Comic Book Reviews 9-11-24

Weekly Comic Book Reviews For 9/11/24

Welcome back to another edition of our comic book reviews round-up! For this edition of the comic book reviews round-up we are taking a look at Ain’t No Grave #5, Batman and Robin #13, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2, Transformers #12, Ultimate Black Panther #8, and Wolverine #1. Find out how these turned out with our latest comic book reviews round-up for the month of September.

Comic Book Review: Ain't No Grave #5AIN’T NO GRAVE #5


Writer: Skottie Young

Artist: Jorge Corona

Colorist: Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Letterer: Nate Piekos

So much of the success of Ain’t No Grave comes down to the design. Jorge Corona does such an excellent job framing Ryder and Death to always make their respective designs pop. That made the back-and-forth dialogue they have as well when the action pops of it hits on all the emotional notes Skottie Young is targeting in the dialogue. It all leads to the final few pages to hit in a way that wraps up Ryder’s journey in the only way it could given her decisions up to this point. All of it pays off with how Corona and Young choose to frame the ending of this story. That payoff solidified this as one of the memorable comics of the year.

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Batman and Robin #13BATMAN AND ROBIN #13


Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Juan Ferreyra

Letterer: Steve Wands

Batma and Robin #13 is a tale of two halves. One side there is the story with Bane and Vengeance on Dinosaur Island. On the other is the progression in Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne’s relationship. Unfortunately, on the Dinosaur Island side of things the story is rushed that it lost a lot of steam for what could’ve been an intriguing exploration of Bane and Vengeance characters. Their story felt forced to end because this was Joshua Williamson’s final issue. Though that is balanced out by how Williamson and Juan Ferreyra test Bruce and Damian’s relationship to strengthen their bond as a family and Dynamic Duo. It doesn’t make up for the rushed Dinosaur Island wrap-up but it is enough to make this a solid conclusion to Williamson’s run on Batman & Robin.

Overall Rating: 6 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #15GREEN LANTERN #15


Writers: Jeremy Adams and Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Artists: Fernando Pasarin and Montos

Inker: Oclair Albert

Colorists: Romulo Fardo Jr. and Adriano Lucas

Letterer: Dave Sharpe

The main story of Green Lantern #15 is a strong tie-in to Absolute Power. From the uncle and nephew dynamic between Hal Jordan and Wally West to major developments for Carol Ferris as she makes her Star Sapphire return, there was a lot to enjoy in this story. It all drove up greater interest for what could happen next in this series post-Absolute Power. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10



Writer: Jason Aaron

Artist: Rafael Albuquerque

Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo

Letterer: Shawn Lee

Whereas Raphael had it rough being in prison Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 shows a completely different path for Michelangelo. Mikey is enjoying public life by becoming a celebrity actor in Japan. Mikey taking his talents to become a star is a fitting path as he seems at home there. Though like Raphael, we see how not his family around impacts him. The solitary home life impacts him mentally. That is where Jason Aaron and Rafael Albuquerque are at their best in exploring Mikey at this stage in his life. It leads to making the ninjas that attack Mikey in his apartment hit harder. The way that attack taps into Mikey’s personal loneliness raises more questions for what the exact direction is. These questions create more investment in this TMNT creative run.

Overall Rating: 8.5 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Transformers #12TRANSFORMERS #12


Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson

Artist: Jorge Corona

Colorist: Mike Spicer

Letterer: Rus Wooton

Transformer #12 exemplifies how to end a story arc in the biggest, most impactful way possible. Every decision made from the moment you open Transformers #12 until the final panel feels consequential. The brutality of this final battle, particularly Optimus Prime vs Shockwave, was felt visceral. That was all earned through what took place throughout this story arc. It lead to an ending that changes so much about the future of not just this series but the Energon Universe as a whole.

Overall Rating: 10 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Ultimate Black Panther #8ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #8


Writer: Bryan Hill

Artist: Stefano Caselli

Colorist: David Curiel

Letterer: Cory Petit

An idea that Bryan Hill and Stefano Caselli does well in exploring with Ultimate Black Panther #8 is how much experience matters. Through The Maker changing to give his council members like the Moon Knights the preparation advantage against heroes like Black Panther who are just getting started. We see that difference with how while having the tech advantage T’Challa having to experience war at such a level is something he is still taking in. That is not something he has much time to learn about as we see with how he ends up after fighting Khonshu’s army. That does leave the big development with what Storm and Killmonger discover to be an even bigger deal.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Uncanny X-Men #2UNCANNY X-MEN #2


Writer: Gail Simone

Artist: David Marquez

Colorist: Matthew Wilson

Letterer: Clayton Cowles

Uncanny X-Men #2 is strong follow-up that showed Gail Simone and David Marquez great understanding of the franchise. They progress Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, and Jubilee in a logical way in this post-Krakoa era. The new kids introduce add a lot to the mix as their personalities are all given time to shine so you get interested in what they bring to the table. Add all that with solid progress on the villain side of the plot we have an issue in Uncanny X-Men #2 that solidifies this as one of Marvel’s premiere titles. Click here to read full review.

Overall Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Comic Book Review: Wolverine #1WOLVERINE #1


Writer: Saladin Ahmed

Artist: Martin Coccolo

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

Wolverine #1 establishes that Saladin Ahmed understands how to write Wolverine. For first issue that builds confidence in knowing the writer understands the character, especially if Nightcrawler is a permanent supporting cast member. Though the story itself does need work. Silas Burr as the first villain was fine but the mystery of what Wolverine has found himself in the middle needs’ greater development. Luckily Martin Coccolo delivers making this title to look like a premiere title. That carries a lot of the story.

Overall Rating: 6.5 Night Girls out of 10

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