Thunderbolts is the first team book outside the X-Men and Jed MacKay’s Avengers that has peaked my interest to pick up.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: One World Under Doom #5
Credit: Marvel Comics

June will mark the crossing of the halfway point for Marvel’s latest big event with One World Under Doom #5. This will easily be the most important chapter of the event as it begins to transition to the endgame. The set-up for whatever One World Under Doom’s endgame is getting an intriguing set-up with the Avengers joining Doctor Doom to fight Dormammu.

This development is a big change as the end of One World Under Doom showed the Avengers creating an alliance with the Masters of Evil to take down Doctor Doom. The Avengers are certainly flip-flopping a lot in One World Under Doom. Which does really make the question of what will happen when all is said and done even bigger.

One World Under Doom #5 will also set the tone for the majority of the second half of 2025 for Marvel. Specifically when it comes to the Avengers and Fantastic Four titles. We see that impact already as Marvel is relaunching the Fantastic Four series in July, spoiling that Ben Grimm will be returning to his The Thing form by then as well.

With how much the MCU movies dictate the creative direction for Marvel when it comes to the Avengers it is not surprising the Fantastic Four are treated similarly with their big movie coming out. Hopefully it will mean greater marketing attention paid to the Fantastic Four as Ryan North’s run has been quietly one of Marvel’s best right now.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Death of the Silver Surfer #1
Credit: Marvel Comics

With the Fantastic Four movie right around the corner there was no doubt that Marvel wouldn’t leave Silver Surfer out of the publishing fun. That is exactly what they are doing by killing him in the new Death of the Silver Surfer mini-series by Greg Pak and Sumit Kumar. That is certainly one way to get Silver Surfer attention, especially if he does show up in the Fantastic Four movie.

Though how well this story will be done is tough to tell as Marvel never seems to have a grasp of how to consistently publish a Silver Surfer comic. To their credit, they have given the Death of the Silver Surfer a good creative team. Pak has more than proven himself to be one of the most consistent writers in the industry with quality, entertaining comics. Kumar’s artwork has an equal amount of consistency that nails the Marvel style.

So on from a creative standpoint Death of the Silver Surfer has a good team behind it. But with how often Marvel “kills off” characters the impact of Silver Surfer’s death is hard to see. This mini-series could just end up being about replacing Norrin Radd with another person who will takeover the name of Silver Surfer. Marvel has a history of doing just that and this mini-series is the big step to that direction


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Gwenpool #2
Credit: Marvel Comics

Marvel did their best to make the return of Earth-616 Gwen Stacy as a dark version of Gwenpool a big deal. But if the solicitation for Gwenpool #2 is any indication than this announcement has already lost its steam before the series even launches. The solicitation itself does not even try to market how big of a deal Gwen’s return is, like its some big secret. Instead the focus is on the original Gwenpool battling her dark doppelganger.

This once again highlights the problem with bringing back Earth-616 Gwen Stacy in the way Marvel and writer Cavan Scott chose. It just does not feel like there was real care put into the resurrection, at least nowhere to how Bucky Barners or Jason Todd’s return were set-up. The solicitation for the new Gwenpool mini-series just comes across as Scott and their editor threw darts at a board with their eyes closed and combined the random ideas that were hit.

It is a real shame because Gwen’s return should be a big deal. But Marvel is treating it as nothing more as a cheap ploy. Oh well, this may just be another comic to throw out there to be at the bottom of the sales rankings. Hope it is great just like any comic book published but it is just not looking good.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion #1
Credit: Marvel Comics

As we see throughout Marvel Comics June 2025 solicitations for the Ultimate Universe publishing line. The big one catching all the attention from Marvel’s marketing is Miles Morales visiting the new Ultimate Universe for the first time. Miles returning to the Ultimate Universe is something I’ve spoken in depth. With the momentum the Ultimate Universe has right now Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion will no doubt be one of the top selling comics this year.

