The Ultimates #3 Review

The Ultimates #3 Review – Ultimate She-Hulk Debut!

The Ultimates immediately became the most important title to the Ultimate Universe from the moment it debuted. That is thanks to Deniz Camp and Juan Frigeri picking up directly from where Jonathan Hickman left off with the team. The Ultimates #3 is going to continue that trend. The first two issues have set the stage for a big event centered around The Maker’s return in a little over a year. At the same time, The Ultimates have made major moves to get the attention of The Maker’s Council. Now after attacking the White House how will things go for the Ultimate Universe’s first super team? Let’s find out with The Ultimates #3.


Writer: Deniz Camp

Artist: Juan Frigeri

Colorist: Federico Blee

Letterer: Travis Lanham


“INTRODUCING…THE SHE-HULK! The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker’s most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process, they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world… …with She-Hulk at the helm!” – Marvel Comics


The Ultimates #3 is more world-building for the Ultimate Universe. This time around we move to the Ultimate Universe version of Hawaii, the Pacific Proving Grounds. The location’s importance is immediately felt as it is established as where Bruce Banner became the Hulk. But unlike the Earth-616 version, Hulk’s origin had deeper ramifications that drives home how different things are in the Ultimate Universe.

The way origins have completely changed thanks to The Maker manipulating the history of Earth-6160 is what Deniz Camp is clearly having fun with. Its opened things up to make changes that are unique to this world. That is seen with how the Gamma explosion that turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk impacted the entire populace of the Pacific Proving Grounds. This additional development opens up for changes to be organic to this world rather than changes for change sake.

Opening up that possibility made how Camp in The Ultimates #3 explored the impact of Hulk’s origin. In a way the Pacific Proving Grounds have become the Ultimate Universe’s version of the Savage Lands because of the way everything was impacted by Gamma radiation. Further adding the detail that the Hulk and Maker’s Council have basically left the Pacific Proving Grounds to exist in an exile state.

Ultimate She-Hulk - The Ultimates #3
Ultimate She-Hulk makes her debut in The Ultimates #3. Credit: Marvel Comics

The status of the Pacific Proving Grounds made what Iron Lad, Thor, and Lady Sif do when fighting its residence upon their arrival take a completely different tone. The trio were complete invaders who went in not understanding the situation in the Pacific Proving Grounds. This certainly does make The Ultimates look good as they are playing way to many things by ear rather than properly planning things out. Given how far behind they are since their formation it is certainly questionable why Iron Lad didn’t go in with some knowledge about Pacific Proving Grounds.

While The Ultimates were made to look like terrible heroes it did make the Ultimate She-Hulk, who is not related to Bruce Banner, come across as a better character. She-Hulk provides the exposition that was needed to understand how the Gamma radiation had a wide range of effects. Seeing what the island residents became made you understand how She-Hulk was one of the lucky ones. This was driven home by how Juan Frigeri made you feel the horror of all the different mutations Bruce Banner caused without caring.

The situation on the island and The Ultimates making an alliance with She-Hulk does well in furthering the war with the Maker’s Council. It certainly got Hulk’s attention. The Hulk immediately getting his gang to bust out the Immortal Weapons creates a major problem for The Ultimates to deal with.

For as much good world building as there was in The Ultimates #3 the absence of the rest of the team was certainly felt. There being zero follow-up to America Chavez being found by the team is a major disappointment. Camp can’t just throw this major character introduction without any sort of follow-up. It does appear Camp is way to focused on the next big world development rather than developing things previously introduced. If we are to fully buy into the team concept of this book showing what the non-field team are doing would go a long way to balancing out the story in each issue.


The Ultimates #3 was a solid world building third chapter for this series. Exploring the impact of Hulk’s origin had on the world further added to how unique this Ultimate Universe is. While the lack of the full team appearing in this issue the introduction of She-Hulk lifted up the quality of the story.

Story Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 6.5 Night Girls out of 10

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