X-Men #1 Review

X-Men #1 Review – “Fire-Baptized Species”

Marvel is going with a phase rollout for the titles that will be existing within the X-Men’s “From The Ashes” direction. One of the titles for this first phase of new title rollouts is the main X-Men series with a brand new creative team. That team is made up of Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman. Jed MacKay has proven with his work on Avengers, Black Cat, Doctor Strange, and Moon Knight he is one of Marvel’s best writers. Ryan Stegman work has also been one of the best artists working for Marvel that includes Venom, Amazing Spider-Man, and Uncanny Avengers. So this is an A-list creative team Marvel has assembled to position this X-Men series as the leader of the franchise. Let’s see how it all begins with X-Men #1.


Writer: Jed MacKay

Artist: Ryan Stegman

Inker: JP Mayer

Colorist: Marte Gracia

Letterer: Clayton Cowles


“FROM THE ASHES! Krakoa is gone, ORCHIS has fallen… but the X-Men remain, always. Cyclops leads, because that is what he does. Beast builds, because that is what he does. And from their new home in Alaska, the X-Men raise a flag of defiance. Mutant business is their business. Join CYCLOPS, BEAST, MAGNETO, PSYLOCKE, KID OMEGA, TEMPER, MAGIK and JUGGERNAUT as new forces in the world move into position, battling for the destiny and philosophy of the mutant species.” – Marvel Comics


X-Men #1 is exactly the kickass start you want from a long existing franchise. Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman understood coming into this series the franchise already has a foundation laid. What they needed to do is build upon the foundation that works around the name of this new direction titled “From The Ashes.”

It is the trust that MacKay and Stegman have in the reader that is the greatest strength of X-Men #1. There is no need to have Cyclops or Magneto do the whole assembling the team just because this is a brand-new #1 issue. Instead, the focus is how Cyclops and Magneto have used the lessons from Krakoa and remaining resources they had left over.

This led in well in the reason the X-Men are based out of Alaska is to both utilize a base with preexisting resources and transform a former Sentinel base where machines of death and destruction were created to one of a hope and coexisting. There was good world building done to explain why this Sentinel base existed as it was the only means of work for such a small town in the middle of nowhere. It creates an immediate sub-plot for the X-Men to figure out how to work with civilians now that they are starting over without a home.

Beast being the guide through what the X-Men have built worked, especially with how MacKay worked in what happened to Hank. Like what “From The Ashes” represents, Beast has a fresh start because he was basically reset after his character went to the greatest extreme to his character arc. MacKay works details well to show that Beast is feeling the ramifications of his reset that shows readers of X-Force that isn’t being forgotten but his character is moving forward.

X-Men #1 - New Team
Cyclops leads the new team he has assembled on their first mission in X-Men #1. Credit: Marvel Comics

Beast also works as a contrast to Magneto’s approach when he makes his presence known. Magneto is understandably going back to strictly looking out for mutants like he did in his villain days. Though this time around he is continuing to work with Cyclops and others to ground him so he doesn’t just go back to his villain days. How Magneto’s relationship with the rest of the X-Men evolves will be interesting to see after his and Charles Xavier’s vision failed.

When it comes to the main plot of MacKay and Stegman maximize the aftermath of Fall of the House of X and Rise of the Powers of X to create a new threat. The rise of this new “Fourth School” group that is made up of unnamed former Orchis members is interesting. This new group creating a new form of a person that combines human, mutant, and A.I. does come across as a natural fallout step that would be taken. It does show that the Krakoa era has a deep impact in the Marvel Universe as there are things beyond the X-Men splitting off into different groups that is happening.

This new villain group gave an immediate mission that the new X-Men team Cyclops assembled to take on. In the process we get to see the chemistry between Cyclops, Psylocke, Kid Omega, Temper, Magik, and Juggernaut as the field team. Even if there was maybe one or two members you had questions on why they are on the team MacKay and Stegman answered that by focusing on team chemistry. Whether it’s how the banter the team members have with each other or how history between certain characters’ factors in help the action shine.

Speaking of, Stegman, along with inker JP Mayer and colorist Marte Gracia, were in their bag with the choreography throughout X-Men #1. They did a great job defining the different power sets and how they can compliment one another. The team chemistry shown especially helped get over Cyclops as a leader with how he kept the team focused no matter how crazy things got. They also do a great job at making the scale of the X-Men’s new base larger than life with how spacious it is and different things going on inside of it.

With all of this said, MacKay does bring up how mutants are splintered right now. The destruction of what was built on Krakoa has deep scars that everyone is wearing. We see that with the appearance of Wolverine in this debut issue. While he is grateful for Cyclops and the team saving him he isn’t looking to rebuild anything. That is a sentiment many mutants appear to have, understandably so. This is yet another sub-plot to keep an eye with how this X-Men team helps shape the view the world has on mutants.


Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman deliver must-read debut issue with X-Men #1. Everything you can want from a superhero team book is here. And for fans of the franchise MacKay and Stegman make sure to deliver a story that builds on what came before them, living up to the “From The Ashes” direction banner for the franchise. The entire presentation works to welcome fans both new and old. Make sure to pick up this comic book asap.

Story Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Art Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

Overall Rating: 9 Night Girls out of 10

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