Comic Book Reviews 1-15-25 Banner

Weekly Comic Book Reviews For 1/15/25

Welcome back to another edition of comic book reviews round-up for 2025! This was a packed with of releases. With this in mind, this week we are looking at Amazing Spider-Man #65.Death, Batman & Robin: Year One #4, Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum, Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2, Nightwing #122, Storm #4, and Ultimate Wolverine #1. Find out how these turned out with our comic book reviews round-up for January 15th.

Comic Book Reviews: Amazing Spider-Man #65.DeathAMAZING SPIDER-MAN #65.DEATH


Writer: Derek Landy

Artist: Kev Walker

Inkers: Kev Walker and Wade Von Grawbadger

Colorist: Mattia Iacono

Letterer: Joe Caramagna

Amazing Spider-Man #65 has all of the best intentions to build out Phil Coulson’s character and his relationship to death. Ultimately this side story never escape coming across as completely unnecessary. It is made worse when this issue dedicated to a side story within “The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man” would’ve much better been used for a different supporting character. Especially with what Peter Parker is going through getting Black Cat, Shay, Aunt May, Robbie, or another supporting cast members perspective would’ve been a much better use of this comic book.

Overall Rating: 3 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Batman & Robin: Year One #4BATMAN & ROBIN: YEAR ONE #4


Writer: Mark Waid

Artist: Chris Samnee

Colorist: Matheus Lopes

Letterers: Clayton Cowles and Chris Samnee

Mark Waid and Chris Samnee have a clear understanding that the Batman & Robin: Year One story has been told many times before. That understanding has led them to focus more in on having Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson’s chemistry as a new father-son and superhero duo. What that leads to in this fourth issue is a lot of fun character moments. It is a fun that is certainly needed to balance out the darker happenings during this period in Gotham City. All that without the need of a big time villain to hold things down on the other side of the story, showing how great this series really is

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: G.I. JOE #3G.I. JOE #3


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Tom Reilly

Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

Letterer: Rus Wooton

G.I. JOE #3 nails the spy thriller vibe that has made this comic book special. The tension created throughout this issue elevates the various character arcs that are going on. It all comes together for a story you’re left looking forward to reading the next chapter as soon as possible. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1


Writer: Jeremy Adams

Artist: V. Ken Marion

Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.

Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1 does its job setting a new foundation for the franchise. There is an entire vibe that we are entering a new era for the franchise that will be positive for the characters involved. The format of this one-shot also worked as an entry point for new fans to have a place to start reading the Green Lantern series. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2LAURA KINNEY: WOLVERINE #2


Writer: Erica Schultz

Artist: Giada Belviso

Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg

Letterer: Cory Petit

As soon as Laura Kinney and Elektra Natchios are on screen together you can’t help but wonder why this team-up didn’t happen earlier. This chemistry is immediately tapped into in Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2 as the two trade blows in a way that shows they are equals. That quickly transitions to some classic superhero team-up that further showcase Laura’s approach as a solo hero. How the current “No More Heroes” sentiment is rising in the Marvel Universe provides a great challenge for Laura to deal with. Which is something that is given a major hook ending that could have larger ramifications beyond this series.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Nightwing #122NIGHTWING #122


Writer: Dan Watters

Artist: Dexter Soy

Colorist: Veronica Gandini

Letterer: Wes Abbott

Nightwing #122 is a necessary chapter that does at certain points hit the wall. Hitting that wall comes from the feeling we had to speedrun through Olivia Pearce’s. Ultimately Dan Watters and Dexter Soy accomplish their goal to add more depth to the story that was on a slight pause for this backstory to be told. What is revealed about Olivia helps to set up an even bigger character arc for Dick Grayson and his spot in the DC All In era.

Overall Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Storm #4STORM #4


Writer: Murewa Ayodele

Artist: Lucas Werneck

Colorist: Alex Guimaraes and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo

Letterer: Travis Lanham

Storm #4 is easily the best issue of this young series that gets over how this is already becoming one of Marvel’s best comic books. Murewa Ayodele does such a phenomenal job balancing Storm having such magnetic chemistry with Doctor Doom and the tension had as they each sit on opposite sides of their views on so many things. It is such a great way to approach a superhero vs supervillain story that you are compelled that pushes the larger narrative around Storm forward in fascinating ways. All of this is brought to life by some of Lucas Werneck best artwork to date. A stunning comic book from beginning to end.

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Reviews: Ultimate Wolverine #1ULTIMATE WOLVERINE


Writer: Christopher Condon

Artist: Alessandro Cappuccio

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

There is no messing around as the story in Ultimate Wolverine #1 is very reflective of its series lead. The Ultimate Universe version of Wolverine is even more no nonsense than his mainstream counterpart. That attitude comes with a heavy backstory that works into the greater Ultimate Universe narrative that increases overall interest in Earth-6160. What is presented creates even greater investment for the Ultimate Universe and mutants’ place in it. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

For more opinions on anime, comic book, movies, and sports you can follow Kevin on Bluesky, Instagram, Threads, and Twitter/X.