Storm #1 Review

Storm #1 Review – “Chapter One: Grand Opening”

With X-Men: For The Ashes we are seeing Marvel expand on the franchise with more solo titles. With that direction Storm is one of the X-Men who is getting her own solo title. Outside of Wolverine if there is one X-Men that has the popularity to carry their own solo series it is Storm. As one of the leaders of the X-Men we’ve see her go through a lot of development. That was particularly the case during the Krakoa Era as not only was she confirmed as an Omega-Level mutant but also lead many initiatives, including being the Regent of Sol and leader on Planet Arakko. Now what will Ororo Munroe’s status quo be moving forward? Let’s find out with Storm #1.


Writer: Murewa Ayodele

Artist: Lucas Werneck

Colorist: Alex Guimaraes ad Fer Sifuentes-Sujo

Letterer: Travis Lanham


“EARTH’S MIGHTIEST MUTANT, NOW HEADLINING HER OWN SOLO SERIES! Ororo Munroe has lived many lives. She’s been a thief, a goddess, an X-Man, a queen and now an Avenger! She is the most prominent, most respected and most powerful mutant on the world stage — and in that role, she intends to be a force for positive change! First up: A major meltdown at a nuclear facility in Oklahoma City draws Storm from her Sanctuary in Atlanta — and into a moral conflict that will test her iron resolve! Guest-starring X-FACTOR’s FRENZY!” – Marvel Comics


Murewa Ayodele and Lucas Werneck do exactly what they needed to do to show why this is an ongoing series with Storm #1. From the beginning to the very end we get various example of what makes Ororo Munroe one of Marvel’s most compelling characters. Showing that depth made the impact of in the implications of what is going on with Storm in the final few pages of this first issue.

The most impressive thing that Ayodele and Werneck accomplish is how they have Storm’s character represent someone that gives hope and inspires others. Just from a presentation level Werneck anytime Ororo Munroe is on screen the focus is on her. She is given the Goddess presentation that leaves you I awe of her character. That presentation of Ororo as Storm makes how she quickly springs into action in various ways standout more.

This is accomplished not by having Ororo fight a threat that will be her new nemesis like we see in so many first issues. Instead what Ayodele and Werneck take the time to do is how there is never any hesitation in when it comes to protecting others. Immediately when a disaster destroys Oklahoma City we see Storm with Frenzy to help support answer the call to action. She is quick and decisive in how she uses her powers. When she goes to help people, even those that initially turn her away, she does so in a way that shows compassion and can inspire hope in an event that could’ve eliminated that in all those who suffered.

Saving The Day - Storm #1
Storm and Frenzy team-up to save people impacted by an explosion set off in Oklahoma City in Storm #1. Credit: Marvel Comics

As we see Storm and Frenzy do this they eventually discover the source of the explosion that rocked Oklahoma City a new mutant whose powers were out of control. Seeing the young mutant pleading to be killed so that he doesn’t hurt anyone was well handled. Werneck really painted the kid as someone who just wanted it to end. This led to Storm stopping him by using compassion in for his plight in order to calm him down a powerful way to resolve this disaster.

This event plays further into the greater X-Men: From The Ashes direction with how new mutants are being forced to be activated. While that is not what is confirmed, given the discovery of the alien-kaiju in the factory the new mutant that went out of control could be tied to what we are seeing over in X-Men and Uncanny X-Men. The way Storm and Iron Man react to what is discovered emphasize how impactful what is going on with the X-Men is.

The way Storm chooses to make this as part of her announcement in running for congress is one that creates a lot of questions not just for her but mutans. The damage done by Orchis is something that has kept the hate for mutants something that could easily escalate. Even though Storm was trying to be honest about telling the truth about the events in Oklahoma City she now has to figure out how to navigate the lack of public support she is likely to run into. That will certainly test how Storm takes her leadership experience to have people believe what is doing is for the best interest of the world.

Though given how things ended Storm could be lead down a path that takes away from just being one of Earth’s protector. Eternity showing up at the end creates a lot of questions about what Storm’s direction really will be. Being involved in cosmic conflicts isn’t something foreign to Storm as the former Regent of Sol. Though given the presentation of the Eternal Storm version of the character we could see Ororo deal with her own Phoenix-style battle.


Storm #1 does an excellent job at showcasing what makes Ororo Munroe one of Marvel’s most compelling characters. The depth of character goes beyond her Omega-Level mutant powers. How she utilizes her leadership and compassion to inspire others provides a strong foundation for what is to be expected from this series. That foundation provides Storm with strong potential to be a top-tier solo series.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

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