Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Web-Head New Love Interest

Spider-Man’s Web-Head Nickname Stolen In Marvel Unlimited Infinity Comic

After break-ups with Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy in the latest Amazing Spider-Man series Peter Parker has been single for a while. Though it hasn’t been because Peter now desires to take time for himself. The latest four issues of the Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic series have placed a spotlight on Peter’s desire to have a romantic relationship. That led Peter to do what so many have done and try out online dating. After the StarkDate superhero dating app doesn’t pan out he tries his hand at Bumble and what do you know it works. Or at least it gets him a date that once again shows Peter that his Parker Luck will always hang over his head.


Peter Parker and Lynda Locke - Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity #39
Peter Parker first date with Lynda Locke goes as badly as one can think in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity #39

In an early conversation with Johnny Storm in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #39 Peter jokes that his types are “…Redheads. Super Villainesses. Women he knew back in high school.” While played as a typical Spider-Man joke it was far from it. That is proven as the person Peter connects with in his online dating search and agrees to meet up with is looks like a younger Mary Jane Watson.

That’s right, rather than taking Johnny’s advice or being a rational person, Peter continues to make sure he plays the hurt puppy by choosing someone that looks exactly like MJ. Look we all have types we are attracted to. Sure, for Peter he may lean into his attraction for redheads. But could writer Scott Aukerman, artist Federico Sabbatini, and Marvel give the guy a bone that his date had a different hairstyle or style from Mary Jane Watson?

This creative decision really drives home how the mainline Marvel Universe version of Peter Parker is viewed. Unlike his Ultimate Universe counterpart,  Peter will never be able to grow up and act like an adult. We’ve seen that through this latest Amazing Spider-Man run. And as a complimentary digital Marvel Unlimited series that’s to be a compliment for the rest of the franchise’s physical releases Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic does its job once again.


Web Head Debut - Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity 41
Web Head debut makes her full debut in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity #41. Credit: Marvel Comics

Peter Parker’s love life isn’t the only big thing we see go down in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #39 to Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #42. We have a big debut of a brand-new member of the Spider-Man Family. Normally we’ve seen new Spider-Man Family members debut in a Spider-Verse main series. For the digital Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic series to have a big debut was big.

The new raven-haired unnamed Spider-Woman hero had a special “Toxic Kick” and “Hypno-Blast” attacks that she used to defeat the chimera-like villain, Creature Z. Additionally, it appears as though when this new hero was around Spider-Man’s Spider Sense work, which lead him to not fight to his full capabilities. This is something that Spider-Man didn’t catch on but was obviously shown whenever the two were on screen together.

While that was a big mystery for this story, Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #42 did end with the new Spider-Woman getting her own superhero name. That name can be thanks to the Thing because after the Fantastic Four member called Spider-Man by his Web-Head nickname the new hero took that as her own. That’s right, Spider-Man gets his own nickname stolen from him from a new Spider-Family member and Web-Head is no longer his own. To be fair, given how many Spider-Man and Spider-Woman characters there are unique spider related names are getting hard to come by. So Web-Head does at least keep it in the family.


Lynda Locke is Web-Head - Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity 42
Lynda Locke is revealed to be the new hero known as Web-Head in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity #42. Credit: Marvel Comics

To nail making the debut of Web-Head as effective as possible Scott Aukerman and Federico Sabbatini did end up revealing her secret identity. That secret turned out to be that Web-Head is none other than Lynda Locke, the woman Peter was on a date on after matching online. Lynda hid her identity thanks to her mask and wig hiding the features that would make it obvious early on that she was Web-Head.

This revelation does fall in line with the typical superhero comic book reveal. It was something that Aukerman and Sabbatini teased in Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic #40 with how Lyndia created an excuse as to why she had to leave her date with early when Creature Z attacked just like Peter did. That is not a normal thing to do if Lyndia was to be a one-off character that showed how bad Peter is at dating. The Peter Parker-like excuse Lyndia made was certainly a big red herring.

Lyndia Locke being the new hero known as Web-Head creates a lot of questions as to her origin story. We get hints at that as Lyndia is heard speaking with someone through a communicator that addresses her as “Agent Locke.” That does tease Lyndia possibly has some ties to the government. Though where her allegiances truly are at is still unknown.

One theory that could be had is that Lydia Locke is part of the new S.H.I.E.L.D. that Maria Hill brought back a year ago in Fantastic Four #7. With how quickly the Spider-Man Family has grown Director Maria Hill may want one of her own agents to have those ties. That is only one theory of who Lynda could be working for as there are other organizations and agencies she could be a part of. We will have to wait and see.

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