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The Absolute Legion of Super-Heroes Debut in DC All In Special #1

They are back! Well, maybe not the main DCU version of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Instead, we get the Absolute Legion of Super-Heroes! It has been a long time since we saw the Legion of Super-Heroes. And, no, I am not including that abomination known as the Brian Bendis Legion. Nobody asked for that and nobody wanted it as the Bendis Legion carshed and burned in the sales charts. No, we have not seen the Legion of Super-Heroes since 2022.

DC All in Special #1 unveils the Absolute Legion of Super-Heroes of Alpha World. This Legion is a bit different in that….they are evil! Yup. Darkseid has enslaved our beloved Legion and they now serve him as his army. Yeah, I am not thrilled about the Absolute Legion being bad guys nor am I thrilled about them being goons for Darkseid. But, maybe this is all setting up for us to get a heroic version of the Legion once they break free from Darkseid.

DC All In Special 001 Absolute Legion of Super-Heroes
Credit: DC Comics

At any rate, it is always exciting when we get anything related to the Legion of Super-Heroes. So, I am curious to learn more about Darkseid’s Legion of Super-Heroes. It all starts with the wonderful double-page shot of the Absolute Legion of Super-Heroes at the end (middle?) of the DC All In Special #1. Let’s break down this double-page shot and check out which Legionnaires appear. We will take note of any differences between the classic versions of these Legionnaires.

Before we get to the individual designs of each Legionnaire, we will address a couple of common design elements found in each Legionnaire’s costume. All of the Legionnaires have red striping that forms Darskeid’s Omega symbol in the middle of the chest. All of the Legionnaires have rock designs on their shoulders and forearms that mimic Darkseid’s rocky skin.

I completely understand why these common design elements were given to each Legionnaire. They are supposed to be Darkseid’s army. However, I still hate it. I prefer the Legionnaires with their own unique bright color schemes and being presented as unique individuals rather than generic foot soldiers.

Of course, you cannot have the Legion of Super-Heroes without the Holy Trinity—the three founding members of Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Saturn Girl. So, let’s start with the big three and work our way from there.

Cosmic Boy

DC All In Special 001 Legion of Super-Heroes Cosmic Boy
Cosmic Boy! Credit: DC Comics

Rokk Krin is looking pretty badass. Except for the race-swapped Cosmic Boy from the Bendis Legoin, Cosmic Boy has always been a consistent-looking character. Short blue-black hair, blue eyes, and rocking a pink and black or purple and black color scheme.

Absolute Cosmic Boy looks like Cosmic Boy has always looked like in his sixty-six-year history. The only exception is that Absolute Cosmic Boy is rocking some stubble. The only time that Rokk sported facial hair was when he had stubble during the 1990s TMK Legion.

The Absolute Cosmic Boy utilizes a black and purple color scheme. We have done a detailed history of Cosmic Boy’s costumes. Cosmic Boy sported his trademark pink and black color scheme from the 1950s to the 1990s. It was not until the Reboot “Archie” Legion that Cosmic Boy adopted a purple and black color scheme. I am fine with the decision to go with the purple instead of the pink. Both are excellent color combinations and always look good on Rokk.

Absolute Cosmic Boy sports the iconic four-circle logo on his upper chest. The four circles are usually metallic. It does not appear that Absolute Cosmic Boy has metallic circles. I am glad this version of Cosmic Boy’s costume retains its trademark logo. It is a constant that has appeared on every single costume for Cosmic Boy except for one. That would be Cosmic Boy’s eighth and ninth costumes designed by Mike Grell from the 1970s.

Absolute Cosmic Boy does get a brand new design element never seen before in Cosmic Boy’s costume. That would be the open-face mask. This head covering is black and has three circles on it echoing Cosmic Boy’s four-circle logo. This is a design element most associated with Colossal Boy. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the addition of a head covering to Cosmic Boy’s costume. But, I do like that it has the three circles on it. That is a cool design touch.

Final Grade: 7 Night Girls out of 10. This is a solid look. I could have done without the headgear, but other than that, I dig the look of Absolute Cosmic Boy.

