New Comic Books for January 4, 2008





All right, it is a new year and The Revolution is ready to have a good one. Now, if only DC and Marvel would cooperate with me. 2008 should prove to be a very interesting year. Currently, Joey Q is screwing the pooch with his horrid retcon over on Amazing Spider-Man while Dan “death count” Didio is busy making a mockery of the DCU with Countdown to Final Crisis. Now, Marvel has a big event in the upcoming Skrull story this year and DC counters with their big event in the Final Crisis. I really do hope that both big events are fantastic reads. However, my gut tells me that both big events are going to royally suck.

All right, let’s talk about this week’s shipment of comic books that we have headed to the Bunker today. It looks like we have a total of only 6 titles this week. This has to be a record for The Revolution. This is the smallest shipment of comic books that has ever headed to the Bunker.

Which DC comic book am I most looking forward to reading? Well, this is a pretty small and average selection of comics from DC this week. I’m actually going to go with Countdown to Final Crisis #17. Mainly out of sheer curiosity to see if it is actually possible that Countdown can produce back to back enjoyable reads.

Which DC comic book am I least looking forward to reading? None really. Normally, Countdown to Final Crisis would be the issue I’m least looking forward to reading, but Countdown #18 bought the title a one week reprieve.

Which Marvel comic book am I most looking forward to reading? I’m actually quite excited about all three issues headed my way from the House of Ideas. Moon Knight sports a new writer in Mike Benson. I am very curious to see how Benson is able to fill the very large shoes of Charlie Huston on this title.

Ultimate Human #1 should be an entertaining read since it deals with my favorite character of the Ultimate Universe in one drunk as a skunk Tony Stark.

But, I’m going to have to go with Uncanny X-Men #494 as the issue I am most looking forward to read. X-Men #206 ended with a stunning ending and I can’t wait to see where Brubaker does next on the Messiah Complex.

Which Marvel comic book am I least looking forward to reading? None. This is a small but strong selection of comic books from Marvel.

I’ll try my best to start posting reviews as soon as possible. I hope everyone enjoys their new comic books for this week.

2 thoughts on “New Comic Books for January 4, 2008

  1. Surprisingly small week for the first of a month; just three books for me: UXM, Ms. Marvel, and the second issue of Vertigo’s newest launch, Northlanders.

    I also bought the From Hell trade, the major Moore work that I’ve yet to read.

  2. I hope you enjoy the outcome of Countdown, I feel it really clarifies the warm atmosphere I encourage in the DCU.

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