Void Rivals #17 Review

Void Rivals #17 Advance Review

Void Rivals has been a steady title. With each passing chapter Robert Kirkman and Lorenzon De Felici have been building on the foundation they created with the first story arc of this series. We see that with this latest arc with how Daraka and Solila are now doing their own thing. With that we are seeing even more elements from the Transformers and G.I. JOE franchises being integrated in the developments made by Kirkman and Felici. We had the chance to check out an early copy of the next chapter in this story with Void Rivals #17. Find out how it turns out with our advance review.


Writer: Robert Kirkman

Artist: Lorenzo De Felici

Colorist: Patricio Delpeche

Letterer: Rus Wooton


“Minister Dulin demands loyalty of his son. Darak’s time in Zertonia has called into question where his allegiances lie. Is a war brewing in Agorria? Will it pit father against son?” – Skybound & Image Comics


A deep dive information dump is not the easiest comic books to deliver. It can be easily seen as something that slows down an entire story and series. Void Rivals #17 avoids all those pitfalls by making sure that the importance of what is learned is always present. That in turn creates a reading experience that we see the story escalate.

Having such a level of importance makes the history lesson we are given about the Energon Universe even more compelling. Everything detailed by Robert Kirkman through his writing makes so many things we’ve seen in every Energon Universe title click. Most importantly, we really get into the connective tissue between all the Energon Universe titles beyond the cameo appearances.

This is where Lorenzo De Felici artwork, along with Patricio Delpeche coloring, plays a key role in taking Kirkman’s narrative to a whole new level. Felici does an excellent job adjusting his art style during the flashbacks to give a vibe of the 1980s Transformers and G.I. JOE animated series. The adjustments don’t completely change the established art style of the Energon Universe. Rather, Felici provides a modern art design that helps to make the information provided feel like a history lesson with plenty of depth.

Void Rivals #17 Preview
Interior preview of artwork for Void Rivals #17 by artist Lorenzo De Felici, colorist Patricio Delpeche, letterer Rus Wooton. Credit: Skybound & Image Comics

Hitting this kind of depth allows you as the reader to feel immersed in what is being learned. There is never a wasted moment as the history of the Energon Universe all comes back to what we’ve already seen play out in the present. This creates a much more eye opening experience to what is discovered, specifically what is learned about the Sacred Ring, Zertonians, and Agorrians.

What is learned further establish why Darak and Solila are so important to what is currently going on. The relationship they have established over the course of Void Rivals feeds into what is discovered in this issue. And because of how impactful the discoveries are Darak and Solila come out of Void Rivals #17 being even more important to the future of the Energon Universe.

With the links now made by the Energon Universe we get a clear picture of the event that will bring together the Void Rivals, Transformers, and G.I. JOE titles. Though that picture is clear this issue does a good job at reminding readers of all the wild card elements at play in the universe. These wild cards can easily take the clear picture and make it a messy one, which will only drive up the greater interest in this series.


Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici are at the top of their game with Void Rivals #17. The discoveries made in this issue set the stage for the next big things that will be going on in this series and sibling titles. The way that is done creates even greater excitement for the future of the Energon Universe.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

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