Lightning Lad

DC All In Special 001 Legion of Super-Heroes Lightning Lad
Lightning Lad! Credit: DC Comics

Oh yeah, everyone’s favorite Ginger-American is looking as tough as ever! Garth Ranzz has also had a consistent look during his sixty-six-year history. Except for the race-swapped Lightning Lad of the Bendis Legion, Garth has always been a fiery Ginger-American.

Now, Absolute Lightning Lad is sporting a few new looks to his appearance. Lightning Lad has always been clean-shaven. However, Absolute Lightning Lad is rocking a beard. Absolute Lightning Lad also has a scar over and under his right eye which also appears to be all white. This certainly gives Absolute Lighting Lad a far more edgy and tough look than he has ever had before.

We did a detailed history of Lightning Lad’s costumes. From 1973 to the present, Lightning Lad’s color scheme has always been blue, yellow, and white. In the 1950s and 1960s, Lighting Lad did have some red or orange in his color scheme. Absolute Lightning Lad appears to be sporting a purple and black color combination. That is disappointing. Again, having too many similar costume designs between the Legionnaires robs them of so much that makes them such fun characters.

Having said that, Absolute Lightning Lad is rocking his iconic twin lighting bolt logo on his chest. This has been a design element on every single version of Garth’s costumes. I dig that the yellow twin lightning bolts come together to form Darkseid’s Omega symbol. This is a cool touch and proof that the designer of the Absolute Leigon could have used more creativity in giving the Legionnaires more unique looks while retaining the Omega symbol.

Garth also appears to have some type of black head-covering around the sides of his face. Lighting Lad has never had anything on his head or around his face. I am not a real fan of this added costume design.

Final Grade: 8 Night Girls out of 10. Absolute Lighting Lad looks badass. Period. I love the aggressive look that Garth is sporting with the scar across his right eye and his facial hair. I cannot wait to see Absolute Lightning Lad in action!

Saturn Girl

DC All In Special 001 Legion of Super-Heroes Saturn Girl
Saturn Girl! Credit: DC Comics

Let’s wrap up the founding members of the Legion with Saturn Girl. Imra Ardeen has always had a consistent look: blue eyes and long blonde hair or shoulder-length hair. The only exceptions would be when Geoff Johns first re-introduced the Pre-Crisis Levitz Legion to the DCU during the Lighting Saga, Imra did have a buzz cut for a very short period. And then there was the Bendis Legion when poor Imra had a hideous undercut that made her look like an NPC from a lame video game. Absolute Saturn Girl returns to the norm as she has a regular hairstyle.

We already did a detailed costume history for Saturn Girl. Absolute Saturn Girl retains Imra’s classic Saturn Girl logo on her chest. Saturn Girl’s primary colors alternated between red and white, pink and white, and magenta and white. Every Saturn Girl costume has had her iconic Saturn logo on her chest except for the Bendis Legion Saturn Girl costume.

Absolute Saturn Girl’s logo has a black planet with a yellow outline and a yellow ring. Normally, the planet is yellow. However, there were times in the past when the planet was white. Here, Absolute Saturn Girl’s logo is a copy of the logo on two of Saturn Girl’s costumes when the planet was black with a yellow outline and yellow ring during the late 2000s and in the 2010s.

The planet’s ring is tilted down to the right and up to the left. This is the norm for Saturn Girl’s logo. There have been rare occasions when the ring is horizontal. But, Absolute Saturn Girl keeps the tilt of the ring in the traditional position.

Saturn Girl’s pink color is retained in small dashes. She gets a pink cape and pink gloves. Unfortunately, that is all we get as the rest of Absolute Saturn Girl’s costume is the standard issue black and grey with the red striping that forms the Darkseid Omega symbol.

Final Grade: 6 Night Girls out of 10. I like the use of the rare black with yellow Saturn Girl logo. It is a good match for an evil Saturn Girl. And I like that Saturn Girl looks like her normal self. However, Saturn Girl is synonymous with a bright color scheme. Absolute Saturn girl looks far too dull and drab in the generic black and grey Darkseid-themed uniform.

