The Spectacular Spider-Men #8 Review

The Spectacular Spider-Men #8 Review

The Spectacular Spider-Men is a series that has worked because of how Greg Weisman and Humberto Ramos have captured the voices of Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Nailing the lead Spider-Men voices lifted the first story arc for this series up. Which was certainly needed as the first story arc last two issues to long. The length had a massive impact on the pacing to feel like we could not escape this first story arc. Now with the first story arc over let’s see what’s next for this series with The Spectacular Spider-Men #8.


Writer: Greg Weisman

Artists: Emilio Laiso and Andres Genolet

Colorist: Edgar Delgado

Letterer: Joe Caramagna


“A NEW HERO RISES! New story arc starts here! An old evil resurfaces. And our two Spider-Men are way out-classed.” – Marvel Comics


The Spectacular Spider-Men #8 is a showcase of why when this series leans into its strength, the chemistry Peter Parker and Miles Morales have with their supporting cast, this can be up there with Marvel’s best titles. Greg Weisman has such a firm handling of all the voices that make up our Spider-Man duo’s worlds that you can’t help but be invested in the entire cast. The problem this issue runs into is that when the typical superhero vs supervillain aspect comes into play the momentum is lost a bit.

While not the biggest fan of the first story arc of this series it was never because of the writing for the characters. The Spectacular Spider-Men #8 is the best example yet of how well Weisman knows these characters and world. He utilizes everything that took place in the first story arc to push all the characters involved to not hide from what they went through.

Most importantly, this issue wasn’t solely focused on Peter and Miles. Though they were certainly the main focus of the story arc and this series they weren’t the only ones to experience their “ideal” lives. Showing how their supporting cast processes, the experience gave greater weight to all the events in the first story arc. By showing the mental impact it elevates the storyline to be viewed even better in the aftermath.

This integration of the supporting cast adds to the spotlight of the time spent seeing Peter and Miles “ideal” lives. Weisman provides great insight into where the Spider-Me are at this point in their lives. With Peter because of how busy he’s been with how his Spider-Man life has become all encompassing we haven’t seen this attention paid to his mental health.

The Spectacular Spider-Men #8
Peter Parker and Miles Morales figure out a way for their secret identities to not be revealed in The Spectacular Spider-Men #8. Credit: Marvel Comics

Whether you liked or hated how Marvel decided to break-up Peter and MJ, Weisman does a very good job at treating this situation with respect. Peter didn’t imagine being married with kids to Gwen as a slight to MJ. It was because of how the break-up happened being with MJ again just is not a reality he pictures anymore. And with Gwen there will always be this “What if” that will be in the back of Peter’s mind. Peter taking this and actually saying what that all meant out loud is the biggest step forward we’ve seen him make in years.

Similarly, with Miles he has also been busy as Spider-Man that the events that have gone on in his personal life has taken a back seat. The “ideal” relationship being with Kamala Khan rather than his current love interest spoke to that. There are friendships that Miles hasn’t been able o maintain like he once did. Like with Peter, Miles opening up about this came across as genuine character development for him that can be followed up on in any title he stars in.

The aspect of Spectacular Spider-Men #8 that didn’t work was the superhero elements. The character storytelling was so good that Weisman could’ve just had Peter talk with Cindy Moon and not have them be distracted by the Electro fight. The fight came across as something added in order to still have a villain appear. Without the Electro fight the ending would’ve had a bigger impact as the disappearance of a supporting cast member would’ve been an effective return to the superhero aspect. It certainly would be a more shocking hook ending reminding the reader w are reading a superhero comic book.

Emilio Laiso and Andres Genolet worked effectively as an art team. The artwork was solid but nothing was overly impressive. The art certainly got across the emotions the characters were feeling after what took place in The Spectacular Spider-Men first story arc.


The Spectacular Spider-Men #8 delivers a well told character focused story around the impact the series first storyline had on Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and their supporting cast. If that was the pure focus of this personal storytelling without the general superhero action this would’ve easily had been the series best issue. Now hopefully this second story arc isn’t as long as the first.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

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