Scarlett #1 Review

Scarlett #1 Advance Review

Scarlett #1 continues the G.I. Joe franchise story within the Energon Universe. Kelly Thompson and Marco Ferrari have a lot to live up to given the quality that both the Duke and Cobra Commander mini-series delivered. Those two series set the bar high for what we can expect from the G.I. Joe corner of the Energon Universe. We got the chance to check out an early copy of Scarlett #1. Find out how it turned out with our advance review.


Writer: Kelly Thompson

Artist: Marco Ferrari

Colorist: Lee Loughridge

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara is about to take on the most dangerous black ops mission of her career: infiltrating the mysterious rising power in Japan known as Clan Arashikage. Her one lead is her former partner—Jinx—turned Arashikage enforcer.

Now, Scarlett must use her very particular set of skills to survive undercover… and discover a shocking weapon that could change the balance of power on Earth.

Red-hot writer Kelly Thompson (Black Widow, Birds of Prey) and artist Marco Ferrari (Frontiersman) introduce some of the most anticipated characters to the Energon Universe in ways you’ll never expect.”


Scarlett #1 nails exactly what it needs to establish both its series lead and the direction its story will go. All things considered the story as presented is straightforward with how Scarlett ends up on the mission to infiltrate the Clan Arashikage. It’s the investment created by the motivation behind this story that grabs you as the reader.

The opening sequence with the infiltration a high society party was the perfect setting to get over what Scarlett’s skill set is. Kelly Thompson and Marco Ferrari balance out having the reader learn about her skill set and personality through this opening. The walk and talk Scarlett has with her partner she’s remotely talking to showed how aware of her surroundings she is. Everything that is done is with a care to the attention to detail she goes about her missions.

Scarlett #1 Preview
Preview of interior artwork in Scarlett #1 by artist Marco Ferrari and colorist Lee Loughridge. Credit: Image Comics & Skybound

Establishing this made how Scarlett and Jinx’s history together comes into play even more intriguing. Even before we learn about their history together there is a story old with how the reaction is to the first time we see them in the same room together. That immediately captures your attention to want to find out what is going on. Which leads in well into how Scarlett takes on the mission to infiltrate Clan Arashikage.

Thanks to the interest that is immediately built into the Clan Arashikage infiltration mission the appearances of other G.I. Joe characters are naturally brought in. There is a reason given for each character’s inclusion is additive to progressing the story forward. The interactions with Scarlett enhance the overall story because of the different dynamics that they have.

Marco Ferrari artwork sets the tone of the cool mix spy and martial arts movie direction the story is going for. The art is at its best when the action breaks out. Ferrari has a great sense of momentum of how Scarlett operates when she is in full spy mode or switches to a badass fighter. Though the art is far from perfect. When there are heavy crowded scenes the lack of detail in both characters and background is distracting. It does not get in the way of the flow of the story but is noticeable in the panels the lack of detail appears.


As soon as you open Scarlett #1 Kelly Thompson and Marco Ferrari get you immersed in the cool spy thriller they create. The mission that Scarlett sets out on continues to strengthen the G.I. Joe side of the universe. It all comes together to another must-read series the Energon Universe is being known for.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Check a preview of pages from Scarlett #1 ahead of its Wednesday, June 5th, release by clicking here.

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