Void Rivals #13 Review

Void Rivals #13 Advance Review

Void Rivals ended its most recent story arc with Darak and Solila going their separate ways. This is after spending twelve issues with the two paired up and going up against all sorts of odds. But with everything that happened Darak and Solila got to the point they needed to go on their own individual journeys. Now with the newest story arc we are going to be seeing Void Rivals have even more elements from the greater Energon Universe integrated into the series. Specifically, Void Rivals #13 teases the inclusion of Pythona of Cobra-La from G.I. JOE. We got the chance to check out an early copy of the start of this new story arc. Find out how it turned out with our advance review below.


Writer: Robert Kirkman

Artist: Lorenzo De Felici

Colorist: Patricio Delpeche

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“NEW ARC! Pythona of Cobra-La ventures deep into space. Will her mission spell certain doom for the Void Rivals?” – Skybound and Image Comics


After how action heavy the previous story arc was Void Rivals #13 takes time to delve into the other side of what this series is. That side is the more political nature of the Energon Universe. There is certainly the adventure element still apparent with this latest issue but here the focus is on all of the sides that we’ve been introduced during Void Rivals existence.

With the direction Void Rivals #13 takes there is an immediate sense that splitting up Darak and Solila the way they were was for the best. By Darak and Solila doing their own things we get to explore more of the world. Giving off this feeling that the world continues to open up with each passing issue creates a greater connection to the journey Darak and Solila are each on.

By doing so Robert Kirkman also opens up the color palette of both the tone and look this issue can take. It is an opportunity that Lorenzo De Felici fully takes advantage of to show his full talents as an artist. There are some truly amazing pages in this comic book that make it the best this series has looked thus far. These pages work to elevate the characters that appear in the double page spreads and the city shots to have an even bigger scope.

Void Rivals #13 Interior Preview
Preview of interior artwork for Void Rivals #13 by artist Lorenzo De Felici, colorist Patricio Delpeche, and letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

The contrast between where Darak and Solila find themselves individually works even better because of the artwork. It places an emphasis on how each one will be going through important experiences. Which adds to whatever developments we may see happen on their respective sides.

With the leads respective journey set up as well as it has been there is even more intrigue around how Pythona of Cobra-La will factor into the story. Kirkman is able to utilize the developments we saw over in the Cobra Commander mini-series. Pythona’s involvement shows that the G.I. JOE scope will go beyond what is happening on Earth. In the process, this shows how the Transformers existence in the Energon Universe is playing such a key role in everything going on in the Energon Universe.

Combining all of these and other developments from the cast of this adds so much to the political intrigue around this series. There are so many different players in play now. These players range from those directly connected to Darak and Solila to outside forces that are just as important to the series’ direction.


Void Rivals #13 is an intricately crafted start to the series newest arc that integrates even more elements from around the Energon Universe. Robert Kirkman makes every word spoken resonate to create a strong foundation for this new story arc. Add in the excellent artwork from Lorenzo De Felici and Void Rivals #13 is yet another home run issue for this series.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Get an early look at pages from Void Rivals #13 with a preview that can be found by clicking here.

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