Timber Wolf

DC All In Special 001 Legion of Super-Heroes Timber Wolf
Timber Wolf! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Timber Wolf breaks from tradition as he is presented in his furball mode. Normally, Brin Londo looks like a gruff brown-haired white guy. However, there was a small period in the early 1990s during the abysmal TMK Legion when Brin was furry like a wolfman. This continued in Timber World’s solo mini-series from 1992-1993. This wolfman form also continued into the early 2000s during the DnA Legion.

I have never been a big fan of the wolfman form for Brin. However, since Absolute Timber Wolf is evil it makes sense for him to look more like a monster.

Timber Wolf’s color scheme is usually some combination of orange, brown, black, and grey. Timber Wolf’s costumes always have his trademark wolf logo on his chest. The size of the logo shifts on Timber Wolf’s various costumes. The wolf logo almost always has yellow eyes.

Absolute Timber Wolf has a version of the classic wolf face logo with yellow eyes on his chest. Absolute Timber Wolf’s logo is large and covers his whole chest. This evokes the look of the large logo with yellow eyes covering the entire chest of Brin’s Pre-Crisis Levitz Legion costume from the mid-1980s. While I dislike the generic Darkseid rocky grey on all of the Absolute Legion’s uniforms, it works on Timber Wolf. That is because Timber Wolf’s wolf face logo is almost always grey.

Final Grade: 5 Night Girls out of 10. I just am not a fan of the furball design for Brin. Never have been. I also deducted points because most of Timber Wolf’s costume is in the style of the generic Darkseid uniform. It would have been nice to see some more brown or orange in this costume.

Colossal Boy

Colossal Boy! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Colossal Boy looks like Gim Allon has always been presented in his sixty-four history. Fun fact. Colossal Boy is the only Jewish member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Except for Colossal Boy’s red, yellow, and green cowboy costume from the late 1950s and 1960s, Gim’s color scheme has always been blue and red.

Absolute Colossal Boy is sporting a red open-face cowl. This is a staple design element from Colossal Boy’s costumes from the 1970s to the 2010s. I love this design element and prefer any Colossal Boy costume to have this feature. We also see a badge on the forehead of the cowl which is consistent with the 1970s and 1980s costumes. The badge allows for a pop of blue, a consistent color for Colossal Boy, and yellow which is a nice pop of color.

The design on Absolute Colossal Boy’s chest evokes the look of the straps that Gim had in that same pattern in the 1970s and 1980s costumes.

Final Grade: 9 Night Girls out of 10. Despite the overwhelming use of the generic Darskeid soldier design for this costume, I still love how Absolute Colossal Boy looks. The 1970s and 1980s Colossal Boy costumes were my all-time favorites. So, incorporating design elements from that era of costumes made me love this costume.

Element Lad

Element Lad! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Element Lad looks like how Jan Arrah has always been portrayed in his 61-year history except for the Bendis Legion when he was a light green-skinned guy with facial hair. More often than not, Jan is presented with curly blonde hair. It does appear that Absolute Element Lad has straight hair rather than curly hair.

Element Lad’s color scheme has varied over the different costumes he has had in his 61-year history. Jan has gone from pink and white, pink and black, blue and green, black and white, and red and yellow. Element Lad has had several logo designs over the decades.

Absolute Element Lad is sporting a variation of one of Element Lad’s most unique and short-lived logos. Jan’s Reboot Legion uniform during the mid to late 1990s was black and white. The chest was black with two white dashes on his chest serving as his logo.

Here, Absolute Element Lad costume design has inverted the colors with the chest being white and the dashes being black. Absolute Element Lad’s costume also gets an additional dash added to the logo.

This was a fascinating choice of logos to choose for Absolute Element Lad. Jan’s iconic Interlac symbol for the letter “E” is probably his most recognizable logo. Having said that, I am fine with the decision to go with the less-known and short-lived Reboot Legion logo. It is a fun Easter egg for long-time Legion fans.

