No/One #10 Review

No/One #10 Advance Review

The final issue of Brian Buccellato, Kyle Higgins, and Geraldo Borges’ No/One arrives this week. This lines up with the Supermassive 2024 One-Shot releasing at the same time. This makes the week of July 24 a big one for the Massive-Verse. Given what has happened in No One thus far the final issue of this maxi-series can help define where the Massive-Verse will go for not just the rest of 2024 but also 2025. We got the chance to check out an early copy of No/One #10 ahead of release. Find out how it turned out with our advance review.


Writers: Kyle Higgins and Brian Buccellato

Artist: Geraldo Borges

Colorist: Mark Englert

Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou


“SERIES FINALE As the pieces fall into place for a final confrontation with a killer, Ben and Julia find themselves closer to the story than ever before—and the man under the mask is revealed. NO/ONE is a Massive-Verse series.” – Image Comics


No/One #10 brings the answers to most of the questions that have been brought up throughout the previous nine issues of this series. There is that clarity given to understand why everything happened as they did while leaving things still open for future exploration. It is to the credit of the world that Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, and Geraldo Borges created with this series those answers end up leaving you wanting more.

Whereas the penultimate chapter of this story was one filled wit chaos No/One #10 was a more focus story. Higgins and Buccellato architect all the dialogue in this final issue so the chaos going on in Pittsburgh is always at the top of mind. At the same time, they are careful not to have the reader’s attention diverted because of the chaos going on in the city. The focus is always on staying in the moment where most of the cast we’ve been following this entire end up together.

The situation the cast of No/One find themselves is drives home who Aaron Kern happily proves he is. Higgins and Buccellato utilize everything that has happened, and we’ve learned up to this point to explain the decisions Aaron makes. Even if those decisions are rationalized it does not suddenly make Aaron an anti-hero. The character is a full-on villain who does not deny this fact.

No/One #10 Dustin Nguyen Cover
Dustin Nguyen variant cover for No/One #10. Credit: Image Comics

It makes Aaron a better antagonist that fully believes no matter the evil he must commit that being the villain is his role. Embracing that added to the answers we get for all the justification around what has gone on in No/One. There is a real payoff, whether good or bad, to what’s been built.

The way Julia Page ends up being the eyes of the reader made everything that went down stronger. While No/One and Ben Kern have gotten a lot of development this issue really gets over how Julia was right there with those two characters. That said, it would’ve made the way the story resolves if Julia had a bit more agency in the way things turned out. It would’ve made things better if she went from being an avatar for the reader as the audience member to doing more than she does.

That said, the developments around No/One highlight how the mystery around the character was so big to this series success. The answers to who is under the No/One mask is made better because of what we learn about them. That knowledge was provided to us without No/One suddenly gaining a personality they did not show before. Higgins and Buccellato make the right call to keep No/One to who they are since we’ve met them so there is still interest in if there is a future for the character in the Massive-Verse.

Geraldo Borges and Mark Englert artwork throughout No/One #10 delivered on the intensity this final issue needed. He consistency of Borges artwork made the intense atmosphere of this largely dialogue heavy issue have a great flow. Your invested in the story even more because of how characters react to what others say. Those reactions made the ending much more intriguing.


Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, and Geraldo Borges nail the conclusion of this Massive-Verse series with No/One #10. The ending provides a strong payoff to all the chaos that was created in this world throughout this comic book and accompanying podcast. It’s a payoff that leaves you even more invested in what will happen next with the Massive-Verse. With this conclusion No/One establishes itself as a must-read noir thriller for every superhero fan.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10

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