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Something Epic #2 Advance Review

Something Epic was one of the biggest surprises I’ve read. The first issue is one that I picked up on a whim and didn’t know what to expect. To my surprise what Something Epic #1 delivered was an imaginative start to Image Comics’ new series. Szymon Kudranski showed that there is no limit to the imagination that he is utilizing for his series. Is that something that will be carried over to the second issue? Find out with our advance review of Something Epic #2.


Writer and Artist: Szymon Kudranski

Translation: Atom Morwill

Letterer: DC Hopkins


“Danny dips further into the imaginary world. He believes he’s unable to interact with its inhabitants but he finds solace in the absurdity of creativity despite the solitude his power brings.” – Image Comics


The first issue introduced us to how Szymon Kudranski will be implementing imagination to explore a young kid, Danny Dillon, as he has a growing sense of isolation from the real world. Something Epic #2 takes that set-up to create all sorts of emotions in the reader as the story unfolds. All that while Danny reacts in a stoic manner to how his creative mind is creating all these imaginative figures and images that anyone else would view as epic.

One of the constant reactions there is from reading Something Epic #2 is a sense of unease. The story isn’t a scary one but there are a lot of hints of the horror genre. The unease is created by the way Kudranski contrasts the various animation styles for the characters Danny is imagining compared to the real world. Kudranski once again showcases his incredible talent as an artist to give incredible detail to the art style that is implemented.

Something Epic #2 Szymon Kudrański Cover
Szymon Kudrański cover for Something Epic #2. Credit: Image Comics

The detail in the art makes the way all these imaginary characters only Danny sees interact with him and each other creates even greater interest direction Kudranski is taking the story. Danny’s imagination is something that appears limitless and these types of scenes throughout Something Epic #2 show that. This leads to how the weight of Danny’s own imagination takes a toll on him on top of what he is experiencing in his own life.

All that makes the moments where we do see Danny break from his normal stoic way of interacting with both his worlds stand out. At some point, it all becomes a weight too heavy for Danny to try to ignore everything. That all leads to an ending that leaves you wondering how Danny will utilize everything he has experienced in these first two issues to take the next step with his creativity.


Something Epic #2 is another must-have comic book. Carrying the momentum created by the first issue forward, Szymon Kudranski blends creativity with a lot of heart.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10