Final Grade: 8 Night Girls out of 10. The use of Jan’s lesser-known logo gets bonus points in my book. That shows some real research done by the costume designer. Despite the dreary-looking Darskeid uniform that Jan gets saddled with, I still like the look of Absolute Element Lad.

Ultra Boy

Ultra Boy! Credit: DC Comics

Ultra Boy has always been presented as a white tough guy with brown hair and brown eyes in his sixty-two-year history except for the Bendis Legion when Ultra Boy was brown-skinned with brown hair that was frosted in the front. Absolute Ultra Boy retains Jo Nah’s normal look.

Ultra Boy’s color scheme has always included red and green. There are times when brown or yellow was added as an accent color. Absolute Ultra Boy keeps the classic color scheme of red and green. I love that Absolute Ultra Boy does not get the generic black and grey Darkseid soldier uniform. Absolute Ultra Boy also gets red gloves. Usually, YUltra Boy does not wear gloves. However, there have been some occasions where his costume has gloves. On those occasions, the gloves have always been black or brown. The red gloves are a cool touch.

Jo’s iconic logo has appeared on all of his costumes. The logo is the sign of the space beast that swallowed Jo and his spaceship and gave him his superpowers. The logo is always in some shade of green. There was just one exception to this when the logo was yellow. This was when the Pre-Crisis Legoin was reintroduced to the DCU as the default Legoin. In 2011, Ultra Boy’s was yellow.

Final Grade: 9 Night Girls out of 10. I am a huge fan of Absolute Ultra Boy’s costume. This costume benefits from having green and red instead of the standard issue black like the rest of the Legionnaires.

Phantom Girl

Phantom Girl! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Phantom Girl looks consistent with how Tinya Wazzo has always been presented in her sixty-three-year history except for the Bendis Legoin when Phantom Girl had magenta skin and blue and pink hair. Phantom Girl is my second favorite female Legionnaire so I am glad to see her looking like herself once again.

Tinya’s color scheme has been either all-white or white and black. I love that Absolute Phantom Girl is rocking round white barrettes in her hair. This evokes the barrettes that Phantom Girl had in the 1970s and 1980s. Absolute Phantom Girl’s round barrettes also echo the design themes of the round disc earrings that Tinya wore during the mid-2000s in the Threeboot Legion.

Absolute Phantom Girl has a white cape and white gloves. This is all we get from Tiny’s trademark color scheme as the rest of her costume is the generic Darskeid solider uniform. Interestingly, Absolute Phantom Girl has a tattered cape. I am not sure the shabby look fits Tinya’s character. Also, it is a bit strange to see so much battle damage for a character who can turn intangible.

Final Grade: 7 Night Girls out of 10. Tinya herself looks fantastic. I love her hair and her barettes. It is a letdown that Tinya largely gets the generic Darkseid soldier costume. Especially since Phantom Girl has historically had some amazing costume designs over the decades.

Brainiac 5

Brainiac 5! Credit DC Comics

Being a Coluan, Brainiac 5 has always been green-skinned with blonde hair. Absolute Brainiac 5 also completely breaks from how Brainy has always been presented as we get Brainiac’s robot skeleton design. This is the version of Brainiac that was introduced in Action Comics #544 back in 1983.

I guess this makes sense given that Absolute Brainiac 5 is a villain. However, I have never been a big fan of this design for Brainiac. Therefore, I like it even less for Brainiac 5. Having said that, I think most non-Legion fans will dig the look of Absolute Brainiac 5.

Brainy’s color scheme has included magenta and yellow, magenta and black, and purple and green. Absolute Brainiac 5 goes in a different direction and uses a pink and green color scheme reminiscent of Brainiac’s classic color scheme. This goes with the general design direction of simply presenting Absolute Brainiac 5 as Brainiac.

