The Ultimates #5 Review

The Ultimates #5 Review

The Ultimates has been a different book than what was expected. Give the name of the title it was expected that we would see this as the Avengers version for the Ultimate Universe. That meant having the Ultimates operating as a team against The Maker’s Council. While we saw that initially in the first two issues the last two have been less team building and more character building for She-Hulk and Doctor Doom. Now it looks like we get more of that with the introduction of Ultimate Hawkeye. Let’s see how this goes with The Ultimates #5


Writer: Deniz Camp

Artist: Juan Frigeri

Colorist: Federico Blee

Letterer: Travis Lanham


“ULTIMATE HAWKEYE TARGETS CAPTAIN AMERICA! Hawkeye No More? Not for long! A new challenger approaches when an unknown civilian picks up a discarded bow and arrow — and refuses to let the Ultimates reclaim the stolen Stark Tech! Captain America tries to settle the dispute, leading to an action-packed brawl of arrows versus shields! Meanwhile, the Ultimate Hellfire Club is up to something…” – Marvel Comics


The Ultimates #5 continues the one-shot format of introducing different members of the team. With continuing that format we once again get another issue with only a few members spotlighted. In this case it is Captain America and new recruit Hawkeye, with Iron Lad getting some time in the opening of the issue. This works for a character introduction but not necessarily for getting over the greater mission the Ultimates are on.

In terms of the story we get in The Ultimates #5 it is largely Captain America vs Hawkeye then Captain America and Hawkeye vs Roxxon’s Clean-Up Crew. The entire pacing of the story is a call-back to classic Marvel Team-Up stories when heroes would first meet up. When simply viewing The Ultimates #5 from that angle rather than this being a superhero team series it accomplishes its goal.

Captain America vs Hawkeye - The Ultimates #5
Ultimate Hawkeye forces Captain America to fight defensively with his trick arrows in The Ultimates #5. Credit; Marvel Comics

This story structure gave Deniz Camp the chance to see if he would step back and give Juan Frigeri to have the artwork take the lead. To Camp’s credit he does just that as Frigeri’s choreography was most certainly the star of The Ultimate s#5. With two combat oriented characters like Captain America and Hawkeye this was the best call. Frigeri showed the versatility and skill of the new Hawkeye with all his trick arrows and Captain America’s ability to turn defense into offense.

The choreography gave way to learning about the new Hawkeye who is not Clint Barton but rather Charli Ramsey, a Lakota Native American. Seeing all of Charli’s ability to effortlessly use the 3D printing quicker to create all sorts of trick arrows was just cool. It put over how even if he has no enhanced physical powers his skills with the bow and arrow combined with his unique quiver makes him a force to be reckon with.

Getting over the battle prowess of the new Hawkeye made the personality development of the character during his fight with Captain America to be more engaging. Charli’s banter came across organic and unique to him. Being a younger person made for an even better dynamic with the old school Captain America. It made their turn to team-up against Roxxon’s mercenaries even more effective because how quick it was played into how their respective skills were put over throughout this issue.

Charli as Hawkeye also provided a big spotlight on Tony Stark’s plan to bring on the Ultimate Universe heroic age was not as well thought out as he believed. While Peter Parker accepted his destiny as Spider-Man and has done a good job with it that is not the case for others. We already know from past dialogue that Carol Danvers couldn’t control her Captain Marvel powers and exploded.

Now with the Hawkeye origin story Tony shows that he was way to blinded by his idyllic vision of a heroic age. He didn’t factor in how people are different due to The Maker’s influence that characters like Clint Barton wouldn’t jump at the chance to become heroes. Clint doing the “Spider-Man No More” bit when he was given his Hawkeye costume is something Tony clearly didn’t expect. While it worked out with Captain America recruiting the new Hawkeye there are questions about the full ramifications of not fully thought out his actions in trying to create the Ultimate Universe’s heroic age.

While there is a lot of good in The Ultimates #5 the ending of this issue is a reminder that this series is not succeeding as a superhero team book. There are so many developments with the different members of the Ultimates that is happening offscreen. We get an example of that with the final panel showing what Thor, Sif, Giant Man, Wasp, She-Hulk, and America Chavez are doing. Though this shows that The Maker’s Council is well aware of what The Ultimates are doing it does nothing for the team.

Captain America and Iron Lad - The Ultimates #5
Captain America and Iron Lad discuss the impact the new Hawkeye could have in The Ultimates #5. Credit; Marvel Comics

The biggest element missing from this entire series is the team chemistry. Five issues in and we have zero of that. This has caused characters like America Chavez, Wasp, and Giant Man to get very little or no actual development. That is not a good thing at all as Camp and Frigeri are trying to sell a superhero team series to an audience. Having the feeling that all the character development is happening off screen for multiple Ultimates members is a major negative. It is a negative that is hopefully correct as soon as possible.

This also leads to the follow-up from issue to issue to not hit as Camp is likely intending. The absence of Doctor Doom exemplifies that. Outside of one throw away line there is no follow up to the intense origin story we got for Ultimate Doctor Doom. It certainly gives off the feeling of being strung along when it comes to the momentum of character development in this series.


As a team-up comic book between Captain America and the new Hawkeye, The Ultimates #5 succeeds in what its goal was. Ultimate Hawkeye is put over as a strong new member to The Ultimates, while also showing great chemistry with Captain America. Though the lack of a superhero team vibe continues to cause The Ultimates come across as a series that is not hitting its full potential.

Story Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

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