Wonder Woman #12 Review

Wonder Woman #12 Review – Absolute Power Tie-In

Absolute Power came at exactly the right time for Tom King’s Wonder Woman series. The event made King put a temporary end to the Sovereign saga that needed to end rather than be extended. While we know that once Absolute Power ends we’ll be getting back to the Sovereign saga we can at least hopefully enjoy King doing something different. What makes Wonder Woman’s Absolute Power story arc intriguing is the team-up with Damian Wayne’s Robin that was set up in the second issue. Let’s see how that team-up begins with Wonder Woman #12.


Writer: Tom King

Artist: Tony S. Daniel

Colorist: Leonardo Paciarotti

Letterer: Clayton Cowles


“MEET WONDER WOMAN’S NEW SIDEKICK… ROBIN?! WITH ART BY SUPERSTAR TONY S. DANIEL! Meet the new dynamic duo! Wonder Woman teams up with the unlikeliest of allies, Robin, on a top secret mission to save their fellow heroes. Will Damian and Diana’s quest to break into Waller’s Gamorra supermax prison be a successful one? Or is it all part of a more elaborate trap for Wonder Woman and her new sidekick?” – DC Comics


Given the nature of tie-ins there is only so much “progress” that can be made by them. With that in mind, utilizing your tie-in to explore dynamics between characters we don’t normally is an opportunity opened up by events like Absolute Power. That is an opportunity that Tom King and Tony Daniel do not miss out on as they go all in on exploring the team-up of Wonder Woman and Damian Wayne’s Robin.

From a top-level perspective what Wonder Woman #12 does a great job at showcasing is how the Batman and Wonder Woman families work well together. In their own ways both the Batman and Wonder Woman families are a family of warriors that have been battle harden. The reason for that may be different but there is this shared warrior spirit that appears in the chemistry between the characters. That is very much true here between Diana Prince and Damian Wayne.

Keeping things simple of this entire story of seeing whether Wonder Woman or Robin’s interrogation method was best worked within the Absolute Power story. There isn’t much progress intended from Wonder Woman #12’s tie-in. The biggest takeaway from Absolute Power is that the villains no longer fear the heroes. No matter what Wonder Woman or Robin did Captain Boomerang still felt he was the one in power because of what Amanda Waller accomplished.

Wonder Woman #12 Review
Damian Wayne opens up to Diana Prince about how he compares himself to his father in Wonder Woman #12. Credit: DC Comics

Captain Boomerang not willing to speak made the back-and-forth Wonder Woman and Robin had as their respective interrogation methods did not work was a lot of fun. King fully played into how differently both characters approach being aggressive to try to get answers. King utilized this back-and-forth so the reader doesn’t focus on the torture Captain Boomerang is being put through. Its just enough time in each method that the focus was on exemplifying how Captain Boomerang and the villains feel they hold all the cards.

This led in well for King to finally explore the mentor side of Diana’s character that he failed to do during the Sovereign saga. Even though we saw the three Wonder Girls before their dynamic with Diana wasn’t explored to its full potential. That is different with Damian in Wonder Woman #12. Diana shows great empathy for letting Damian naturally open up about who he is and the differences he has from his father. It was handled well that spotlights how when give the chance Diana can be a great mentor figure to next generation characters.

Tony Daniel’s artwork throughout Wonder Woman #12 was solid. It wasn’t the best we’ve seen from Daniel. There are various panels that do feel rushed and lack the detail from Daniel’s at his best. It doesn’t ruin the experience as Daniel mostly does a great job making things dynamic. Which is also to Daniel’s credit that he can provide this comic book with dynamic energy since it is a lot of talking heads.


Wonder Woman #12 may very well be the best comic book issue from Tom King’s creative run on this series. The story is a simple interrogation issue that focuses more on exploring Diana Prince and Damian Wayne’s dynamic rather that furthering he greater Absolute Power event. This choice works to the strength of the story King and Tony Daniel told. Diana and Damian share a unique dynamic that sees them open up in ways they don’t normally with others. Definitely a comic book to check out if you are a Wonder Woman or Robin fan.

Story Rating: 8 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 7 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 7.5 Night Girls out of 10

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