Absolute Brainiac has a three-circle logo on his chest. Brainiac 5 had never had a logo on the chest of his costumes in his sixty-year history except for the Bendis Legion where Brainy got a three-circle logo at his waist. I should point out that in the 2006 Legion of Super-Heroes animated show, Brainiac 5 did have the same three-circle logo on the chest of his costume.

In reality, the three-circle logo has always been Brainiac’s logo and often appears on Brainiac himself or his costumes. Again, this fits with the fact that Absolute Brainiac 5 is really just Brainiac.

Final Grade: 5 Night Girls out of 10. Absolute Brainiac 5 definitely looks like a pure villain. No doubt about that! However, nothing about Absolute Brainiac 5 says this is Brainy to me. Instead, this just looks like an alternate version of Brainiac. The decision to lean this heavily into Brainiac’s form, color design, and logo is too much for me and loses the essence of Brainaic 5.

I give the costume designer high marks for boldness. And Absolute Brainiac 5 is the most unique design of the Absolute Legion where most of the members get the generic Darskeid solider unfirm. However, this complete departure from Brainiac 5 just does not work for me at all.

Personally, if DC Comics wanted to go with a villain design for Absolute Brainiac 5 then they used the wrong version of Brainiac. Instead, a far more creative direction that has a connection with the Legion would have been to use the design of Pulsar Stargrave for Absolute Brainiac 5. That would have been brilliant. DC Comics whiffed on this opportunity.

Chameleon Boy

Chameleon Boy! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Chameleon Boy is similar to Absolute Brainiac 5 as he is a massive diversion from Chameleon Boy. In his sixty-four-year history, Reep Daggle is almost always presented as an orange-skinned humanoid with pointy years and two antennae on his forehead. There were two exceptions to this form. The Threeboot Legion has a particularly sad-looking Chameleon Boy with no antennas and black eyes with no pupils. The Bendis Legion had a dorky-looking Chameleon Boy that looked like a snail without a shell.

Absolute Chameleon Boy is a complete departure as he looks like an alien monster. I guess that helps drive home the point that Absolute Chameleon Boy is a villain. But, this is too much of a departure for Reep for me. I also do not like the fact that Absolute Chameleon Boy looks like Groot. The arms and hand in particular have that Groot’s root-like design.

Chameleon Boy’s color scheme has been all over the place. it has been blue and black, purple and red, purple and black, purple and yellow, purple and green, blue and white, blue and yellow, and black and white. Reep is also unique in that he only had one costume where he had a logo on it. That was in the mid-2000s during the Threeboot Legion where he had a logo on the chest of his costume. That logo was a blue triangle, red circle, and yellow square in a vertical line.

Absolute Chameleon Boy employs none of Reep’s prior color schemes as he wears the standard issue Darskeid soldier uniform. On the other hand, Chameleon Boy does stick to the norm by not having a logo on his costume.

There are several unique elements to Absolute Chameleon Boy’s costume that break from all of his other costume designs. Absolute Chameleon Boy’s costume lacks gloves and sleeves. This costume also does not have pants or boots. Instead, Absolute Chameleon Boy gets biker shorts and no footwear.

Final Grade: 4 Night Girls out of 10. I am just not a fan of this design. Absolute Chameleon Boy looks more like Groot than Reep. It just does not click for me. I also am not excited by the fact that Absolute Chameleon Boy has no unique color scheme in his costume. The standard issue Darkseid soldier uniform is dull. The only unique features of this costume are the biker shorts and no footwear and both of those are odd choices.

Shrinking Violet

Shrinking Violet! Credit: DC Comics

A white girl with black hair and purple eyes? You have to be Shrinking Violet! Salu Digby has had several color schemes including black and green, purple and black, and purple and green. Shrinking Violet is another Legionnaire who has never had a logo on her costume.

Absolute Shrinking Violet retains the Salu’s typical purple and black color scheme. Sadly, Absolute Shrinking Violet largely just gets the standard issue Darkseid soldier uniform. The only unique design elements are her purple collar and purple gloves. I do like the pop of color from the purple accent pieces. It prevents Absolute Shrinking Violet from looking completely dull and generic.

