Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Review

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Review

Ultimate Spider-Man took a bit of a detour from the focus on Peter Parker to Harry Osborn in the previous month’s issue. That shift in focus gave us insight into Harry’s origin within the Ultimate Universe. Learning about how he used his and other’s losses to gain Stark Industries tech and become a new teched out Green Goblin added to what’s going on in the universe. How will Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto follow-up on this? Let’s find out with Ultimate Spider-Man #6.


Writer: Jonathan Hickman

Artist: Marco Checchetto

Colorist: Matthew Wilson

Letterer: Cory Petit


“THE SHOCKING CONCLUSION OF THE ULTIMATE OPENING ARC! Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker’s Council to control the spread of information in their favor… Which means he’s the first domino that must be toppled to end their regime! PLUS: Mary Jane holds her own. ‘Nuff said!” – Marvel Comics


As soon as Ultimate Spider-Man #6 begins with the Parker family meeting about why Peter Parker is so beat up there was immediate concern strung to mind. This is such a classic comic book trope, especially for Spider-Man, that you can’t help but think about what hoops Peter will jump to keep his family in the dark. But just as soon as that thought comes to mind you are immediately reminded the creative team is Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto.

It really does come to the style that Hickman and Checchetto have established for Ultimate Spider-Man. That style is why the concern goes aways as you trust they won’t be going down the typical superhero route. Their take for Spider-Man is something they are making new to the franchise that goes away from its Amazing Spider-Man counterpart.

Establishing that Mary Jane and Richard won’t be letting Peter and May sneak away with the secret they are keeping made the flashback story even more effective. Given where we last we left Peter it didn’t seem that the next time we would see him would be with his face so beaten up that its almost unrecognizable. Like MJ and Richard, as the reader we want to know what led Peter to be in such a state and won’t accept him hiding from telling the truth.

MJ and Peter's first swing - Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker go for their first swing together in the Ultimate Universe in Ultimate Spider-Man #6. Credit: Marvel Comics

While Spider-Man and Harry Osborn’s Green Goblin was framed as a flashback it was great framing device without relying on a narrator. Already knowing how Peter ends up creates makes the question of how he ended up that way the question. This gives a more natural flow to Spider Man and Green Goblin taking the fight directly to Kingpin Wilson Fisk.

And as to be expected with the first clash against Kingpin both new heroes are absolutely overpowered. Hickman and Checchetto do an excellent job at making Kingpin come across as a brick wall that neither Spider-Man or Green Goblin could punch through. Adding the tattoos that are revealed made Kingpin come across as more of badass that Spider-Man and Green Goblin were lucky to survive against.

Kingpin’s dominance also added to the greater threat the Maker’s Council are to the world. If someone like Kingpin is one of their underlings there is no telling other ways they are controlling things. This creates some interesting angles to explore as Spider-Man and Green Goblin have now fought against someone connected to the Maker’s Council.

This all leading to Peter revealing his secret to both MJ and Richard all further drove home what’s made Ultimate Spider-Man so special. We are seeing an adult Peter who understands the dangers of keeping all his secrets from those he cares about most. It also shows the strength of the Parker family bond that Peter easily trusts MJ and their kids with the secret rather than explaining it away. It certainly made the final scene of Ultimate Spider-Man #6 with Peter taking MJ for a swing through the city more rewarding.


Ultimate Spider-Man #6 is yet another example of the excellence that is Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto run. The way they wrap up the first story arc created even more interesting in not just the plans for Spider-Man and Green Goblin but the direction the entire Parker family will take from here. This easily the best Spider-Man comic book we’ve gotten in years and Marvel’s best series right now.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

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