The Immortal Thor #15 Review

The Immortal Thor #15 Review – “Return of the King”

Al Ewing has been building up an epic in Immortal Thor as the All-Father and God of Thunder goes on his own journey of self discovery as the challenge of the Elder Gods have tested him like never before. This led him to take on the king of the Greek Gods in Zeus. That clash ultimately led to Thor’s victory and absorbing Zeus’ power. Absorbing Zeus’ power comes with a danger given the darkness that Zeus was infected by. Will Thor be able to overcome what took over Zeus? Let’s find out with Immortal Thor #15.


Writer: Al Ewing

Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth

Letterer: Joe Sabino


“RETURN TO ASGARD! In a place of darkness, a deeper darkness threatened to claim Thor – one that only the Odinson himself could defeat. And back in the sunshine of Asgard, the Enchantress waited – to discuss what Thor owed her and what she held over him. This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR…and of the responsibilities of power.” – Marvel Comics


Like the rest of this story arc Immortal Thor #15 is pure set-up for what will be the next big chapter in Al Ewing’s Thor epic. But even with being pure set-up for the next big chapter in Immortal Thor it is one that is very important. There are many key developments that will shape the future of Thor and his cast.

It is to the credit of Jan Bazaldua talent as an artist that even with Immortal Thor #15 being a pure dialogue driven comic book it has a dynamic feeling. Having Bazaldua deliver such dynamic artwork is what helps keep Immortal Thor #15 from being a bore. That is not to say the dialogue that Ewing writes is not intriguing. Though given the density of dialogue Immortal Thor #15 definitely needed an artist of Bazaldua level to add the needed personality to everything said.

With Bazaldua’s help in enhancing scenes it highlighted Ewing’s greatest strength as a writer being able to juggle so many different characters. The way Hercules, Nyx, Loki and others are reacting to Thor being consumed by the darkness from absorbing Zeus’ power. Hercules reaction in particular was what made the supporting cast members such important keys to the first half of Immortal Thor #15. Ewing did a good job getting across the friendship between Thor and Hercules through this.

Thor Zeus fusion - The Immortal Thor #15
Thor tries to control Zeus corrupted powers in The Immortal Thor #15. Credit: Marvel Comics

Thor being consumed by darkness and what that internal is where Ewing and Bazaldua shine together. Bazaldua gets across the overwhelming power that Thor is wielding. There is a sense that it could be the end of the universe with how out of control his combined power with Zeus is. This enhances how Thor ultimately overcomes the darkness that consumes him. It is a powerful image that further showcases Thor’s willpower.

This entire development led to the big game changer of Thor and Loki’s partnership breaking. Ewing and Bazaldua did a great job at making you feel like Loki pushed Thor to far. Thor could no longer take Loki twisting everything with his riddles and storytelling. Even though he wanted that genuine connection. Given the importance of Thor and Loki’s relationship to Ewing’s run it will certainly be interesting where we will se Loki appear next.

The second half with Thor back on Asgard provided further progression with the Enchantress side of things. Seeing Thor and Enchantress interacting one-on-one came across as unique. It is something we don’t see happen much since Enchantress is flanked by Skurge or someone. Ewing took the full opportunity to go into their unique dynamic with them mixing in flirting with serious talk.

This scene worked to make Dario Agger’s appearance at the end of Immortal Thor #15 even more effective. The presentation of Dario effectively puts him over as a God killer. He certainly had that aura that makes you wonder how Thor will be able to handle him.


Immortal Thor #15 is strong conclusion to this story arc with Hercules, Nyx, and Loki. Al Ewing and Jan Bazaldua fully tap into the different dynamics Thor has with various characters. The breaking point reached with Thor and Loki in particular puts a lot into question for the direction of this series. Those questions generate strong momentum for what will be coming next in Immortal Thor #15.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

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