Final Grade: 3 Night Girls out of 10. Absolute Shrinking Violet has the most generic look of all of these Legionnaires because her costume is largely just the Darkseid soldier uniform. The idiotic haircut does not help matters, either. It reminds me of the Bendis Legion Saturn Girl with her goofy undercut that made her look like an NPC from a lame video game.

Triplicate Girl

Triplicate Girl! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Triplicate Girl looks consistent with how Luornu Durgo has always been presented in her sixty-three-year history except for the Bendis Legion when Triplicate Girl had yellow, pink, and blue hair. Luorno’s color scheme was rather consistent until the Bendis Legion. There is Triplicate Girl’s original purple and orange. Then there is her Purple, orange, and yellow color scheme. Then the Threeboot Legion gave us purple, orange, and white. The Bendis Legion went off the rails with pink, blue, yellow, and white.

It appears that ABsolute Triplicate Girl is largely saddled with the generic Darkseid soldier uniform. However, Luorno does get one unique design element: a headband. Absolute Triplicate Girl’s headband is in her traditional orange color. Interestingly, the headband is in a similar shape to the belt that Luorno wore in the 1960s and 1970s. That is a cool touch.

Triplicate Girl normally has no logo. The only time Luorno had a logo was during the Reboot Legion. That logo was a triangle with each side of the triangle in a different color: white, orange, and purple. Absolute Triplicate Girl does appear to have a circular logo on the middle of her headband. I would imagine that this is going to be a circle with three different colors in it that turns solid when she is in triplicate form.

Final Grade: 6 Night Girls out of 10. The headband is a fantastic design element, however, the fact that the rest of Absolute Triplicate Girl’s costume is the generic Darkseid solider uniform is a disappointment.

Star Boy

Star Boy! Credit: DC Comics

Thom Kallor has been presented as a white guy with brown hair for almost all of his sixty-three-year history. The only exception has been the Threeboot Legion from 2004-2009 when Star Boy was racially retconned and also in the Bendis Legion when Star Boy had metallic gold skin. Thom is also unique in that he is the only Legionnaire who has consistently sported a full beard. Star Boy is also unique in that he is one of the few Legionnaires, along with Ferro Lad and Sensor Girl, to wear a full mask.

Thom has had several color schemes including purple and yellow, Black and white, and Purple, black and white. The most iconic costume design is Thom’s black cosmic sky uniform from the 1970s and 1980s. This costume design returned when Geoff Johns reintroduced the Pre-Crisis Levitz Legion back as the default Legion in the DCU in 2006 with the conclusion of Final Crisis. However, Johns put a twist on the classic black cosmic sky costume by adding a full mask to the costume.

Absolute Star Boy has the same costume that Star Boy had when Johns reintroduced the Pre-Crisis Star Boy into DCU continuity in 2006. There is a new design twist for Absolute Star Boy concerning his white gloves. Normally, the white gloves have normal edges. However, Absolute Star Boy gets a cool white ringed design at the end of his gloves.

Absolute Star Boy has another unique design element. Up to this point, all of Thom’s black cosmic sky costumes had no logo. However, Absolute Star Boy gets a logo on his costume. The logo that is used is almost the same star logo as the Bendis Legion Star Boy. I like that the logo is white to fit in with the black-and-white color scheme of the costume.

Final Grade: 8 Night Girls out of 10. Absolute Star Boy looks excellent. I will admit that the black cosmic sky costume looks better without the giant star logo plastered on his chest. Still, this is a great costume. I love that this costume has the least design elements from the standard Darskeid soldier uniform that most of the Legionnaires get saddled with.

Shadow Lass

Shadow Lass! Credit: DC Comics

Absolute Shadow Lass is consistent with the look that Tasmia Mallor has had over her fifty-six-year history. Shadow Lass’s color scheme has always been either all black or black and gold. Tasmia has almost always had a cape, too. Another aspect of Tasmia’s costumes is that they almost always show off some skin. Shadow Lass is no repressed prude! Fun fact, Shadow Lass’s iconic Dave Cockrum costume from the 1970s and 1980s was later used by Cockrum when he designed Storm’s costume for the new X-Men.