Along with Miles visit, June is an important point for the Ultimate Universe as it will mark only six months remaining before the return of The Maker. Miles arrival will likely play a key role in The Maker’s return given the timing of when the Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion mini-series would end. And with Deniz Camp writing the mini-series that does add more interest in how things will go in The Ultimates he is also writing and what developments happen there.

There is also the gang war that is brewing over in the main Ultimate Spider-Man series. This is gang war in New York is something that Hickman has teased as soon as he introduced Kingpin’s Sinister Six. The Ultimate Sinister Six seemed to have an uneasy alliance under Kingpin, which was furthered with how Mole Man, Kraven, and Mysterio interacted after capturing Peter Parker and Harry Osborn. A big gang war going on in a key city like New York is sure attract the attention of not just the Kingpin but also the Maker’s Council.

Then there is Ultimate Black Panther there will be more of a dive into the politics in Wakanda. Specifically, Killmonger is being given more power by T’Challa and we are learning the truth about T’Challa and Okoye’s marriage. Both these things may be what triggers T’Challa and Storm to get closer as their fated relationship has been a running sub-plot from the beginning of Ultimate Black Panther. What that will mean for could have a direct impact on the greater Ultimate Universe direction.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Phoenix #12
Credit: Marvel Comics

For the solicitation of Phoenix #11 there was the tease of someone from Jean Grey’s past will be returning. Now we know who that important person and it is none other than Jean’s sister Sara Grey. Sara is a character that died long before the Grey’s End storyline that wiped out the Grey family in 1994’s X-Men #36.

Any member of the Grey family return is a significant one. Sara being the one that is returning is possibly the biggest as the first to really be targeted because of Jean. There is the immediate question as to how Sara was resurrected and why it was her out of all of Jean’s deceased relatives? The likelihood is it will be tied to Jean’s connection to the Phoenix Force as Stephanie Phillips has really been diving into the growing cosmic scope of the powers.

Sara’s return could also be the spark that leads to an even bigger Phoenix related storyline we will see in the X-Men comic books. Especially with Hickman likely including the Shi’ar Empire as part of the Imperial event there are Phoenix ties that can be made to the great Marvel cosmic plans. Which will eventually bring the X-Men into the fold at some point post-Imperial.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations: Immortal Thor #24
Credit: Marvel Comics

There are very few Marvel character that have been tested as much as Thor. There is always the feeling that at any point one of the many God-level villains that Thor faces could kill him. That’s been the case with the arrival of the Elder Gods in Immortal Thor. Now Immortal Thor #24 is going all in on this tease as it directly states:

“This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR…and how he faced his end.”

The end of the Immortal Thor has been teased even before Al Ewing started his run. We saw in Donny Cates run that Thor got a vision of the end from the Black Winter. While the prophecy talked about in Immortal Thor #24 may not be what was foreseen in Black Winter’s vision there could still be some ties.

The end of the Immortal Thor could also not necessarily mean that Thor Odinson will die. It could instead lead towards the end of Thor’s run as All-Father of Asgard. His position as All-Father has been consistently been brought up. The prophecy could be the biggest test to Thor’s current status and what his future direction will be.


Marvel Comics June 2025 Solicitations:
Credit: Marvel Comics

If there is one thing you can give Marvel credit is that when they decide on a direction they’ll commit to it hard. How long that direction ends up lasting is another thing. This is shown as Marvel is expanding their plans with the New Champions to open up the doors of Avengers Academy once again.

That will happen in Avengers Academy: Assemble #1. Though as Marvel Comics June 2025 solicitations show, this return to the Avengers Academy is just a one-shot rather than a mini-series or ongoing that is a collection of the Infinity Comics series. The timing does hint that Marvel wants to do more with this cast.

Though given that New Champions #2 just barely made it into the Top 100 in February’s sales rankings it is hard to tell how Avengers Academy: Assemble will do in print. This once again brings to question how big the Marvel Unlimited audience is and how many of those will be enticed to purchase a print version of a series they already read one year earlier.

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