Absolute Shadow Lass’s costume is excellent and retains many of the design elements of past costumes. The color scheme for the outfit is black. Absolute Shadow Lass has a phenomenal cape that looks like an inky living shadow. I love that Absolute Shadow Laww has the sides of her outfit cut out so she shows skin around her midriff and hips. That is so consistent with so many of Tasmia’s costumes.

Final Grade: 10 Night Girls out of 10. I might be biased since Shadow Lass is my favorite female Legionnaire. But, Absolute Shadow Lass knocks it out of the park! This is a fantastic costume design from top to bottom.

Ferro Lad

Ferro Lad! Credit: DC Comics

Ferro Lad has always had a consistent look in his fifty-eight-year history. Fun fact about Andrew Nolan. Jim Shooter created the character and wanted to make him black, but DC Comics would not let him! So, DC Comics, if you are looking to racially retcon a Legionnaire maybe don’t do it with someone like Cosmic Boy or Lightning Lad. I think Ferro Lad is a no-brainer.

Ferro Lad, like Star Boy and Sensor Girl, is one of the rare Legionnaires who dons a full mask. Ferro Lad took it one step further and always wore a metal full-face helmet. The reasoning is that Andrew’s face is disfigured. Absolute Ferro Lad retains that signature metal helmet mask. The only difference is the addition of a small antenna on the side of the helmet.

Absolute Ferro Lad also gets Large bulky shoulder armor with spikes. The Reboot Legion Ferro Lad has some shoulder armor. But, those shoulder armor pale in comparison to the monster shoulder armor that Absolute Ferro Lad is rocking. Absolute Ferro Lad also gets spikes on his forearms and spikes on his knuckles. Both of those design elements are brand new for Ferro Lad.

The only design element retained from the generic Darkseid soldier uniform of most of the other Legionnaires would be the Darkseid Omega logo on Absolute Ferro Lad’s chest.

Final Grade: 10 Night Girls out of 10. Absolute Ferro Lad looks bad-ass! I love this aggressive look. I also like that Absolute Ferro Lad has a unique appearance compared to many of the other Legionnaires saddled with the generic Darkseid soldier uniform.

Kid Quantum

Kid Quantum! Credit: DC Comics

Well, this is a surprise! Kid Quantum debuted during the TMK Legion in the 1990s and also the Reboot Legion. However, we did not see Kid Quantum again after the Reboot Legion was retconned away by the Threeboot Legoin in 2004. That was the last we have seen of Kid Quantum. Well, except for her cameo appearance in Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds in 2006.

It’s pretty cool to see Kid Quantum being used in the Absolute Legion. My biggest criticism of Bendis’ Legion is that his racial retcons were uncreative and unnecessary. The reason is that the Legion of Super-Heroes already has a diverse selection of members. It is just that Bendis is too lazy to research and use any of those lesser-known Legionnaires like Kid Quantum. Anyway, good job, DC Comics!

Kid Quantum is a character who has been presented in different forms. Kid Quantum debuted in 1992 as a black guy named James Cullen. However, James was killed off and replaced by his sister Jazmin Cullen as the new Kid Quantum in 1996. Kid Quantum’s color scheme has always been purple and black.

Sadly, Absolute Kid Quantum gets just black as her color scheme. There is no purple to be found. Absolute Kid Quantum does have her classic star logo on her chest. The only difference is that Kid Quantum’s star logo is usually white while Absolute Kid Quantum gets a yellow star. I should note that the original Kid Quantum did have a yellow star logo on his chest.

Lastly, Absolute Kid Quantum is rocking Jazmin’s trademark gold hoop earrings. I love it. This was a nice touch.

Final Grade: 6 Night Girls out of 10. All in all, Jazmin gets a rather generic design as Absolute Kid Quantum gets the standard issue Darkseid soldier outfit in addition to a headband with Darkseid’s Omega symbol on it.